Oxford BCL: No Accommodation


Despite having been nominated for AHRC funding i was turned down for my 2 college places and have been offered one at Lady Margaret Hall without any accommodation?

I thought college living and accommodation was an integral part of the Oxford system. Have any other BCL offer holders been turned down for accommodation?

Part of me is really reconsidering my wish to go to Oxford now: Am i overstating the importance of college accommodation?

Despite having been nominated for AHRC funding i was turned down for my 2 college places and have been offered one at Lady Margaret Hall without any accommodation?

I thought college living and accommodation was an integral part of the Oxford system. Have any other BCL offer holders been turned down for accommodation?

Part of me is really reconsidering my wish to go to Oxford now: Am i overstating the importance of college accommodation?

Ally, are you seriously considering not doing the BCL because you didn't get accommodation at a college?
Surely you can participate in college life anyway, even if you don't live in college-owned accommodation.
Congrats on AHRC funding by the way. I really don't understand why you're still thinking...

Ally, are you seriously considering not doing the BCL because you didn't get accommodation at a college?
Surely you can participate in college life anyway, even if you don't live in college-owned accommodation.
Congrats on AHRC funding by the way. I really don't understand why you're still thinking...

Still a bit unclear as to whether i will actually get the funding. The manner in which the AHRC quota system works is somewhat unclear and i dont know if more people are nominated than there are places available. Time will tell.

The accommodation is irritating. College camaraderie is likely to be significantly less on account of living in a private residence.

Still a bit unclear as to whether i will actually get the funding. The manner in which the AHRC quota system works is somewhat unclear and i dont know if more people are nominated than there are places available. Time will tell.

The accommodation is irritating. College camaraderie is likely to be significantly less on account of living in a private residence.

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