

Anybody going to University of Chicago?

Anybody going to University of Chicago?

Yep! Finally decided for Chicago!

Yep! Finally decided for Chicago!

Admitted, but received admission at Columbia yesterday, so it will be Columbia.

Have a nice year at Chicago!

Admitted, but received admission at Columbia yesterday, so it will be Columbia.

Have a nice year at Chicago!

Where are you from Applicant?

Where are you from Applicant?

I have made my mind. going there for sure!
who else is coming?

I have made my mind. going there for sure!
who else is coming?

I have officially turned them down for lack of funding. I hear it's a great university, a leader in many fields. I am sure you will have a great time there.
Good luck!

I have officially turned them down for lack of funding. I hear it's a great university, a leader in many fields. I am sure you will have a great time there.
Good luck!

Hi Eva,
I am also probably going to Chicago (99%). I can introduce myself a little bit. I am from Turkey, living in Istanbul, 23 (will turn 24 in July) years old, I've been working in an international law firm in Istanbul for two years. I think it would be nice to know each other here before we meet in Chicago, so why don't you tell about yourself a little bit? By the way, have you decided about housing, are you planning to stay in Regents Park or NewsGrad (I've heard that most current LL.M students are living at Regents Park and others are living at NewsGrad...) I may consider sharing an apartment in Regents Park with a classmate, so let me know if you are also considering that option. By the way, nice to see someone in this forum who is definitely going to Chicago, where are the others?? :)

Hi Eva,
I am also probably going to Chicago (99%). I can introduce myself a little bit. I am from Turkey, living in Istanbul, 23 (will turn 24 in July) years old, I've been working in an international law firm in Istanbul for two years. I think it would be nice to know each other here before we meet in Chicago, so why don't you tell about yourself a little bit? By the way, have you decided about housing, are you planning to stay in Regents Park or NewsGrad (I've heard that most current LL.M students are living at Regents Park and others are living at NewsGrad...) I may consider sharing an apartment in Regents Park with a classmate, so let me know if you are also considering that option. By the way, nice to see someone in this forum who is definitely going to Chicago, where are the others?? :)

hye nazli
i am doing practice of law in the name of MAILSI LAW ASSOCIATES, living at faisalabad pakistan, would you like to share your views with me, about turkish law and constitution, living style, and culture, i will meet at chicago

hye nazli
i am doing practice of law in the name of MAILSI LAW ASSOCIATES, living at faisalabad pakistan, would you like to share your views with me, about turkish law and constitution, living style, and culture, i will meet at chicago

I can tell you that Turkish law and lifestyle is similar to European law (civil law) and lifestyle in many aspects. If you have specific questions, I can give you more detailed information either here or in Chicago :)
See you,

I can tell you that Turkish law and lifestyle is similar to European law (civil law) and lifestyle in many aspects. If you have specific questions, I can give you more detailed information either here or in Chicago :)
See you,

Hi! I am still deciding between Chicago and NYU...I work for a law firm in Colombia and am pretty undecided right now...any help from anyone?

Hi! I am still deciding between Chicago and NYU...I work for a law firm in Colombia and am pretty undecided right now...any help from anyone?

Hi mrobledo,

When I asked the same question to Bitsou, I got the following answer which I believe is very good:

"Hmm hard choice between both...they are at the same level, but have different profiles. Which fields are you interested in ? Did you have a look at the Professors there ? NYU has a much bigger LLM Class (about 200) compared with Chicago (about 50). This would probably lead me to prefer Chicago (I'm in favour of the adage: small is beautiful), but I guess it depends on the courses you would like to attend. Have a look and think about the atmosphere you're expecting maybe."

Well, you see it depends on your field of interest, for instance if you are interested in international law, you should probably choose NYU. But, if you are interested in corporate law, economic analysis of law, antitrust etc., Chicago is far better since it has excellent professors and the classes are very small (max. 20-25 people). I am still waiting to hear from NYU, but I think already made up my mind for Chicago. When is your deadline to give an answer to Chicago? My deadline is April 15, so I don't have much time.

Good luck!

Hi mrobledo,

When I asked the same question to Bitsou, I got the following answer which I believe is very good:

"Hmm hard choice between both...they are at the same level, but have different profiles. Which fields are you interested in ? Did you have a look at the Professors there ? NYU has a much bigger LLM Class (about 200) compared with Chicago (about 50). This would probably lead me to prefer Chicago (I'm in favour of the adage: small is beautiful), but I guess it depends on the courses you would like to attend. Have a look and think about the atmosphere you're expecting maybe."

Well, you see it depends on your field of interest, for instance if you are interested in international law, you should probably choose NYU. But, if you are interested in corporate law, economic analysis of law, antitrust etc., Chicago is far better since it has excellent professors and the classes are very small (max. 20-25 people). I am still waiting to hear from NYU, but I think already made up my mind for Chicago. When is your deadline to give an answer to Chicago? My deadline is April 15, so I don't have much time.

Good luck!

Hi Nazli!

Thank you for your advice. It helps.
My deadline for answering to Chicago is also April 15, but I asked Dean Badger for an extension becuase I am still waiting to hear from the univirsities to which my fiancée applied (he wants to do an MBA).
Although I haven´´t heard from Dean BAdger, hopefully I will get an extension at least to next week.
As for the dilemma NYU / Chicago, I got accepted for the Trade Regulation program at NYU, which is a very good program, but Chicago also has a very good economic I still have that issue...
On another note, do you think it was bad that I asked for an extension to Dean Badger? It was established as a possibility in the "Response System for Offers of Admission"....I just hope it doesn´t affect me...should it?

Hi Nazli!

Thank you for your advice. It helps.
My deadline for answering to Chicago is also April 15, but I asked Dean Badger for an extension becuase I am still waiting to hear from the univirsities to which my fiancée applied (he wants to do an MBA).
Although I haven´´t heard from Dean BAdger, hopefully I will get an extension at least to next week.
As for the dilemma NYU / Chicago, I got accepted for the Trade Regulation program at NYU, which is a very good program, but Chicago also has a very good economic I still have that issue...
On another note, do you think it was bad that I asked for an extension to Dean Badger? It was established as a possibility in the "Response System for Offers of Admission"....I just hope it doesn´t affect me...should it?

I think it is your right to ask for such extension by stating your reason, so I don't think it will affect your admission in the future. This option was clearly stated in the Response System sheet. Well, if you choose to go to Chicago, see you there! I'm sending my answer today...

I think it is your right to ask for such extension by stating your reason, so I don't think it will affect your admission in the future. This option was clearly stated in the Response System sheet. Well, if you choose to go to Chicago, see you there! I'm sending my answer today...


Don't worry and go ahead writing an email to Dean Badger. I have already done so given that I am in a similar situation than yours. My husband is on the waiting list at Chicago GSB and that is what I told Dean Badger. His response was to contact him on or just before the 15 (today) and let him know how everything was sorting out. He insisted on the "being honest" system and how he would be pleased to give extensions as long as it was necessary,


Don't worry and go ahead writing an email to Dean Badger. I have already done so given that I am in a similar situation than yours. My husband is on the waiting list at Chicago GSB and that is what I told Dean Badger. His response was to contact him on or just before the 15 (today) and let him know how everything was sorting out. He insisted on the "being honest" system and how he would be pleased to give extensions as long as it was necessary,

Hi, has anyone decided where to stay?

Hi, has anyone decided where to stay?



Hi! I am a brazilian student and I am just graduating. I wonder how hard it would be to get into the LLM Program at Chicago (or even other Universities). Can anybody help me? Thanks, Mariana.

Hi! I am a brazilian student and I am just graduating. I wonder how hard it would be to get into the LLM Program at Chicago (or even other Universities). Can anybody help me? Thanks, Mariana.

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