
I'm in a fix really! UCL or QMUL?
1. For international Commercial Law
2. main areas of interest: ADR's and IPR

I have been told that UCL generally has the good name worldwide, but QMUL has the best dept for International Commercial Law and that the faculty there is a bunch of brilliant people!

Please help me make a sound decision!

I'm in a fix really! UCL or QMUL?
1. For international Commercial Law
2. main areas of interest: ADR's and IPR

I have been told that UCL generally has the good name worldwide, but QMUL has the best dept for International Commercial Law and that the faculty there is a bunch of brilliant people!

Please help me make a sound decision!

Anytime UCL... Have no doubt in your mind. College name matter much more. And the faculty at UCL cant be any lesser in competence. It doesnt have a name without reason.

Anytime UCL... Have no doubt in your mind. College name matter much more. And the faculty at UCL cant be any lesser in competence. It doesnt have a name without reason.



UCL, no doubts.

UCL, no doubts.

I would actually say that QMUL is the leader in the field of IPR in the UK having spoken with practising IP lawyers. I do not know which institution is better for ADR but I do accept that UCL has a better overall reputation. I think if you are more academically interested in IP I would go to QMUL because the course is, I believe, better.

I would actually say that QMUL is the leader in the field of IPR in the UK having spoken with practising IP lawyers. I do not know which institution is better for ADR but I do accept that UCL has a better overall reputation. I think if you are more academically interested in IP I would go to QMUL because the course is, I believe, better.

I completely agree with the above.

If you're interested in ranking then go for UCL (although if you're really interested in ranking and rep, then LSE and KCL are leading the way this year).

However, for speciality QMUL is the best college for IP. If you look at UCL's courses for this year, they are only running two IP courses.

I completely agree with the above.

If you're interested in ranking then go for UCL (although if you're really interested in ranking and rep, then LSE and KCL are leading the way this year).

However, for speciality QMUL is the best college for IP. If you look at UCL's courses for this year, they are only running two IP courses.

Just to further the above posts, as far as IPR is concerned, QMUL is without doubt the leading institution out of those offered and, in respect of specialist IPR LLM's the top UK institution (this was confirmed to a friend of mine by a number of academics when asking the best place to go for his IP LLM). Nevertheless, as has already been said, UCL has a bigger name generally so, although they are both UOL colleges, its more likley a non lawyer would have heard of UCL than QMUL. Notably though, looking at the below link shows that, on a brief overview, QMUL have at least 5 Professors of Intellectual Property alone!


Just to further the above posts, as far as IPR is concerned, QMUL is without doubt the leading institution out of those offered and, in respect of specialist IPR LLM's the top UK institution (this was confirmed to a friend of mine by a number of academics when asking the best place to go for his IP LLM). Nevertheless, as has already been said, UCL has a bigger name generally so, although they are both UOL colleges, its more likley a non lawyer would have heard of UCL than QMUL. Notably though, looking at the below link shows that, on a brief overview, QMUL have at least 5 Professors of Intellectual Property alone!


Hello! I just graduated from QMUL as an undergrad (with first class honours) and have to say that at least in terms of teacher support, I would definitely reccomend it. Based on my experience, it is one of the few schools where teachers are actually concerned enough to take the time out of thier busy schedules and attend to YOU personally. From what I've heard from other schools (especially LSE and Kings- even UCL) this is not always the case at all and so this may be something worth taking into account. Hope it helps and good luck!

Hello! I just graduated from QMUL as an undergrad (with first class honours) and have to say that at least in terms of teacher support, I would definitely reccomend it. Based on my experience, it is one of the few schools where teachers are actually concerned enough to take the time out of thier busy schedules and attend to YOU personally. From what I've heard from other schools (especially LSE and Kings- even UCL) this is not always the case at all and so this may be something worth taking into account. Hope it helps and good luck!

I appreciate the difficulty of the decision, especially since QMUL really does have a fantastic Commercial Law programme. We can argue incessantly about selecting a programme based on name recognition or based on quality of education. But, ultimately, UCL has better worldwide name recognition than QMUL, and if the name recognition is important for where you will be hunting for jobs, it may be a good move. On the other hand, if you don't see UCL's name doing much for you, like if you're going back home and you've got top marks or if there's a good bet that employers will know about QMUL's expertise in Commercial Law, then perhaps having the benefit of UCL's name doesn't mean that much to your future. It's a hard decision, to be sure, but congratulations on your acceptances!

I appreciate the difficulty of the decision, especially since QMUL really does have a fantastic Commercial Law programme. We can argue incessantly about selecting a programme based on name recognition or based on quality of education. But, ultimately, UCL has better worldwide name recognition than QMUL, and if the name recognition is important for where you will be hunting for jobs, it may be a good move. On the other hand, if you don't see UCL's name doing much for you, like if you're going back home and you've got top marks or if there's a good bet that employers will know about QMUL's expertise in Commercial Law, then perhaps having the benefit of UCL's name doesn't mean that much to your future. It's a hard decision, to be sure, but congratulations on your acceptances!

Thanks a lot! But i am still in a fix! coz I know for a fact that Commercial Law Dept is super at QMUL, but i also do know that UCL ain't bad either! Brand name or Departmental brilliance?!!

Thanks a lot! But i am still in a fix! coz I know for a fact that Commercial Law Dept is super at QMUL, but i also do know that UCL ain't bad either! Brand name or Departmental brilliance?!!

It is a fix indeed ... Why dont you try visiting both universities if you are in the UK? Might give you a better feel of where you'd prefer to attend?

It is a fix indeed ... Why dont you try visiting both universities if you are in the UK? Might give you a better feel of where you'd prefer to attend?

I am from India!

I am from India!

i hope ur confusion is over by now :) let us know what ur decision is... all the best.

i hope ur confusion is over by now :) let us know what ur decision is... all the best.

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