Oxford: Clarendon Scholarship

Hi all,

Have any of you received any word about the Clarendon Scholarship yet?

The website says:

"When you apply for graduate study at the University of Oxford, your application will be considered by academics working in your proposed field of study. They will decide whether or not to offer you a place to study at the University and, if you applied by the relevant January deadline, they will also decide whether or not you will be put forward for a Clarendon scholarship.

The process varies somewhat between the different divisions of the University, but each divisions Funding Panel usually meets sometime in February or March, and it is their responsibility to confirm who the Clarendon scholars will be.

Once the Funding Panels have decided on their nominations, the list will be sent to the Clarendon Fund Administrator, who sends out scholarship offers and welcomes the new scholars to the Clarendon community. Letters are emailed within a couple of days of the nominations being received, which means the majority of offers are sent out by early April of each year."

Does this mean you are notified at the time you receive your offer of admission that you have been (initially) put forward for the scholarship?

Or do you only find out if/when you are a successful in receiving the scholarship? (i.e. in early April).

Thanks in anticipation!

Hi all,

Have any of you received any word about the Clarendon Scholarship yet?

The website says:

"When you apply for graduate study at the University of Oxford, your application will be considered by academics working in your proposed field of study. They will decide whether or not to offer you a place to study at the University and, if you applied by the relevant January deadline, they will also decide whether or not you will be put forward for a Clarendon scholarship.

The process varies somewhat between the different divisions of the University, but each division’s Funding Panel usually meets sometime in February or March, and it is their responsibility to confirm who the Clarendon scholars will be.

Once the Funding Panels have decided on their nominations, the list will be sent to the Clarendon Fund Administrator, who sends out scholarship offers and welcomes the new scholars to the Clarendon community. Letters are emailed within a couple of days of the nominations being received, which means the majority of offers are sent out by early April of each year."

Does this mean you are notified at the time you receive your offer of admission that you have been (initially) put forward for the scholarship?

Or do you only find out if/when you are a successful in receiving the scholarship? (i.e. in early April).

Thanks in anticipation!

Haven't heard anything either, but if anybody starts getting news on colleges or funding of any kind I'd also be very keen to hear about it ...

Fingers crossed!

Haven't heard anything either, but if anybody starts getting news on colleges or funding of any kind I'd also be very keen to hear about it ...

Fingers crossed!

Hi all,

Have any of you received any word about the Clarendon Scholarship yet?

The website says:

"When you apply for graduate study at the University of Oxford, your application will be considered by academics working in your proposed field of study. They will decide whether or not to offer you a place to study at the University and, if you applied by the relevant January deadline, they will also decide whether or not you will be put forward for a Clarendon scholarship.

The process varies somewhat between the different divisions of the University, but each divisions Funding Panel usually meets sometime in February or March, and it is their responsibility to confirm who the Clarendon scholars will be.

Once the Funding Panels have decided on their nominations, the list will be sent to the Clarendon Fund Administrator, who sends out scholarship offers and welcomes the new scholars to the Clarendon community. Letters are emailed within a couple of days of the nominations being received, which means the majority of offers are sent out by early April of each year."

Does this mean you are notified at the time you receive your offer of admission that you have been (initially) put forward for the scholarship?

Or do you only find out if/when you are a successful in receiving the scholarship? (i.e. in early April).

Thanks in anticipation!

Pursuant to what is mentioned in my offer letter, I expect all financial aid decisions (including scholarship grants) to be notified mid-April.

Hope this helps..

<blockquote>Hi all,

Have any of you received any word about the Clarendon Scholarship yet?

The website says:

"When you apply for graduate study at the University of Oxford, your application will be considered by academics working in your proposed field of study. They will decide whether or not to offer you a place to study at the University and, if you applied by the relevant January deadline, they will also decide whether or not you will be put forward for a Clarendon scholarship.

The process varies somewhat between the different divisions of the University, but each division’s Funding Panel usually meets sometime in February or March, and it is their responsibility to confirm who the Clarendon scholars will be.

Once the Funding Panels have decided on their nominations, the list will be sent to the Clarendon Fund Administrator, who sends out scholarship offers and welcomes the new scholars to the Clarendon community. Letters are emailed within a couple of days of the nominations being received, which means the majority of offers are sent out by early April of each year."

Does this mean you are notified at the time you receive your offer of admission that you have been (initially) put forward for the scholarship?

Or do you only find out if/when you are a successful in receiving the scholarship? (i.e. in early April).

Thanks in anticipation!</blockquote>

Pursuant to what is mentioned in my offer letter, I expect all financial aid decisions (including scholarship grants) to be notified mid-April.

Hope this helps..

Does anyone know how the chances are to get a Clarendon scholarship? I imagine it is difficult, but how difficult?

Does anyone know how the chances are to get a Clarendon scholarship? I imagine it is difficult, but how difficult?

Any news on this for the 2017 intake?

Any news on this for the 2017 intake?

Any update guys??

Any update guys??

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