Essex, QMUL and Birmingham. Which one is the best for international reputation?


Hi mates,

I am studying LL.M in inter commercial law at Univ of Kent and I planed to further my education with another LL.M. The reason why do I have to study two LL.M because there is a regulation in my country that any one who would like to pursue his/her career in court of justice have to gain two LL.M.

What's about the question, I got offers from Essex (Inter Trade Law), QMUL (Inter Business) and Birmingham(Inter Commercial). Which one that you think is the most prestigious school and best international reputation? For Birmingham one I have concern about new UKBA rules. They will not extend visa to any student that not have progress in their academic route, as I study inter commercial law at Univ of Kent before.

Cheers mates

Hi mates,

I am studying LL.M in inter commercial law at Univ of Kent and I planed to further my education with another LL.M. The reason why do I have to study two LL.M because there is a regulation in my country that any one who would like to pursue his/her career in court of justice have to gain two LL.M.

What's about the question, I got offers from Essex (Inter Trade Law), QMUL (Inter Business) and Birmingham(Inter Commercial). Which one that you think is the most prestigious school and best international reputation? For Birmingham one I have concern about new UKBA rules. They will not extend visa to any student that not have progress in their academic route, as I study inter commercial law at Univ of Kent before.

Cheers mates



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