Which is better for IP law: QMUL VS Glasgow?


I have got conditional offers from both. Which one do you recommend?

I have got conditional offers from both. Which one do you recommend?

The IP programme at the University of Glasgow offers the opportunity to apply for a summer internship at firms that specialise in intellectual property matters. You would also benefit from access to and engagement with the Law Schools £8M Research Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy: CREATe. CREATe is a pioneering academic initiative led by the Law School at the University of Glasgow designed to help the UK cultural and creative industries thrive and become innovation leaders within the global digital economy. For more details about CREATe, its research programme, events and forthcoming research opportunities, see: www.create.ac.uk.

You can read what graduates and current students have to say here - www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/intellectualproperty/

The IP programme at the University of Glasgow offers the opportunity to apply for a summer internship at firms that specialise in intellectual property matters. You would also benefit from access to and engagement with the Law School’s £8M Research Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy: CREATe. CREATe is a pioneering academic initiative – led by the Law School at the University of Glasgow – designed to help the UK cultural and creative industries thrive and become innovation leaders within the global digital economy. For more details about CREATe, its research programme, events and forthcoming research opportunities, see: www.create.ac.uk.

You can read what graduates and current students have to say here - www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/taught/intellectualproperty/
Inactive User


If you are not sure, just ask all the lawyers in IP you know or professors in relevant fields. They will help you making the right decision. (think also "London VS Glasgow" and opportunities there...)


If you are not sure, just ask all the lawyers in IP you know or professors in relevant fields. They will help you making the right decision. (think also "London VS Glasgow" and opportunities there...)

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