Age and admission


Hi, I'm new here.

Any Europeans who have been or will be in their early thirties when applying?
I have some concerns but would love to hear what you have come across or heard since this is certainly not something answered on the website (HLS in my case).

Also, good luck to all of you who are currently playing the waiting game.

[Edited by Cure07 on Dec 15, 2019]

Hi, I'm new here.

Any Europeans who have been or will be in their early thirties when applying?
I have some concerns but would love to hear what you have come across or heard since this is certainly not something answered on the website (HLS in my case).

Also, good luck to all of you who are currently playing the waiting game.

Hi, welcome!

At Duke Law:
- There was many LL.M. students above 30, and a few around 40. The oldest students during my LL.M. were from Japan, Kazakhstan, South Africa and Turkey; but I am pretty sure that they could be from any country except maybe China because during my year there was only young students with strong profiles.
- FYI, the JD class of 2022's average age is 24 (ages range from 21 to 35;

I think that most of the T14 law schools have similar class profile and if you are below 40 your age should not be an issue.

[Edited by # on Dec 16, 2019]

Hi, welcome!

At [b]Duke Law[/b]:
- There was many LL.M. students above 30, and a few around 40. The oldest students during my LL.M. were from Japan, Kazakhstan, South Africa and Turkey; but I am pretty sure that they could be from any country except maybe China because during my year there was only young students with strong profiles.
- FYI, the JD class of 2022's average age is 24 (ages range from 21 to 35;

I think that most of the T14 law schools have similar class profile and if you are below 40 your age should not be an issue.

Thank you for your helpful answer!

Thank you for your helpful answer!

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