Since LLM students are allowed to take the same courses as JD students. You'd probably want to pay more emphasis on those courses such as Int'l trade, Cyberspace Law, Taxation, Real Estate, etc..whatever it is that you enjoy and you foresee will be marketable. Most Law schools also offer specialized certificates.

The best advice as per job prospect is to try to network as much as possible. Everyone has basically agreed that the market is tight for LLM graduates ESPECIALLY without the Bar.

In Law school, be close to your advisor (or any other Prof. you hit off with) and try as much as possible to mix with JD students. For some reason LLMs tend to stick more with each other and when it comes to job fairs we're always the last to know!

*Has anyone wondered why LLM students are provided offices/cubicles away from the JD folks?

Anyway don't be a stranger to the career folks, and 'if' they attempt to exclude you from certain programs( i.e. offered to JD students, ( because you're home-country bound), don't give in. It's ur right not to be excluded!!!

*Conspiracy wink*