Chevening scholarship 2018-2019


Hello All,

I am Santana from Mauritius, a law professional with more than 15 years of practice now. I applied for Chevening Scholarship recently and was shortlisted for interview in April. I received reply from Chevening telling me my interview was very good but I have been shortlisted as Reserve candidate. I don't understand what to make of this. Has anyone been chosen as reserve candidate in your respective countries. Is there any possibility to find out by when we are to know if we really got the scholarship or no. It's very stressful to have to do everything last minute.

Many thanks.

Hello All,

I am Santana from Mauritius, a law professional with more than 15 years of practice now. I applied for Chevening Scholarship recently and was shortlisted for interview in April. I received reply from Chevening telling me my interview was very good but I have been shortlisted as Reserve candidate. I don't understand what to make of this. Has anyone been chosen as reserve candidate in your respective countries. Is there any possibility to find out by when we are to know if we really got the scholarship or no. It's very stressful to have to do everything last minute.

Many thanks.
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Hello All,

I am Santana from Mauritius, a law professional with more than 15 years of practice now. I applied for Chevening Scholarship recently and was shortlisted for interview in April. I received reply from Chevening telling me my interview was very good but I have been shortlisted as Reserve candidate. I don't understand what to make of this. Has anyone been chosen as reserve candidate in your respective countries. Is there any possibility to find out by when we are to know if we really got the scholarship or no. It's very stressful to have to do everything last minute.

Many thanks.

Hello, reserve means that at this moment, you have not got the scholarship. However, should one of those who have been offered the scholarship decide to turn it down, then the Embassy/High Commission will offer it to one of the candidates in the reserve pool. There are no guarantees at this moment unless someone turns down the scholarship offer.

[quote]Hello All,

I am Santana from Mauritius, a law professional with more than 15 years of practice now. I applied for Chevening Scholarship recently and was shortlisted for interview in April. I received reply from Chevening telling me my interview was very good but I have been shortlisted as Reserve candidate. I don't understand what to make of this. Has anyone been chosen as reserve candidate in your respective countries. Is there any possibility to find out by when we are to know if we really got the scholarship or no. It's very stressful to have to do everything last minute.

Many thanks. [/quote]

Hello, reserve means that at this moment, you have not got the scholarship. However, should one of those who have been offered the scholarship decide to turn it down, then the Embassy/High Commission will offer it to one of the candidates in the reserve pool. There are no guarantees at this moment unless someone turns down the scholarship offer.

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