Durham or Edinburgh for European Commercial Law?!


Hi guys,

I am hoping someone can give me some advice on the following matter:

I've been accepted to both Durham's European Trade and Commercial Law and Edinburgh's European Law. I have sat in front of my computer for endless hours, looking for some information which would help me choose between the two... and so far I really can't make up my mind.

Here is my dilemma: I truly love Edinburgh the city, but am worried that UK Law employers would consider Durham as more prestigious. I've been told that Edinburgh is stronger in the Competition Law sector due to its academics (e.g Robert Lane) but at the end of the day, I am doing an LLM to not only increase my knowledge on the matter but also increase my chances of landing a successful training contract... Durham on the other hand, has a better reputation in the UK, but is less recognized worldwide. It also has a collegiate system which I find fascinating (and might make it easier to meet people? I'm only 21... )

Basically I want to choose the university that will give me a thorough knowledge of Competition Law but nevertheless keeping it in the more commercial sphere of things.

Anyone have any thoughts that might help me? Sorry this is SO long- just thought jotting it all down now might save questions later regarding career ambitions and etc...

Thank you in advance!

Luda xx

Hi guys,

I am hoping someone can give me some advice on the following matter:

I've been accepted to both Durham's European Trade and Commercial Law and Edinburgh's European Law. I have sat in front of my computer for endless hours, looking for some information which would help me choose between the two... and so far I really can't make up my mind.

Here is my dilemma: I truly love Edinburgh the city, but am worried that UK Law employers would consider Durham as more prestigious. I've been told that Edinburgh is stronger in the Competition Law sector due to its academics (e.g Robert Lane) but at the end of the day, I am doing an LLM to not only increase my knowledge on the matter but also increase my chances of landing a successful training contract... Durham on the other hand, has a better reputation in the UK, but is less recognized worldwide. It also has a collegiate system which I find fascinating (and might make it easier to meet people? I'm only 21... )

Basically I want to choose the university that will give me a thorough knowledge of Competition Law but nevertheless keeping it in the more commercial sphere of things.

Anyone have any thoughts that might help me? Sorry this is SO long- just thought jotting it all down now might save questions later regarding career ambitions and etc...

Thank you in advance!

Luda xx

Hi there,

I am in the same situation - I know, that this information is not very usefull for you, but perhabs, we can think about it together. I achieved an offer from both universities. I'm totaly in love with Edinburgh City, but Durham has a very good reputation. So I searched the world wide web for some information. Durham is ranked better. But Edinburgh has the European Institute, which seems to be a big point for Edinburgh, concerning European Law. I think you should keep this in mind, because in my opionion the rankings are very general and if you want to work in the European Law Department, the companies should know, that Edinburgh has an own Institute.

I'm also a little bit concerned about a post I read a few days before, about the situation at Durham (like Professors leaving, accepting students who didn't fulfill the language requierements only to make them take the expensive pre-courses) but I really don't know if these are just rumors .... I would like to have your comment on that.

I'm from Germany, so for me the ranking in the UK is not as important as it is for you I was told, that if I don't do it at Cambridge or Oxford, it doesn't matter, where I go, because in Germany nobody knows, if a University is good or not besides these two Universities :-D

Best wishes!

Hi there,

I am in the same situation - I know, that this information is not very usefull for you, but perhabs, we can think about it together. I achieved an offer from both universities. I'm totaly in love with Edinburgh City, but Durham has a very good reputation. So I searched the world wide web for some information. Durham is ranked better. But Edinburgh has the European Institute, which seems to be a big point for Edinburgh, concerning European Law. I think you should keep this in mind, because in my opionion the rankings are very general and if you want to work in the European Law Department, the companies should know, that Edinburgh has an own Institute.

I'm also a little bit concerned about a post I read a few days before, about the situation at Durham (like Professors leaving, accepting students who didn't fulfill the language requierements only to make them take the expensive pre-courses) but I really don't know if these are just rumors .... I would like to have your comment on that.

I'm from Germany, so for me the ranking in the UK is not as important as it is for you I was told, that if I don't do it at Cambridge or Oxford, it doesn't matter, where I go, because in Germany nobody knows, if a University is good or not besides these two Universities :-D

Best wishes!


Good to know I'm not the only one trying to make this choice :) Well, last night I sat down with my parents and had a good look through the course modules for both Unis and ended up deciding on Durham. But, this is simply due to my career choice... I know what you mean about the European Institute at Edinburgh, it definitely is highly prestigious. However, I applied for a LL.M in European Law.. and the only module out of the choices given on that course (bearing in mind we have to complete at least 80 credits from those designed modules) that I'm actually interested in is Competition Law and European Tax Law.

The rest (European and International HR, Eu immigration, European Media, Constitutional Law, EC Environmental Law, EC Labour law, EU domestic Parliamentary Governance, EU in International Affairs) are all incredibly interesting but I don't think will be of much help in a corporate/commercial firm. By looking at the Ed. modules I've just concluded that Ed. is great, but it probably is better if you are looking for work in academia? I thought about asking to switch LL.M programme, but then it defeats the point of going to Edinburgh since its prestige really does lie in European Law. I also went to Durham last Thursday and was informed that we don't have to make module choices until we register- and so can choose what to specialize in later on.. Whereas Ed. you are very much so restricted to the LL.M you applied to + they have a 25 person cap in the external modules from other LLMs you can take, and they are specific about giving preference to students in those particular LLMs (which makes complete sense, but seeing that I would be looking at taking quite a few of those, I'm not sure I want to risk not getting into commercial modules that will probably be very popular anyways..)

As to the rumors about the durham law professors... I don't know how much I buy into that. I mean, the professors leaving happened a couple of years ago (or so I have been told by my Durham friends.. about three to four years ago if I remember correctly ) and the school still has a very highly regarded reputation.. so I'm not too sure how much this will affected us. Its really hard to tell because people like rumors... and then again, on the other side, Durham isn't really going to be vocal about its problems, so its hard to know where we stand. But, at the end of the day, they are both institutions with amazing names (not quite oxbridge.. and I know what you mean, I'm french/brazilian and as soon as i tell people I study in the UK, i always get asked if its oxbridge.. and then painfully have to explain that i don't.. :) )

What do you think you are going to do? Let me know


Good to know I'm not the only one trying to make this choice :) Well, last night I sat down with my parents and had a good look through the course modules for both Unis and ended up deciding on Durham. But, this is simply due to my career choice... I know what you mean about the European Institute at Edinburgh, it definitely is highly prestigious. However, I applied for a LL.M in European Law.. and the only module out of the choices given on that course (bearing in mind we have to complete at least 80 credits from those designed modules) that I'm actually interested in is Competition Law and European Tax Law.

The rest (European and International HR, Eu immigration, European Media, Constitutional Law, EC Environmental Law, EC Labour law, EU domestic Parliamentary Governance, EU in International Affairs) are all incredibly interesting but I don't think will be of much help in a corporate/commercial firm. By looking at the Ed. modules I've just concluded that Ed. is great, but it probably is better if you are looking for work in academia? I thought about asking to switch LL.M programme, but then it defeats the point of going to Edinburgh since its prestige really does lie in European Law. I also went to Durham last Thursday and was informed that we don't have to make module choices until we register- and so can choose what to specialize in later on.. Whereas Ed. you are very much so restricted to the LL.M you applied to + they have a 25 person cap in the external modules from other LLMs you can take, and they are specific about giving preference to students in those particular LLMs (which makes complete sense, but seeing that I would be looking at taking quite a few of those, I'm not sure I want to risk not getting into commercial modules that will probably be very popular anyways..)

As to the rumors about the durham law professors... I don't know how much I buy into that. I mean, the professors leaving happened a couple of years ago (or so I have been told by my Durham friends.. about three to four years ago if I remember correctly ) and the school still has a very highly regarded reputation.. so I'm not too sure how much this will affected us. Its really hard to tell because people like rumors... and then again, on the other side, Durham isn't really going to be vocal about its problems, so its hard to know where we stand. But, at the end of the day, they are both institutions with amazing names (not quite oxbridge.. and I know what you mean, I'm french/brazilian and as soon as i tell people I study in the UK, i always get asked if its oxbridge.. and then painfully have to explain that i don't.. :) )

What do you think you are going to do? Let me know


sorry for my late reply, but I visited a friend in Paris, so I wasn't able to reply earlier. Congrats to your decision - or did you chance your decision in the meantime?

I'm still checking the programmes and the cities and the universities ... it's a little bit annyoing ... such a important decision, I want to make sure, that I'm not going to have regerts ...

For the time being, I have uncondtional offers from Durham, Edinburgh, Bristol, Aberdeen and Nottingham (not Trent) ... the more offers I get, the harder it is to make a decision!

Concerning Durham, I don't like the fact, that they want me to do a pre-course in English, although I fullfil there language requirements. Since the course will cost about 1.200 pounds for 4 weeks, it sounds a little bit, like they only want to make extra money.

About Edinburgh, Bristol and Nottingham, I like they way they communicated with me during the application. They were very helpful and I have the feeling, that they are very good organized and supporting. I also like the location of Bristol and Edinburgh.

Such a hard decision! I only know, that I don't want to go to Aberdeen :-D


sorry for my late reply, but I visited a friend in Paris, so I wasn't able to reply earlier. Congrats to your decision - or did you chance your decision in the meantime?

I'm still checking the programmes and the cities and the universities ... it's a little bit annyoing ... such a important decision, I want to make sure, that I'm not going to have regerts ...

For the time being, I have uncondtional offers from Durham, Edinburgh, Bristol, Aberdeen and Nottingham (not Trent) ... the more offers I get, the harder it is to make a decision!

Concerning Durham, I don't like the fact, that they want me to do a pre-course in English, although I fullfil there language requirements. Since the course will cost about 1.200 pounds for 4 weeks, it sounds a little bit, like they only want to make extra money.

About Edinburgh, Bristol and Nottingham, I like they way they communicated with me during the application. They were very helpful and I have the feeling, that they are very good organized and supporting. I also like the location of Bristol and Edinburgh.

Such a hard decision! I only know, that I don't want to go to Aberdeen :-D


I hope you had a good time in Paris. I'm currently in Kuala Lumpur (where my parents live) trying to study for my exams and get my last bits of coursework out of the way and its simply pure torture with the sun outside!!

I did change my decision in the meantime. I got an offer from King's and since I'm quite big on the the whole Competition/ Antitrust side of things, I would be quite silly not to take it I think. In a strange way I was really looking forward to Durham. And I think one day I still want to live in Edinburgh- will need to find an English firm up there I think!

Have you chosen yet? Regarding the programmes at Nottingham and Bristol, I don't know much about them. But, i think for European Law Edinburgh is surely better? And- its such an amazing city! I think that would be my pick lol.

And I can see what you mean, it is a bit unreasonable of Durham to request that you attend that course.

Good look choosing!

Luda xx


I hope you had a good time in Paris. I'm currently in Kuala Lumpur (where my parents live) trying to study for my exams and get my last bits of coursework out of the way and its simply pure torture with the sun outside!!

I did change my decision in the meantime. I got an offer from King's and since I'm quite big on the the whole Competition/ Antitrust side of things, I would be quite silly not to take it I think. In a strange way I was really looking forward to Durham. And I think one day I still want to live in Edinburgh- will need to find an English firm up there I think!

Have you chosen yet? Regarding the programmes at Nottingham and Bristol, I don't know much about them. But, i think for European Law Edinburgh is surely better? And- its such an amazing city! I think that would be my pick lol.

And I can see what you mean, it is a bit unreasonable of Durham to request that you attend that course.

Good look choosing!

Luda xx


Paris is a great city - undisputable - but actually it did not touch my heart and my soul like other big european cities did - e.g. Rome or London. So it was nice, no more and no less.

I'm glad I already passed all my exams, so I'm able to relax a little bit, before I'm going to start my new adventure in the UK :-) ... and enjoy the upcoming spring in Germany. But good luck für you!

I did not made a decision. I'm still waiting for the decisions from King, Queen and UCL - damn London Universities, all three kind of a lame duck ;-) And I want to go to London so bad :-D

But as far as King's is concerned, it's my fault. I acted a little bit foolish, when I filled in the application. I uploaded the documents but did not added them to my application. So it was incomplete. But I received an Email, where they told me, that I'm allowed to hand the documents in per email. That is really great, because the application deadline expired in the meantime. So I hope to hear from them during the next 2 weeks.

QMU send me an email of acknowledgment on the 21/03/ ... so I hope, that they will soon made a decision.

But since all the other universities I applied to already send me an offer, I'm a little bit optimistic :-)

Good luck with you exams!


Paris is a great city - undisputable - but actually it did not touch my heart and my soul like other big european cities did - e.g. Rome or London. So it was nice, no more and no less.

I'm glad I already passed all my exams, so I'm able to relax a little bit, before I'm going to start my new adventure in the UK :-) ... and enjoy the upcoming spring in Germany. But good luck für you!

I did not made a decision. I'm still waiting for the decisions from King, Queen and UCL - damn London Universities, all three kind of a lame duck ;-) And I want to go to London so bad :-D

But as far as King's is concerned, it's my fault. I acted a little bit foolish, when I filled in the application. I uploaded the documents but did not added them to my application. So it was incomplete. But I received an Email, where they told me, that I'm allowed to hand the documents in per email. That is really great, because the application deadline expired in the meantime. So I hope to hear from them during the next 2 weeks.

QMU send me an email of acknowledgment on the 21/03/ ... so I hope, that they will soon made a decision.

But since all the other universities I applied to already send me an offer, I'm a little bit optimistic :-)

Good luck with you exams!

For the original query about Edi v Durham, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would rank Edinburgh below Durham when considering the faculty and facilities available. Because of the topic, European commercial law, you will get the same substantive topic coverage. Edinburgh is entrenched in history and has turned out many a top lawyer in the field and each year sends it graduates to top firms across the UK. My best advice is to check out the faculty in the courses you are interested in and see who best fits your plans. A degree from Edinburgh will go a long way.
Best of luck!

For the original query about Edi v Durham, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would rank Edinburgh below Durham when considering the faculty and facilities available. Because of the topic, European commercial law, you will get the same substantive topic coverage. Edinburgh is entrenched in history and has turned out many a top lawyer in the field and each year sends it graduates to top firms across the UK. My best advice is to check out the faculty in the courses you are interested in and see who best fits your plans. A degree from Edinburgh will go a long way.
Best of luck!

Edinburgh for sure.

Edinburgh for sure.

I would repeat myself...Edinburgh....its a personal preference....no hard and fast rule....! both are equally and have their own advantages...

I would repeat myself...Edinburgh....its a personal preference....no hard and fast rule....! both are equally and have their own advantages...

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