Choose best university for LLM in International Commercial Law among 5 Universities

I have Conditional Offer letter for LLM in International Commercial Law from 5 Universities i.e Leeds University, Cardiff University, Bristol University, Glasgow University and Leicester University. Which is the best one from all the 5 Universities for LLM in International Commercial Law. Please Help !!

I have Conditional Offer letter for LLM in International Commercial Law from 5 Universities i.e Leeds University, Cardiff University, Bristol University, Glasgow University and Leicester University. Which is the best one from all the 5 Universities for LLM in International Commercial Law. Please Help !!

Glasgow. By far.

Glasgow. By far.
Inactive User

Amaria with respect to your post, you know nothing about commercial law in the UK obviously. Bristol has by far one of the strongest faculties in commercial law in the UK.

Their LLM programme is very good. I would recommend it without hesitation.

Glasgow is good but Bristol is better. Go to Bristol!

Amaria with respect to your post, you know nothing about commercial law in the UK obviously. Bristol has by far one of the strongest faculties in commercial law in the UK.

Their LLM programme is very good. I would recommend it without hesitation.

Glasgow is good but Bristol is better. Go to Bristol!

Jeez, chillax! Are they paying you a commission or something?

Jeez, chillax! Are they paying you a commission or something?
Inactive User

Lol...I wish no :)

Lol...I wish no :)


Inactive User

Bristol is by far the best law school in that group.

Bristol is by far the best law school in that group.


Thats a matter of opinion.

Thats a matter of opinion.
Inactive User

Its by far the best school on that lot...

It has an excellent reputation within the city and also in most law firms. Heavily targeted by employers.

Glasgow is no where near Bristol in terms of reputation....

To the original poster do pick Bristol!

Its by far the best school on that lot...

It has an excellent reputation within the city and also in most law firms. Heavily targeted by employers.

Glasgow is no where near Bristol in terms of reputation....

To the original poster do pick Bristol!

Again, that's a matter of opinion.

Again, that's a matter of opinion.
Inactive User

Yes...opinion not in line with career statistics, target by employers and also law school rankings

Glasgow may well be good but no where near Bristol.

Yes...opinion not in line with career statistics, target by employers and also law school rankings

Glasgow may well be good but no where near Bristol.

Please calm down. Other people have their own recommendations and opinions. You don't need to forcefully contradict everyone who expresses different ones to your own.

Please calm down. Other people have their own recommendations and opinions. You don't need to forcefully contradict everyone who expresses different ones to your own.
Inactive User

The number of misleading posts in this forum, specially on the UK forum, and grown drastically and I should warn people who are about to invest thousands of pounds in a course, to pursue the best course that ultimately will help their careers.

As a solicitor and with knowledge of the UK legal market, I will continue to bring to the attention of future students the best options to pursue LLM degrees in the UK.

The number of misleading posts in this forum, specially on the UK forum, and grown drastically and I should warn people who are about to invest thousands of pounds in a course, to pursue the best course that ultimately will help their careers.

As a solicitor and with knowledge of the UK legal market, I will continue to bring to the attention of future students the best options to pursue LLM degrees in the UK.

As will everyone else on this board, I'm sure. There's nothing wrong with giving advice and I think you've made your recommendation clear. However I have a problem with people shouting down the views and experiences of others. You've given your recommendation, I have given mine and another poster has given theirs, so it's up to the OP to make his own decision. Given his options, he'll be going to a great school whichever he chooses. Good luck, OP!

As will everyone else on this board, I'm sure. There's nothing wrong with giving advice and I think you've made your recommendation clear. However I have a problem with people shouting down the views and experiences of others. You've given your recommendation, I have given mine and another poster has given theirs, so it's up to the OP to make his own decision. Given his options, he'll be going to a great school whichever he chooses. Good luck, OP!
Inactive User

I just bumped into this post again.
I did not shout any views or experiences, I simply made a recommendation of the best law school in the lot, which is in this case happens to be Bristol. If you have a problem or not that's irrelevant. And rightly so it is up for the OP to go wherever (which he or she probably did or did not in the end).

I just bumped into this post again.
I did not shout any views or experiences, I simply made a recommendation of the best law school in the lot, which is in this case happens to be Bristol. If you have a problem or not that's irrelevant. And rightly so it is up for the OP to go wherever (which he or she probably did or did not in the end).

I just bumped into this post again.
I did not shout any views or experiences, I simply made a recommendation of the best law school in the lot, which is in this case happens to be Bristol. If you have a problem or not that's irrelevant. And rightly so it is up for the OP to go wherever (which he or she probably did or did not in the end).

I too got admitted to the Corporate and Financial law LLM programme at the University of Glasgow. Any word on how the programme is as compared to other similarly placed Universities?

<blockquote>I just bumped into this post again.
I did not shout any views or experiences, I simply made a recommendation of the best law school in the lot, which is in this case happens to be Bristol. If you have a problem or not that's irrelevant. And rightly so it is up for the OP to go wherever (which he or she probably did or did not in the end).</blockquote>

I too got admitted to the Corporate and Financial law LLM programme at the University of Glasgow. Any word on how the programme is as compared to other similarly placed Universities?
Inactive User

Glasgow is always a good option too!

Remember that you will also focus in aspects of Scottish law as well but I think that would be the least of your concerns. When picking a school, besides the quality of the programme, you should also look at the reputation of the programme, your interests, the city itself, the weather (if that matters to you).

Glasgow is an old University so you can't go wrong with it.
If you compare say Glasgow with say LSE for Corporate then the latter will have a stronger programme and reputation too.

What are your other options?

Glasgow is always a good option too!

Remember that you will also focus in aspects of Scottish law as well but I think that would be the least of your concerns. When picking a school, besides the quality of the programme, you should also look at the reputation of the programme, your interests, the city itself, the weather (if that matters to you).

Glasgow is an old University so you can't go wrong with it.
If you compare say Glasgow with say LSE for Corporate then the latter will have a stronger programme and reputation too.

What are your other options?

None so far. I was keen on going to Glasgow based on the fact that the fee is lower and the training, as I have been advised, is excellent.
Thanks for the insightful advice though.

None so far. I was keen on going to Glasgow based on the fact that the fee is lower and the training, as I have been advised, is excellent.
Thanks for the insightful advice though.

Hi guys. I have an offer from Cardiff in International Commercial Law. Planning to take it up. Anyone else made up their mind?

Hi guys. I have an offer from Cardiff in International Commercial Law. Planning to take it up. Anyone else made up their mind?

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