easiest llm program in uk for international student...


i'm looking for the most easiest llm program in uk for international student... can you help with that?



i'm looking for the most easiest llm program in uk for international student... can you help with that?

Ralph Wigg...

Easy to get in or easy to do and graduate?

Easy to get in or easy to do and graduate?

both :-|

both :-|


Ralph Wigg...

Just take any no-name lowest-tier crappy law school and find your luck...

Just take any no-name lowest-tier crappy law school and find your luck...

Hi i think you should ask this in this manner cause people might think that you dont want to make an effort or study and that is not the case right??

However i saw online that University of Chester is easy to get in and easy to get good grades but i have no idea i dont like saying bad stuff about other uni

Look at this forums where they ask the same question maybe u can find something there but really dont worry about thay and focus on the quality of education :)



Hi i think you should ask this in this manner cause people might think that you dont want to make an effort or study and that is not the case right??

However i saw online that University of Chester is easy to get in and easy to get good grades but i have no idea i dont like saying bad stuff about other uni

Look at this forums where they ask the same question maybe u can find something there but really dont worry about thay and focus on the quality of education :)





your question seems like a provocation...

Doing a poor quality LLM is a waste of time, money and effort. You will also loose one year of your professional life. Instead of seeking for the worst LLM in UK you should better spend the money on a trip...

May I ask what is your motivation?


your question seems like a provocation...

Doing a poor quality LLM is a waste of time, money and effort. You will also loose one year of your professional life. Instead of seeking for the worst LLM in UK you should better spend the money on a trip...

May I ask what is your motivation?


thanks for replies...
i have to choose one of these universities:

Brunel University
City University
Keele University
Lancaster University
Oxford Brookes University
Queen's University Belfast
School of Oriental and African Studies
Swansea University
University College London
University of Abertay Dundee
University of Dundee
University of East Anglia
University of East London
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University of Hull
University of Kent
University of Leicester
University of Stirling

a friend advised me to join University of Hull... but i don't know!?


thanks for replies...
i have to choose one of these universities:

Brunel University
City University
Keele University
Lancaster University
Oxford Brookes University
Queen's University Belfast
School of Oriental and African Studies
Swansea University
University College London
University of Abertay Dundee
University of Dundee
University of East Anglia
University of East London
University of Essex
University of Exeter
University of Hull
University of Kent
University of Leicester
University of Stirling

a friend advised me to join University of Hull... but i don't know!?

Hello everyone,
like the previous posters I was surprised by White Devil's rather unconventional question.

Still, I think that there might be various legitimate reasons for the "Easy LLM"-path (e.g. a constellation where the parents/family/whatever allow you to go abroad to pursue a Master's degree, before you have to get married/take over the family business/etc).

On the basis of this "Easy LLM"-idea I would seek a combination of
a) an university with a rather low ranking
b) a degree structure offering a path to the LLM without exams (essay-based assesment; one essay per term or something like that)
c) a city with a high quality of life.

If you apply those criteria to your list, you will surely be able to make the "right" choice...

Hello everyone,
like the previous posters I was surprised by White Devil's rather unconventional question.

Still, I think that there might be various legitimate reasons for the "Easy LLM"-path (e.g. a constellation where the parents/family/whatever allow you to go abroad to pursue a Master's degree, before you have to get married/take over the family business/etc).

On the basis of this "Easy LLM"-idea I would seek a combination of
a) an university with a rather low ranking
b) a degree structure offering a path to the LLM without exams (essay-based assesment; one essay per term or something like that)
c) a city with a high quality of life.

If you apply those criteria to your list, you will surely be able to make the "right" choice...

I think in your choice the City University of London is the most appropriate and the Best choice...!
It is in London. Not too high in the order to get into and not to low in the order to degrade your standard of education...!
At the same time quiet easy course structure and easy examination system.

So it fits almost all the criteria...!

I think in your choice the City University of London is the most appropriate and the Best choice...!
It is in London. Not too high in the order to get into and not to low in the order to degrade your standard of education...!
At the same time quiet easy course structure and easy examination system.

So it fits almost all the criteria...!

If you have some professional experience, Queen Mary is not hard to get into. Plus it has a decent reputation and you can graduate (average grades) without putting a huge amount of effort.
City is a good choice as well

If you have some professional experience, Queen Mary is not hard to get into. Plus it has a decent reputation and you can graduate (average grades) without putting a huge amount of effort.
City is a good choice as well

Yes Queen Mary is a good uni and maybe not thattt hard as the rest of the U of London Unis,,,specially if yoy have good experiencie yes

Just do your best ok,,,dont just try to go the easy way,,,,read all the requirements from the different universities and keep in consideration your grades and CV in general before applying

Yes Queen Mary is a good uni and maybe not thattt hard as the rest of the U of London Unis,,,specially if yoy have good experiencie yes

Just do your best ok,,,dont just try to go the easy way,,,,read all the requirements from the different universities and keep in consideration your grades and CV in general before applying

I hold another opinion. I don't think it is easy to get into QMUL as compared to City University.
And the exams at QMUL are much more tougher than City University. At QMUL there is a 3 hours written exams in May-June in addition to all the class work and other projects and assessment.
But that is not the case with City University.
and City University is not too low nor to high....whereas QMUL is in the top 10

I hold another opinion. I don't think it is easy to get into QMUL as compared to City University.
And the exams at QMUL are much more tougher than City University. At QMUL there is a 3 hours written exams in May-June in addition to all the class work and other projects and assessment.
But that is not the case with City University.
and City University is not too low nor to high....whereas QMUL is in the top 10


I have seen the profile of more than 90% of the QMUL LLM batch of 2008-09. And proximately spoken to 30-40% of them...Please Refer to statics when you claim that QMUL is famous for Indian students....becoz last years batch had only 8 indian students out 160-180 students...!
So I don't understand where you come up with these things....!
Well....I am stubborn because I had done my research. So the truth is not just what you feel is right....ok..!

Yes...indeed a large number of indian students are there in UK as lawyers....how is it different than anywhere on this earth or any field in the world....! Even NASA had reported once stated that around 50% of it's employees are Indians....lol...! So I dunno how is it a liability on Law Schools...!

Further, I agree that most of the students have more of less the same educational or professional background in law field...! But that was 10 years back...lol...! I dunno in which decade are you living...!
Further, most universities (including LSE and KCL) (and as discussed on this forum many times) LLM students do not have on campus recruitment...And further most of the Indian students return back to India in the last 2 years.
And I don't see any evidence where it has been mentioned that KCL has reduced the Indian intake. I know 5 National Law School students and 2 Government Law College students getting a Scholarship for the KCL LLM....! So you are under a wrong impression about alot of things!
And I will prove it to you of how easy it is for me to get into a law firm in Central London because I do not think that we are a liability on a law firm. Think twice before you speak.
One suggestion to you...please conduct your research thoroughly before you claim anything...!

I have seen the profile of more than 90% of the QMUL LLM batch of 2008-09. And proximately spoken to 30-40% of them...Please Refer to statics when you claim that QMUL is famous for Indian students....becoz last years batch had only 8 indian students out 160-180 students...!
So I don't understand where you come up with these things....!
Well....I am stubborn because I had done my research. So the truth is not just what you feel is right....ok..!

Yes...indeed a large number of indian students are there in UK as lawyers....how is it different than anywhere on this earth or any field in the world....! Even NASA had reported once stated that around 50% of it's employees are Indians....lol...! So I dunno how is it a liability on Law Schools...!

Further, I agree that most of the students have more of less the same educational or professional background in law field...! But that was 10 years back...lol...! I dunno in which decade are you living...!
Further, most universities (including LSE and KCL) (and as discussed on this forum many times) LLM students do not have on campus recruitment...And further most of the Indian students return back to India in the last 2 years.
And I don't see any evidence where it has been mentioned that KCL has reduced the Indian intake. I know 5 National Law School students and 2 Government Law College students getting a Scholarship for the KCL LLM....! So you are under a wrong impression about alot of things!
And I will prove it to you of how easy it is for me to get into a law firm in Central London because I do not think that we are a liability on a law firm. Think twice before you speak.
One suggestion to you...please conduct your research thoroughly before you claim anything...!


oh..that is a very sweet way of avoiding to admit that fact that you spoke without research..!

And do you think in the whole world wide you are the only who has been accepted at LSE or KCL....! And you are the only one who knows people in the Magic Circle firms. Well there are many others who had much more experience in this field and have rather given right guidance to upcoming students....(not putting them under the liability category).
Rather this is the first time I have seen someone say something like this...lol...I have spoken to so many in last 4 years...close friends and relatives....nobody holds this kinda opinion about the Law firms or Universities.....!

BTW...the University does not take the responsibility to place any LLM students ever...they simply have a career guidance service to provide help to LLM students. So don't dare say that it is even a liability for Universities. Because I know manchester is running around giving admission to everyone in India...Everyone of us who applied to Manchester...even the most stupidest guy in the college has got an offer from Manchester. So please don't come up with such propositions that they are reducing Indian intakes...it has been the same since atleast last 4 years I have been keeping a watch for all these University's LLM programme.

I think you are just trying to discourage Indian students to come to UK because probably you are racist.

oh..that is a very sweet way of avoiding to admit that fact that you spoke without research..!

And do you think in the whole world wide you are the only who has been accepted at LSE or KCL....! And you are the only one who knows people in the Magic Circle firms. Well there are many others who had much more experience in this field and have rather given right guidance to upcoming students....(not putting them under the liability category).
Rather this is the first time I have seen someone say something like this...lol...I have spoken to so many in last 4 years...close friends and relatives....nobody holds this kinda opinion about the Law firms or Universities.....!

BTW...the University does not take the responsibility to place any LLM students ever...they simply have a career guidance service to provide help to LLM students. So don't dare say that it is even a liability for Universities. Because I know manchester is running around giving admission to everyone in India...Everyone of us who applied to Manchester...even the most stupidest guy in the college has got an offer from Manchester. So please don't come up with such propositions that they are reducing Indian intakes...it has been the same since atleast last 4 years I have been keeping a watch for all these University's LLM programme.

I think you are just trying to discourage Indian students to come to UK because probably you are racist.

G-d, I am inly helping you...I am not discouraging you nor am I racist. What I am telling you is that it would be gvery difficult for you to get ro Margic circle firms because of employment regulations. Companies need to register to be able to recruit foreign students and it cost money. Moreover, if a company is to recruit a non EU person it needs to prove that there is no one in the EU who can do the same job. How can you prove it? Only by shgowing that a person has rare skills on knowledge. Because you have to advertise for a position in a major national newspaper and interview all people who apply. Indian students have an inherent problem there because your lega system is based on the UK law, your main business language is English and there is already a large pool of Indian lawyers in the UK to choose from who have experience and know Indian dialects. Hence, the only way for you to get into one of those firms is to graduater from one of the top 5 schools, then you are with a chance, albeit a very slim one.in this respect people from South and Latin America are in a much better position., there are just fewer of them. Top univerdities had to adapt. They cannot allow the situation when, say 90/ of their graduate students cannot get a job. This will hurt their graduate employment figures, which, in turn, make them less attractive to a new bunch of top level students. This is how the vicious circle starts..
Hence, they reduced a number of students from the countries they found difficult to place. That's all really...nothing to do with racism but a lot to do with current employment law by the way the situation is even more difficult for small and medium size firms because compliance with current employment law is very expensive for them

G-d, I am inly helping you...I am not discouraging you nor am I racist. What I am telling you is that it would be gvery difficult for you to get ro Margic circle firms because of employment regulations. Companies need to register to be able to recruit foreign students and it cost money. Moreover, if a company is to recruit a non EU person it needs to prove that there is no one in the EU who can do the same job. How can you prove it? Only by shgowing that a person has rare skills on knowledge. Because you have to advertise for a position in a major national newspaper and interview all people who apply. Indian students have an inherent problem there because your lega system is based on the UK law, your main business language is English and there is already a large pool of Indian lawyers in the UK to choose from who have experience and know Indian dialects. Hence, the only way for you to get into one of those firms is to graduater from one of the top 5 schools, then you are with a chance, albeit a very slim one.in this respect people from South and Latin America are in a much better position., there are just fewer of them. Top univerdities had to adapt. They cannot allow the situation when, say 90/ of their graduate students cannot get a job. This will hurt their graduate employment figures, which, in turn, make them less attractive to a new bunch of top level students. This is how the vicious circle starts..
Hence, they reduced a number of students from the countries they found difficult to place. That's all really...nothing to do with racism but a lot to do with current employment law by the way the situation is even more difficult for small and medium size firms because compliance with current employment law is very expensive for them

Legal India, before you again accuse me of something, there is only one way you can solve the work permit problem. You need to be able to get this visa http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/tier1/poststudy/. However, you need to make sure that you apply for a correct visa back in India because certain types of visas are not convertible into this one and you are back to work permit problems...Make sure that you question the embassy people before they stamp your documents, there is no going back...If you are sorted with this, than you are with a chance with QM qualification...It is not bad and if you have work authorisation people will take you. It is just that they will not apply for you specially if you have a QM LLM, they might do for Oxbridge graduates...

Legal India, before you again accuse me of something, there is only one way you can solve the work permit problem. You need to be able to get this visa http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/tier1/poststudy/. However, you need to make sure that you apply for a correct visa back in India because certain types of visas are not convertible into this one and you are back to work permit problems...Make sure that you question the embassy people before they stamp your documents, there is no going back...If you are sorted with this, than you are with a chance with QM qualification...It is not bad and if you have work authorisation people will take you. It is just that they will not apply for you specially if you have a QM LLM, they might do for Oxbridge graduates...

Well...I am rightly accussing you becoz I don't still understand with all that huge explanation by you.....How does it make a difference whether there are 100 Indian Students applying and 15 American Students applying for a 5 seats.....at the end of the day only the best of the 115 students will be selected for the 5 seats. May the best man win. I think it is absolutely irrelevant which country are you from.

And I dunno which Magic Circle are you talking about...but the Magic Circle that I know in real usually apply for the Visa...there have been many cases in the past and there will be many cases in the future. And please also read :http://www.llm-guide.com/board/73921 (probably you can through some light on issue also on that discussion forum)

And who said Indians are not given jobs in UK...I have seen atleast 28 UK Based firms even during this recession come down to my college to recruit students to England and even finance their LPC and BVC...!

And you have very well once again tried to give your own Extra comments. The above person has not asked which University is going to get him into the magic circle. So it is irrelevant of whatever you said...!
And it is obvious that QMUL still on the 9th Rank will not be in a better position LSE....and to an extent UCL and KCL in certain cases....!
My argument is simple and clear that it is not easy to get into QMUL as compared to City University...I dunno what you were thinking...!
And yes I do not think you are trying to help...because on most of the discussion boards I have tried to help students...you have (i dunno purposely or accidentally) always had a contradictory view along with Private Equity and which is generally always contradictory to the belief of the Magic Circle also.

And I don't see any problem with the Post-Study work permit issues. I do not know why are you making a issue out of it...!
And it is common sense....OXBRIDGE ranks better than QMUL....so Obviously it has better job prospects and the Magic Circle will recruit students from there....! When did I deny that...! lol...!
And I still hold the fact that you are racist against Indians and you are not trying to help rather discourage Indian students....

Well...I am rightly accussing you becoz I don't still understand with all that huge explanation by you.....How does it make a difference whether there are 100 Indian Students applying and 15 American Students applying for a 5 seats.....at the end of the day only the best of the 115 students will be selected for the 5 seats. May the best man win. I think it is absolutely irrelevant which country are you from.

And I dunno which Magic Circle are you talking about...but the Magic Circle that I know in real usually apply for the Visa...there have been many cases in the past and there will be many cases in the future. And please also read :http://www.llm-guide.com/board/73921 (probably you can through some light on issue also on that discussion forum)

And who said Indians are not given jobs in UK...I have seen atleast 28 UK Based firms even during this recession come down to my college to recruit students to England and even finance their LPC and BVC...!

And you have very well once again tried to give your own Extra comments. The above person has not asked which University is going to get him into the magic circle. So it is irrelevant of whatever you said...!
And it is obvious that QMUL still on the 9th Rank will not be in a better position LSE....and to an extent UCL and KCL in certain cases....!
My argument is simple and clear that it is not easy to get into QMUL as compared to City University...I dunno what you were thinking...!
And yes I do not think you are trying to help...because on most of the discussion boards I have tried to help students...you have (i dunno purposely or accidentally) always had a contradictory view along with Private Equity and which is generally always contradictory to the belief of the Magic Circle also.

And I don't see any problem with the Post-Study work permit issues. I do not know why are you making a issue out of it...!
And it is common sense....OXBRIDGE ranks better than QMUL....so Obviously it has better job prospects and the Magic Circle will recruit students from there....! When did I deny that...! lol...!
And I still hold the fact that you are racist against Indians and you are not trying to help rather discourage Indian students....