

International arbitration, international investment law... Hesitating between Michigan, NYU and Columbia. Any advice?

International arbitration, international investment law... Hesitating between Michigan, NYU and Columbia. Any advice?

Gotten admission to columbia. Any clues on obtaining financial aid? Applied to HLS but was informed that i didnt get in by phone. If u havent heard from themu might as well call.

Gotten admission to columbia. Any clues on obtaining financial aid? Applied to HLS but was informed that i didnt get in by phone. If u havent heard from themu might as well call.
Inactive User

ecc, I think they mention whether they are able to offer you fin aid or not in the admission e-mail. At least, they said they were not in mine.

ecc, I think they mention whether they are able to offer you fin aid or not in the admission e-mail. At least, they said they were not in mine.

Can't say anything about Michigan. I chose Columbia over NYU, although I was offered to claim for the Dean's merit award. I think, it is a personal decission. Some people would give anything to live in Greenwich Village, some care more about the reputation of the university. I visited Columbia years ago and since then I've been dreaming of going for the LLM there.

Can't say anything about Michigan. I chose Columbia over NYU, although I was offered to claim for the Dean's merit award. I think, it is a personal decission. Some people would give anything to live in Greenwich Village, some care more about the reputation of the university. I visited Columbia years ago and since then I've been dreaming of going for the LLM there.

Zelda, so finally, you got Columbia? Are you going to change your mind or are you still going to Oxford?

to TJ: why was you so impressed by Columbia during your visit? Where are you from, is Colmbia well-known in your country?

Zelda, so finally, you got Columbia? Are you going to change your mind or are you still going to Oxford?

to TJ: why was you so impressed by Columbia during your visit? Where are you from, is Colmbia well-known in your country?

Got their acceptance e-mail on March 31. The letter arrived yesterday (April 12), it was sent by bulk overseas mail. Was a bit surprised, because my deadline for the deposit was April 15.

Paid the deposit late yesterday evening, so you can count on my presence in NY next year! Hope to see y'all there!

Got their acceptance e-mail on March 31. The letter arrived yesterday (April 12), it was sent by bulk overseas mail. Was a bit surprised, because my deadline for the deposit was April 15.

Paid the deposit late yesterday evening, so you can count on my presence in NY next year! Hope to see y'all there!

Maria_Gri, the Columbia Campus is beautiful and the Law School seemed to be very well organized. I think Columbia has got quite a good reputation. In Switzerland (where I live) it is considered to be one of the top universities. But you should decide upon your own criteria and the reputation is just one of them.

Maria_Gri, the Columbia Campus is beautiful and the Law School seemed to be very well organized. I think Columbia has got quite a good reputation. In Switzerland (where I live) it is considered to be one of the top universities. But you should decide upon your own criteria and the reputation is just one of them.

has one of you been able to log into the admitted students' website ?

has one of you been able to log into the admitted students' website ?

Hi everyone.. I got my admission e-mail from Columbia on April 8, which did not specify a deposit deadline.. on the other hand, when I checked my online application status site (which was never updated until now), I saw a note written in bold characters stating my deposit deadline as April 29! what is more surprising is that the rest of the page still remains un-updated (i.e. it does not even say that I am admitted).. I am confused now and I think the best and most secure is to send an e-mail and ask for details for deposit deadline and how to do it..

I was offered admission from Chicago, Northwestern and Georgetown, still waiting from NYU.. but I think I already decided on Columbia.. Congratulations to all who are admitted to their desired LL.M. programs

Hi everyone.. I got my admission e-mail from Columbia on April 8, which did not specify a deposit deadline.. on the other hand, when I checked my online application status site (which was never updated until now), I saw a note written in bold characters stating my deposit deadline as April 29! what is more surprising is that the rest of the page still remains un-updated (i.e. it does not even say that I am admitted).. I am confused now and I think the best and most secure is to send an e-mail and ask for details for deposit deadline and how to do it..

I was offered admission from Chicago, Northwestern and Georgetown, still waiting from NYU.. but I think I already decided on Columbia.. Congratulations to all who are admitted to their desired LL.M. programs

If any of you has received a negative answer from Columbia, please let me know by which mean have you receive such answer.

I have not received yet any news and I am starting to get mad. Anyway, is any of you thinking about doing the LLM in corporations in NYU? If I am not accepted in Columbia, almost 100% I will go to NYU.

Mara-Gri: Where do you come from? are you Spanish?

If any of you has received a negative answer from Columbia, please let me know by which mean have you receive such answer.

I have not received yet any news and I am starting to get mad. Anyway, is any of you thinking about doing the LLM in corporations in NYU? If I am not accepted in Columbia, almost 100% I will go to NYU.

Mara-Gri: Where do you come from? are you Spanish?

Gabyflies - no, not at all, I'm Ukrainian, studying in France :))

And you?

Gabyflies - no, not at all, I'm Ukrainian, studying in France :))

And you?

Maria-Gri: I am Spanish working in a law firm in Dublin (Ireland). so, finally have you accepted Columbia?

Maria-Gri: I am Spanish working in a law firm in Dublin (Ireland). so, finally have you accepted Columbia?

I'm waiting for a fellowship decision from Michigan and if I get it I guess I'll accept Michigan. If not - it will very probably be Columbia.'s not easy, to make the choice .. (I also have NYU, so there is also an eternal question NYU - Columbia)

I'm waiting for a fellowship decision from Michigan and if I get it I guess I'll accept Michigan. If not - it will very probably be Columbia.'s not easy, to make the choice .. (I also have NYU, so there is also an eternal question NYU - Columbia)
Inactive User


Zelda, so finally, you got Columbia? Are you going to change your mind or are you still going to Oxford?

I would be glad to go to Columbia if I could, but I cannot afford it. And in Oxford I have the scholarship.

Rejecting Oxford and deferring Columbia for a year to find funding seems to risky... What would you do?

<blockquote>Zelda, so finally, you got Columbia? Are you going to change your mind or are you still going to Oxford?


I would be glad to go to Columbia if I could, but I cannot afford it. And in Oxford I have the scholarship.

Rejecting Oxford and deferring Columbia for a year to find funding seems to risky... What would you do?

Oh, so you have got for sure a scholarship for Oxford? My congratulations!
If I were you, I would certainly accept the offer from Oxford. I don't think its prestige is lesser in Russia than the Columbia's reputation (and maybe the opposite, the name of Oxford is more largely known than Columbia). And as finding 55 000 dollars is not an easy task... Go for Oxford :))

Oh, so you have got for sure a scholarship for Oxford? My congratulations!
If I were you, I would certainly accept the offer from Oxford. I don't think its prestige is lesser in Russia than the Columbia's reputation (and maybe the opposite, the name of Oxford is more largely known than Columbia). And as finding 55 000 dollars is not an easy task... Go for Oxford :))

I Finally reached a decision. Those of you who i drove up the wall while trying to decide...thank you for putting up with me! I'll be going to Columbia and will be making my deposit in a few days. Good Luck to those who are still deciding or havent heard from their respective schools.

I Finally reached a decision. Those of you who i drove up the wall while trying to decide...thank you for putting up with me! I'll be going to Columbia and will be making my deposit in a few days. Good Luck to those who are still deciding or havent heard from their respective schools.

hi again, i was wondering, whats the maximum amount that columbia has given so far as a waiver of their tuition fee?

hi again, i was wondering, whats the maximum amount that columbia has given so far as a waiver of their tuition fee?

Can anyone let me know how much is the deposit ($500?) for Columbia's LLM? Thanks in advance..

Can anyone let me know how much is the deposit ($500?) for Columbia's LLM? Thanks in advance..

Yes, it's 500 $

Yes, it's 500 $

Bruselas, yesterday you wrote you were not able to log in to the admitted students wep page. Just wanted to tell you, that I tried to log in with the password given in the admission packet (which fortunately arrived yesterday) and that it functioned. Let me know, if there is any way I can help.

Bruselas, yesterday you wrote you were not able to log in to the admitted students wep page. Just wanted to tell you, that I tried to log in with the password given in the admission packet (which fortunately arrived yesterday) and that it functioned. Let me know, if there is any way I can help.

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