Columbia decisions


I have been admitted on January, 28.

I have been admitted on January, 28.

congrats for all of you that have been admitted!! I have received a refusal :(( but still have hopes for harvard or stanford!!

Anyway there is a sentence in my refusal : "We were very impressed with your academic credentials and therefore hope that you will consider reapplying next year, after you have gained additional law-related work experience."

I wanted to ask you if this is a standard sentence sent to anyone or am I being too dreamy in believing that it was written specially for me and that next year I have a chance??
Please be honest!

great thread by the way!

i wanted to as

congrats for all of you that have been admitted!! I have received a refusal :(( but still have hopes for harvard or stanford!!

Anyway there is a sentence in my refusal : "We were very impressed with your academic credentials and therefore hope that you will consider reapplying next year, after you have gained additional law-related work experience."

I wanted to ask you if this is a standard sentence sent to anyone or am I being too dreamy in believing that it was written specially for me and that next year I have a chance??
Please be honest!

great thread by the way!

i wanted to as

What is you current law-related work experience?

Well, a friend of mine was rejected and did not get this sentence in the email. However, I think it's a bit ridiculous to say that: either they accept you, either they reject you... If you have great credentials, you'll be accepted to Harvard and they'll lose a good applicatant.

Lastly, Stanford requires also work experience (2 or 3 years). I did not even apply there.

What is you current law-related work experience?

Well, a friend of mine was rejected and did not get this sentence in the email. However, I think it's a bit ridiculous to say that: either they accept you, either they reject you... If you have great credentials, you'll be accepted to Harvard and they'll lose a good applicatant.

Lastly, Stanford requires also work experience (2 or 3 years). I did not even apply there.

What is you current law-related work experience?

Well, a friend of mine was rejected and did not get this sentence in the email. However, I think it's a bit ridiculous to say that: either they accept you, either they reject you... If you have great credentials, you'll be accepted to Harvard and they'll lose a good applicatant.

Lastly, Stanford requires also work experience (2 or 3 years). I did not even apply there.

I think that's one of the differences between various good law schools. Columbia for instance particularly ^states that they aim for applicants with at least one year work experience, while other schools rather rate the credentials etc. It's part of the game...there are schools that reward you extracurricular activities higher, while others prefer your pro bono work etc...

<blockquote>What is you current law-related work experience?

Well, a friend of mine was rejected and did not get this sentence in the email. However, I think it's a bit ridiculous to say that: either they accept you, either they reject you... If you have great credentials, you'll be accepted to Harvard and they'll lose a good applicatant.

Lastly, Stanford requires also work experience (2 or 3 years). I did not even apply there.</blockquote>

I think that's one of the differences between various good law schools. Columbia for instance particularly ^states that they aim for applicants with at least one year work experience, while other schools rather rate the credentials etc. It's part of the game...there are schools that reward you extracurricular activities higher, while others prefer your pro bono work etc...

congrats for all of you that have been admitted!! I have received a refusal :(( but still have hopes for harvard or stanford!!

Anyway there is a sentence in my refusal : "We were very impressed with your academic credentials and therefore hope that you will consider reapplying next year, after you have gained additional law-related work experience."

I wanted to ask you if this is a standard sentence sent to anyone or am I being too dreamy in believing that it was written specially for me and that next year I have a chance??
Please be honest!

great thread by the way!

i wanted to as

My understanding is that Columbia, more than the other ivys, lays a lot of emphasis on grades "or" work experience. From what i have been given to understand, you either need ground shattering grades or great work experience to get through to CLS.

Needless to say, you're a safest bet if you have both!

<blockquote>congrats for all of you that have been admitted!! I have received a refusal :(( but still have hopes for harvard or stanford!!

Anyway there is a sentence in my refusal : "We were very impressed with your academic credentials and therefore hope that you will consider reapplying next year, after you have gained additional law-related work experience."

I wanted to ask you if this is a standard sentence sent to anyone or am I being too dreamy in believing that it was written specially for me and that next year I have a chance??
Please be honest!

great thread by the way!

i wanted to as </blockquote>

My understanding is that Columbia, more than the other ivys, lays a lot of emphasis on grades "or" work experience. From what i have been given to understand, you either need ground shattering grades or great work experience to get through to CLS.

Needless to say, you're a safest bet if you have both!

congrats for all of you that have been admitted!! I have received a refusal :(( but still have hopes for harvard or stanford!!

Anyway there is a sentence in my refusal : "We were very impressed with your academic credentials and therefore hope that you will consider reapplying next year, after you have gained additional law-related work experience."

I wanted to ask you if this is a standard sentence sent to anyone or am I being too dreamy in believing that it was written specially for me and that next year I have a chance??
Please be honest!

great thread by the way!

i wanted to as

My understanding is that Columbia, more than the other ivys, lays a lot of emphasis on grades "or" work experience. From what i have been given to understand, you either need ground shattering grades or great work experience to get through to CLS.

Needless to say, you're a safest bet if you have both!

Hm, the CLS graduates I know all had both...there is only one person that I know, which had almost no working experience, but he was 1 in a class of 105 and already had a phd which was rewarded with various, I think you might be quite right...

<blockquote><blockquote>congrats for all of you that have been admitted!! I have received a refusal :(( but still have hopes for harvard or stanford!!

Anyway there is a sentence in my refusal : "We were very impressed with your academic credentials and therefore hope that you will consider reapplying next year, after you have gained additional law-related work experience."

I wanted to ask you if this is a standard sentence sent to anyone or am I being too dreamy in believing that it was written specially for me and that next year I have a chance??
Please be honest!

great thread by the way!

i wanted to as </blockquote>

My understanding is that Columbia, more than the other ivys, lays a lot of emphasis on grades "or" work experience. From what i have been given to understand, you either need ground shattering grades or great work experience to get through to CLS.

Needless to say, you're a safest bet if you have both!</blockquote>

Hm, the CLS graduates I know all had both...there is only one person that I know, which had almost no working experience, but he was 1 in a class of 105 and already had a phd which was rewarded with various, I think you might be quite right...

thanks for your answers!! I actually have no real working experience! I'min my last year of law studies (5th) in France. Only had internships for 5 months and half!!

Guess this was crazy to apply to columbia or stanford! so you believe that have no chance in stanford either???? arghh

but i have heard of one person who was exactly in my case and who got in!! i m not sure if this a true strory or some kind of "i've herad of"!!

does anyone know whether someone got in withour real experience!!

And i have read in the website of stanford "
All promising candidates will be interviewed briefly by telephone prior to admission." Did anyone get a phonecal???


thanks for your answers!! I actually have no real working experience! I'min my last year of law studies (5th) in France. Only had internships for 5 months and half!!

Guess this was crazy to apply to columbia or stanford! so you believe that have no chance in stanford either???? arghh

but i have heard of one person who was exactly in my case and who got in!! i m not sure if this a true strory or some kind of "i've herad of"!!

does anyone know whether someone got in withour real experience!!

And i have read in the website of stanford "
All promising candidates will be interviewed briefly by telephone prior to admission." Did anyone get a phonecal???


thanks for your answers!! I actually have no real working experience! I'min my last year of law studies (5th) in France. Only had internships for 5 months and half!!

Guess this was crazy to apply to columbia or stanford! so you believe that have no chance in stanford either???? arghh

but i have heard of one person who was exactly in my case and who got in!! i m not sure if this a true strory or some kind of "i've herad of"!!

does anyone know whether someone got in withour real experience!!

And i have read in the website of stanford "
All promising candidates will be interviewed briefly by telephone prior to admission." Did anyone get a phonecal???


I'd not say that you have no chances, but the might be rather slow since these schools prefer candidates with work experience. And if they have top applicants with experience, they will decide in favor of them...I think

<blockquote>thanks for your answers!! I actually have no real working experience! I'min my last year of law studies (5th) in France. Only had internships for 5 months and half!!

Guess this was crazy to apply to columbia or stanford! so you believe that have no chance in stanford either???? arghh

but i have heard of one person who was exactly in my case and who got in!! i m not sure if this a true strory or some kind of "i've herad of"!!

does anyone know whether someone got in withour real experience!!

And i have read in the website of stanford "
All promising candidates will be interviewed briefly by telephone prior to admission." Did anyone get a phonecal???


I'd not say that you have no chances, but the might be rather slow since these schools prefer candidates with work experience. And if they have top applicants with experience, they will decide in favor of them...I think

thanks for your answers!! I actually have no real working experience! I'min my last year of law studies (5th) in France. Only had internships for 5 months and half!!

Guess this was crazy to apply to columbia or stanford! so you believe that have no chance in stanford either???? arghh

but i have heard of one person who was exactly in my case and who got in!! i m not sure if this a true strory or some kind of "i've herad of"!!

does anyone know whether someone got in withour real experience!!

And i have read in the website of stanford "
All promising candidates will be interviewed briefly by telephone prior to admission." Did anyone get a phonecal???


Je t'ai envoyé un PM!

<blockquote>thanks for your answers!! I actually have no real working experience! I'min my last year of law studies (5th) in France. Only had internships for 5 months and half!!

Guess this was crazy to apply to columbia or stanford! so you believe that have no chance in stanford either???? arghh

but i have heard of one person who was exactly in my case and who got in!! i m not sure if this a true strory or some kind of "i've herad of"!!

does anyone know whether someone got in withour real experience!!

And i have read in the website of stanford "
All promising candidates will be interviewed briefly by telephone prior to admission." Did anyone get a phonecal???


Je t'ai envoyé un PM!

Hi guys... L&E here... CLS Applicant this season with you guys...

was following this conversation. Thought I should add my 2cents.

I am not too sure, one can say earth shattering grades or great work experience etc. makes an Applicant a great bet.

Thats the standard proxy, no doubt. However, I know people without work exp. and above average grades get admitted for the past two years.

LR exp., publications and not to mention, the Personal Statement-- the only signal that shows the real applicant, All seem to count at CLS. Multi-faceted is the key word here.

Our friend Dabk posted some direct insights from the CLS admission office on this platform. The Admissions Office replies seem to second this "Multi-faceted" viewpoint rather than grades or Work Ex. viewpoint.

With respect to grades, with all their experience, grades can be a very noisy signal of the Applicant's ability. With respect to work experience, the signal can be relatively more accurate; with the caveat that I have seen absolutely dense associates get in top tier firms in my country (India). And we have a applicant with 6 years work ex. being rejected at the CLS early review cycle. (I think he posted on this or the other platform)

As MAB points out, CLS has indeed admitted Applicants with great grades. However, that says nothing about the general composition of the class- which may very well include the type of Applicants I mention. (Indeed, if the exam system were perfect in a jurisdiction (In mine, its a really bad signal), the guys who have great grades are also more likely to grace LR committtes and write for peer-reviewed journals.

Hi guys... L&E here... CLS Applicant this season with you guys...

was following this conversation. Thought I should add my 2cents.

I am not too sure, one can say earth shattering grades or great work experience etc. makes an Applicant a great bet.

Thats the standard proxy, no doubt. However, I know people without work exp. and above average grades get admitted for the past two years.

LR exp., publications and not to mention, the Personal Statement-- the only signal that shows the real applicant, All seem to count at CLS. Multi-faceted is the key word here.

Our friend Dabk posted some direct insights from the CLS admission office on this platform. The Admissions Office replies seem to second this "Multi-faceted" viewpoint rather than grades or Work Ex. viewpoint.

With respect to grades, with all their experience, grades can be a very noisy signal of the Applicant's ability. With respect to work experience, the signal can be relatively more accurate; with the caveat that I have seen absolutely dense associates get in top tier firms in my country (India). And we have a applicant with 6 years work ex. being rejected at the CLS early review cycle. (I think he posted on this or the other platform)

As MAB points out, CLS has indeed admitted Applicants with great grades. However, that says nothing about the general composition of the class- which may very well include the type of Applicants I mention. (Indeed, if the exam system were perfect in a jurisdiction (In mine, its a really bad signal), the guys who have great grades are also more likely to grace LR committtes and write for peer-reviewed journals.


Hi! Today, I have received the e-mail informing my admission to the Columbia LLM program! To those who didn't get the information by now, hope you'll get good news too! Good luck!

Hi! Today, I have received the e-mail informing my admission to the Columbia LLM program! To those who didn't get the information by now, hope you'll get good news too! Good luck!

Hi! Today, I have received the e-mail informing my admission to the Columbia LLM program! To those who didn't get the information by now, hope you'll get good news too! Good luck!

Congrats! Will u be accepting? Did u apply for financial aid? I was accepted as well but with no financial aid.

<blockquote>Hi! Today, I have received the e-mail informing my admission to the Columbia LLM program! To those who didn't get the information by now, hope you'll get good news too! Good luck!</blockquote>

Congrats! Will u be accepting? Did u apply for financial aid? I was accepted as well but with no financial aid.

nice, congrats!! The refreshing button on my keyboard will suffer today!

nice, congrats!! The refreshing button on my keyboard will suffer today!

Congrats...same here...getting excited again$;-)

Congrats...same here...getting excited again$;-)

@ amh.. hey Congrats....

dd you receive it just now...?

Can you share which country you sre from...?

Congrats again...:)

@ amh.. hey Congrats....

dd you receive it just now...?

Can you share which country you sre from...?

Congrats again...:)

Thanks! :-) No, I received it last evening, 21.47 MEZ, but read it today in the morning. I'm from Switzerland.

Thanks! :-) No, I received it last evening, 21.47 MEZ, but read it today in the morning. I'm from Switzerland.

@amh Cong! are U considered as an early-review applicant or one in regular cycle? I got deferred. Thank U!

@amh Cong! are U considered as an early-review applicant or one in regular cycle? I got deferred. Thank U!

Thanks. No, it was the regular cycle. Good luck to you!

Thanks. No, it was the regular cycle. Good luck to you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Hi guys... L&E here... CLS Applicant this season with you guys...

was following this conversation. Thought I should add my 2cents.

I am not too sure, one can say earth shattering grades or great work experience etc. makes an Applicant a great bet.

I'm afraid you're very hard to understand. Keep your two cents or dirhams or whatever it is that you use.

<blockquote>Hi guys... L&E here... CLS Applicant this season with you guys...

was following this conversation. Thought I should add my 2cents.

I am not too sure, one can say earth shattering grades or great work experience etc. makes an Applicant a great bet.


I'm afraid you're very hard to understand. Keep your two cents or dirhams or whatever it is that you use.

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