King's or UCL?


Hey guys, i have been offered by both, and now i am terribly confused!

My concerns are to be globally competitive and to have an academic degree that polishes my professional credentials as WELL.

I am really looking forward to my LLM, therefore i want it t be the best!

Also, which University has better accommodation?

Thankful for your reply!

Hey guys, i have been offered by both, and now i am terribly confused!

My concerns are to be globally competitive and to have an academic degree that polishes my professional credentials as WELL.

I am really looking forward to my LLM, therefore i want it t be the best!

Also, which University has better accommodation?

Thankful for your reply!

Hi aa209!
I have read some topics about the decision between some of London Universities... And none were actually unanimous.

Normally King's students tend to say their University is better, as well as the UCL, LSE and other Universities ones.

I decided to go to UCL instead of King's beacuse of its prestige in Brazil and the last ranking's (1st in law for Guardian , 4th overall for QS and 11th in law for QS ).

Altought, rankings aren't absolute, they only give a prospect/paradigm/panorama. Also, I saw here (llm-guide) King's have received a big donation last year and will improve its facilities and hire staff.

I would go to UCL (that's what I decided), but thats just my opinion.

Regarding the accomodation, I THINK UCL have more options, but I don't have any comparison knowledge about quality/price of its rooms.

I still don't know if I am staying at UCL's accomodation, I rather share an apartment with other UCL LLM students...

I hope I have helped!

Hi aa209!
I have read some topics about the decision between some of London Universities... And none were actually unanimous.

Normally King's students tend to say their University is better, as well as the UCL, LSE and other Universities ones.

I decided to go to UCL instead of King's beacuse of its prestige in Brazil and the last ranking's (1st in law for Guardian , 4th overall for QS and 11th in law for QS ).

Altought, rankings aren't absolute, they only give a prospect/paradigm/panorama. Also, I saw here (llm-guide) King's have received a big donation last year and will improve its facilities and hire staff.

I would go to UCL (that's what I decided), but thats just my opinion.

Regarding the accomodation, I THINK UCL have more options, but I don't have any comparison knowledge about quality/price of its rooms.

I still don't know if I am staying at UCL's accomodation, I rather share an apartment with other UCL LLM students...

I hope I have helped!

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Roberto.bk! Of course you have helped.

Ok, a few more questions: in my hometown, King's is KNOWN - Like, no one knows UCL. Going or getting into Kings is a big thing around here. And naturally, i don't intent to work in UK so i have to come back here. Even though my heart is stuck at King's, because they offered me unconditionally, and UCL conditioned that i should take IELTS (even though my degree was in English and all my education as well), I am just confused if I'd be wasting my money by not going to UCL? Because generally, i do want a global experience, and that too the best.

Second, my only accommodation problem is that I want a secure, ensuite accommodation, which is also reasonably priced, but independent. Anything you might know about that?

Third, what did think over when you were making the decision? I mean on what basis did you really decide that UCL was the place for you?

Thanks once again.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Roberto.bk! Of course you have helped.

Ok, a few more questions: in my hometown, King's is KNOWN - Like, no one knows UCL. Going or getting into Kings is a big thing around here. And naturally, i don't intent to work in UK so i have to come back here. Even though my heart is stuck at King's, because they offered me unconditionally, and UCL conditioned that i should take IELTS (even though my degree was in English and all my education as well), I am just confused if I'd be wasting my money by not going to UCL? Because generally, i do want a global experience, and that too the best.

Second, my only accommodation problem is that I want a secure, ensuite accommodation, which is also reasonably priced, but independent. Anything you might know about that?

Third, what did think over when you were making the decision? I mean on what basis did you really decide that UCL was the place for you?

Thanks once again.

Hello, aa209!
I should say you're not wasting any money by going to either Universities. King's College is better in some subjects, and UCL in others (don't know which ones, but the comparison is always made in forums like the student room). IF King's is much more known back there, then King's is problably a better choice for your CV in your country.

About the accommodation, these links should help you. I have analyzed and I am pretty sure the prices are pretty much the same, going from 100 to 180 per week (pw) - maybe a little more for en-suite rooms: and

To make my decision, I've put rational and emotional 'cards on the table'. The rankings (they were all for UCL), the reputation in Brazil, but also the campus, the website and even the fact that Mahatma Gandhi went to UCL for law! haha (lol)

I hope I've helped once again. When you decide, tell me your decision!

Hello, aa209!
I should say you're not wasting any money by going to either Universities. King's College is better in some subjects, and UCL in others (don't know which ones, but the comparison is always made in forums like the student room). IF King's is much more known back there, then King's is problably a better choice for your CV in your country.

About the accommodation, these links should help you. I have analyzed and I am pretty sure the prices are pretty much the same, going from 100 to 180 per week (pw) - maybe a little more for en-suite rooms: and

To make my decision, I've put rational and emotional 'cards on the table'. The rankings (they were all for UCL), the reputation in Brazil, but also the campus, the website and even the fact that Mahatma Gandhi went to UCL for law! haha (lol)

I hope I've helped once again. When you decide, tell me your decision!

Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?

Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?

Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?

1. Jones and Bailey are still at KCL.
2. Most practitioners in Brussels and DG Comp got their LLM from KCL.
3. Nobody cares about the rankings.

<blockquote>Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?</blockquote>

1. Jones and Bailey are still at KCL.
2. Most practitioners in Brussels and DG Comp got their LLM from KCL.
3. Nobody cares about the rankings.

Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?

1. Jones and Bailey are still at KCL.
2. Most practitioners in Brussels and DG Comp got their LLM from KCL.
3. Nobody cares about the rankings.

"3. Nobody cares about the rankings."

This is the type of opinion that can not be taken as a good one. The ranking of The Guardian evaluate things such as:

Satisfied with course
Satisfied with teaching
Satisfied with feedback
Student:staff ratio
Spend per student
Average entry tariff
Value-added score /10
Career after 6 mths

Therefore, if you don't care about your satisfaction and your career after 6 months (KCL is a little above UCL on that one), then you should not care about the rankings. (But I think you are not a smart person ;D)

Both Universities are great and the life experience in London will be awesome! There is no wrong here... I cannot compare between KCL and UCL teachers tough, since I don't have the knowledge.

<blockquote><blockquote>Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?</blockquote>

1. Jones and Bailey are still at KCL.
2. Most practitioners in Brussels and DG Comp got their LLM from KCL.
3. Nobody cares about the rankings.</blockquote>

"3. Nobody cares about the rankings."

This is the type of opinion that can not be taken as a good one. The ranking of The Guardian evaluate things such as:

Satisfied with course
Satisfied with teaching
Satisfied with feedback
Student:staff ratio
Spend per student
Average entry tariff
Value-added score /10
Career after 6 mths

Therefore, if you don't care about your satisfaction and your career after 6 months (KCL is a little above UCL on that one), then you should not care about the rankings. (But I think you are not a smart person ;D)

Both Universities are great and the life experience in London will be awesome! There is no wrong here... I cannot compare between KCL and UCL teachers tough, since I don't have the knowledge.

Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?

1. Jones and Bailey are still at KCL.
2. Most practitioners in Brussels and DG Comp got their LLM from KCL.
3. Nobody cares about the rankings.

"3. Nobody cares about the rankings."

This is the type of opinion that can not be taken as a good one. The ranking of The Guardian evaluate things such as:

Satisfied with course
Satisfied with teaching
Satisfied with feedback
Student:staff ratio
Spend per student
Average entry tariff
Value-added score /10
Career after 6 mths

Therefore, if you don't care about your satisfaction and your career after 6 months (KCL is a little above UCL on that one), then you should not care about the rankings. (But I think you are not a smart person ;D)

Both Universities are great and the life experience in London will be awesome! There is no wrong here... I cannot compare between KCL and UCL teachers tough, since I don't have the knowledge.

You're right. I should have specified that competition law firms in Brussels and the European Commission usually do not care about the rankings. Both universities are great, and choosing KCL over UCL or vice-versa won't harm your career in competition law. It's just that KCL is generally better known for competition law than UCL, mostly because of Richard Whish (who unfortunately retired from teaching last year), Alison Jones and David Bailey.

<blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?</blockquote>

1. Jones and Bailey are still at KCL.
2. Most practitioners in Brussels and DG Comp got their LLM from KCL.
3. Nobody cares about the rankings.</blockquote>

"3. Nobody cares about the rankings."

This is the type of opinion that can not be taken as a good one. The ranking of The Guardian evaluate things such as:

Satisfied with course
Satisfied with teaching
Satisfied with feedback
Student:staff ratio
Spend per student
Average entry tariff
Value-added score /10
Career after 6 mths

Therefore, if you don't care about your satisfaction and your career after 6 months (KCL is a little above UCL on that one), then you should not care about the rankings. (But I think you are not a smart person ;D)

Both Universities are great and the life experience in London will be awesome! There is no wrong here... I cannot compare between KCL and UCL teachers tough, since I don't have the knowledge.</blockquote>

You're right. I should have specified that competition law firms in Brussels and the European Commission usually do not care about the rankings. Both universities are great, and choosing KCL over UCL or vice-versa won't harm your career in competition law. It's just that KCL is generally better known for competition law than UCL, mostly because of Richard Whish (who unfortunately retired from teaching last year), Alison Jones and David Bailey.

Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?

Well I had wanted to, albeit not conclusively, to do my LLM in public law, but King's doesn't offer that, and UCL does have a program for that. But king's modules are more practice oriented, which is kinds of tempting me because that tis the study that can help one in the future, from a very careeristic point of view.

Competition Law is definitely going to be one of modules - so if Whish has retired, and Alison jones is still there, then king's a better choice for someone who's going specialize in that.

MOreover, my family and friends are after my life to just accept king's already lol.

<blockquote>Hi! I have the same problem, I just can't decide. I am going to study competition law and king's is well known for that but professors have changed in the years and I don't know if it is still the same, but it has a lot of great modules in my specialization anyway! On the other hand UCL has an amazing competition law program and great professors, and it is above king's in rankings but no one knows it in Italy. Any suggestions?</blockquote>

Well I had wanted to, albeit not conclusively, to do my LLM in public law, but King's doesn't offer that, and UCL does have a program for that. But king's modules are more practice oriented, which is kinds of tempting me because that tis the study that can help one in the future, from a very careeristic point of view.

Competition Law is definitely going to be one of modules - so if Whish has retired, and Alison jones is still there, then king's a better choice for someone who's going specialize in that.

MOreover, my family and friends are after my life to just accept king's already lol.

UCL has more people on the futur-uni website so I'd class it as better :)

Hey guys, i have been offered by both, and now i am terribly confused!

My concerns are to be globally competitive and to have an academic degree that polishes my professional credentials as WELL.

I am really looking forward to my LLM, therefore i want it t be the best!

Also, which University has better accommodation?

Thankful for your reply!

UCL has more people on the futur-uni website so I'd class it as better :)
<blockquote>Hey guys, i have been offered by both, and now i am terribly confused!

My concerns are to be globally competitive and to have an academic degree that polishes my professional credentials as WELL.

I am really looking forward to my LLM, therefore i want it t be the best!

Also, which University has better accommodation?

Thankful for your reply!</blockquote>

I would go for kings mainly because you get to learn the subject from 2 very good academics in the field (Bailey & Jones).

I would go for kings mainly because you get to learn the subject from 2 very good academics in the field (Bailey & Jones).

Hey guys!

My next problem is accommodation comparisons -

I just read that UCL's new accommodation at Caledonian Road is a complete disaster. And that its not even capable of being inhabited by humans. This is very disappointing.

Is the rest of UCL housing like this too? And I am talking about student rooms, not halls.

Second, King's accomo is almost the same price, but is it worse? or better? I analyzed that the KCL may be a bit inconvenient because its located away from tube stations and other bus stops.

How have you guys analyzed accommodation concerns?

I have to keep my cost below 200 a week, and I want an ensuite room.

Hey guys!

My next problem is accommodation comparisons -

I just read that UCL's new accommodation at Caledonian Road is a complete disaster. And that its not even capable of being inhabited by humans. This is very disappointing.

Is the rest of UCL housing like this too? And I am talking about student rooms, not halls.

Second, King's accomo is almost the same price, but is it worse? or better? I analyzed that the KCL may be a bit inconvenient because its located away from tube stations and other bus stops.

How have you guys analyzed accommodation concerns?

I have to keep my cost below 200 a week, and I want an ensuite room.

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