LLM UK - Am I too late to apply/chances?

Hello All:

I am a US JD from a top ten law school. 3.5 GPA in law school and 3.7 undergrad (also at a top tier US university). I've worked for 2 years doing corporate/M&A work in New York and Silicon Valley. Now, I'd like to pursue an LLM to get more international experience. Due to the hectic pace of my job, I am just working on applications now and intend to get references in, etc. within the next week. Applying to LSE, Kings, UCL and Edinburgh. My concern is that admissions are rolling and I might be a bit late in the game (already missed the Cambridge deadline, for example). Would appreciate any candid feedback on my chances of admission given my qualifications and the timing of my application. Thanks in advance!

Hello All:

I am a US JD from a top ten law school. 3.5 GPA in law school and 3.7 undergrad (also at a top tier US university). I've worked for 2 years doing corporate/M&A work in New York and Silicon Valley. Now, I'd like to pursue an LLM to get more international experience. Due to the hectic pace of my job, I am just working on applications now and intend to get references in, etc. within the next week. Applying to LSE, Kings, UCL and Edinburgh. My concern is that admissions are rolling and I might be a bit late in the game (already missed the Cambridge deadline, for example). Would appreciate any candid feedback on my chances of admission given my qualifications and the timing of my application. Thanks in advance!

You are probably not too late = I am graduating from UCL this year with the LLM and I vaguely recalled that I was quite late in applying. But you might wish to consider other smaller London law schools - the price you pay for reputation is poor teaching (half the professors are usually not around and the tutorials are run by PhD students, with some classes taught by Part time staff) and limited pastoral care (given the huge classes). I heard good things about City Univ and Westminster. We had someone from the latter teaching on the programme at UCL and he was very good.

You are probably not too late = I am graduating from UCL this year with the LLM and I vaguely recalled that I was quite late in applying. But you might wish to consider other smaller London law schools - the price you pay for reputation is poor teaching (half the professors are usually not around and the tutorials are run by PhD students, with some classes taught by Part time staff) and limited pastoral care (given the huge classes). I heard good things about City Univ and Westminster. We had someone from the latter teaching on the programme at UCL and he was very good.

Amanda, in 5 of your 6 posts on this board so far you say that Westminster has great lecturers and UoL/UCL is no good. I can't help but think that you work in Westminster's PR department....

Amanda, in 5 of your 6 posts on this board so far you say that Westminster has great lecturers and UoL/UCL is no good. I can't help but think that you work in Westminster's PR department....

You are not too late to apply to LLMs. I currently work in the Department of Law, University of Essex and I know that we have not closed our admissions processes. Have a look at the web site if you are interested: http://www2.essex.ac.uk/law/postgraduates/index.html
Just so this isn't a total hard sell for Essex, I've worked in other Uk institutions and suspect the majority of them keep recruiting right through to the summer.

You are not too late to apply to LLMs. I currently work in the Department of Law, University of Essex and I know that we have not closed our admissions processes. Have a look at the web site if you are interested: http://www2.essex.ac.uk/law/postgraduates/index.html
Just so this isn't a total hard sell for Essex, I've worked in other Uk institutions and suspect the majority of them keep recruiting right through to the summer.

Amanda, in 5 of your 6 posts on this board so far you say that Westminster has great lecturers and UoL/UCL is no good. I can't help but think that you work in Westminster's PR department....

sorry - didnt mean to give the impression that Westminster is great and everywhere else rubbish. I was only saying that considering that poor experience we had at ucl and the fact this lecturer from westminster had seemed pretty good, it might be useful to stress that names and university league tables arent everything (especially for overseas students) - there are the ugly betties out there. That's all - I cannot see how this could be construed as the work of a publicity manager working for Westminster. I dont think I said it was a great institution - simply that one shd be careful not to be misled by university official rankings. Pls be reasonable. Thanks.

<blockquote>Amanda, in 5 of your 6 posts on this board so far you say that Westminster has great lecturers and UoL/UCL is no good. I can't help but think that you work in Westminster's PR department....</blockquote>

sorry - didnt mean to give the impression that Westminster is great and everywhere else rubbish. I was only saying that considering that poor experience we had at ucl and the fact this lecturer from westminster had seemed pretty good, it might be useful to stress that names and university league tables arent everything (especially for overseas students) - there are the ugly betties out there. That's all - I cannot see how this could be construed as the work of a publicity manager working for Westminster. I dont think I said it was a great institution - simply that one shd be careful not to be misled by university official rankings. Pls be reasonable. Thanks.

I think LSE is closed for applications, but do cross check. As far as i know King's and UCL are still accepting. Hurry!

I think LSE is closed for applications, but do cross check. As far as i know King's and UCL are still accepting. Hurry!

LLM UK - Am I too late to apply/chances?
Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:00 PM
You are probably not too late = I am graduating from UCL this year with the LLM and I vaguely recalled that I was quite late in applying. But you might wish to consider other smaller London law schools - the price you pay for reputation is poor teaching (half the professors are usually not around and the tutorials are run by PhD students, with some classes taught by Part time staff) and limited pastoral care (given the huge classes). I heard good things about City Univ and Westminster. We had someone from the latter teaching on the programme at UCL and he was very good.

Dear amanda,

I know its off the topic but as you studying in KUCL i guess you can help me out. I have gotten admission in KCL and I have heard from many that its nuthing but the name. and it is over hyped. I have gotten through few other universities like warwick and planning to join as it is less expensive and faculty is good. On this forum ppl just talk abt oxford cambridge lse and UoL. Can you give me your opinion with regards to the same.Thanks

LLM UK - Am I too late to apply/chances?
Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:00 PM
You are probably not too late = I am graduating from UCL this year with the LLM and I vaguely recalled that I was quite late in applying. But you might wish to consider other smaller London law schools - the price you pay for reputation is poor teaching (half the professors are usually not around and the tutorials are run by PhD students, with some classes taught by Part time staff) and limited pastoral care (given the huge classes). I heard good things about City Univ and Westminster. We had someone from the latter teaching on the programme at UCL and he was very good.

Dear amanda,

I know its off the topic but as you studying in KUCL i guess you can help me out. I have gotten admission in KCL and I have heard from many that its nuthing but the name. and it is over hyped. I have gotten through few other universities like warwick and planning to join as it is less expensive and faculty is good. On this forum ppl just talk abt oxford cambridge lse and UoL. Can you give me your opinion with regards to the same.Thanks

First off, given the timbre of this thread, I'd better follow LMwoods' example and declare my allegiance - I'm employed at The University of Edinburgh, School of Law on the distance learning team.

But with this perspective I can say that applications for the LL.M on-campus are generally open until May, though individual programmes may already be closed. Email through to law@ed.ac.uk to ask about your specific programme of interest.

First off, given the timbre of this thread, I'd better follow LMwoods' example and declare my allegiance - I'm employed at The University of Edinburgh, School of Law on the distance learning team.

But with this perspective I can say that applications for the LL.M on-campus are generally open until May, though individual programmes may already be closed. Email through to law@ed.ac.uk to ask about your specific programme of interest.

To crusader,
i think it depends on what sort of a master degree u are looking for. I must say i am no longer at ucl (graduated not long ago) but am doing a research degree (not in straight law) elsewhere. I think there were many in my class at UCL (and other London colleges) who were content in getting a UoL degree. For them, I reckon it was enough for them. I wd suggest giving the "lesser" schools a look in - it looks like some of them have some quite good programs. Also, much depends on the subject specialism you seek. I think this is a good place to find info about the law schools. I am sorry i cannot be of more help.

good luck! amanda

To crusader,
i think it depends on what sort of a master degree u are looking for. I must say i am no longer at ucl (graduated not long ago) but am doing a research degree (not in straight law) elsewhere. I think there were many in my class at UCL (and other London colleges) who were content in getting a UoL degree. For them, I reckon it was enough for them. I wd suggest giving the "lesser" schools a look in - it looks like some of them have some quite good programs. Also, much depends on the subject specialism you seek. I think this is a good place to find info about the law schools. I am sorry i cannot be of more help.

good luck! amanda

Dear amanda,

I know its off the topic but as you studying in KUCL i guess you can help me out. I have gotten admission in KCL and I have heard from many that its nuthing but the name. and it is over hyped. I have gotten through few other universities like warwick and planning to join as it is less expensive and faculty is good. On this forum ppl just talk abt oxford cambridge lse and UoL. Can you give me your opinion with regards to the same.Thanks

Although I'm not amanda, I thought I'd just say that KCL is not 'overhyped' and 'nothing but the name'. As an undergrad, I can say that the facilities here are second to none. The Chancery Lane library and redeveloped area of the Strand Campus are the best learning environments I have had the luck to enjoy. Academically the department is strong in most areas, and very strong in a few (European law, socio-legal studies, and commercial come to mind).

It may be the case that you don't get supervised as intensely as you would at a 'lesser' university, but this is more than made up for by the quality of the names that teach there. Anyway, I think at this level (post grad), after three years of undergraduate legal education, it is time that students started to learn to work more independently, whilst taking advantage of the timetabled seminars and office hours to benefit from the expertise of the academic staff.

Just my $0.02 (:

Dear amanda,

I know its off the topic but as you studying in KUCL i guess you can help me out. I have gotten admission in KCL and I have heard from many that its nuthing but the name. and it is over hyped. I have gotten through few other universities like warwick and planning to join as it is less expensive and faculty is good. On this forum ppl just talk abt oxford cambridge lse and UoL. Can you give me your opinion with regards to the same.Thanks</blockquote>

Although I'm not amanda, I thought I'd just say that KCL is not 'overhyped' and 'nothing but the name'. As an undergrad, I can say that the facilities here are second to none. The Chancery Lane library and redeveloped area of the Strand Campus are the best learning environments I have had the luck to enjoy. Academically the department is strong in most areas, and very strong in a few (European law, socio-legal studies, and commercial come to mind).

It may be the case that you don't get supervised as intensely as you would at a 'lesser' university, but this is more than made up for by the quality of the names that teach there. Anyway, I think at this level (post grad), after three years of undergraduate legal education, it is time that students started to learn to work more independently, whilst taking advantage of the timetabled seminars and office hours to benefit from the expertise of the academic staff.

Just my $0.02 (:

hmmmmm.........thanks for ur suggestions....well its all quite confusing...gues i'll read up a lil more...I still have loads of time to decide...also m from india so finances play a big role..as not many scholarships are available...thanks again...

hmmmmm.........thanks for ur suggestions....well its all quite confusing...gues i'll read up a lil more...I still have loads of time to decide...also m from india so finances play a big role..as not many scholarships are available...thanks again...

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