Cambridge LLM


Hi All,

I thought I should add my two cents on this - from what I have gathered Swan is right about the Cambridge admissions procedure. I recieved an offer some days after other friends of mine who applied at roughly the same time. I also know someone who made the same enquiry of the Law Faculty and received a similar response to the one Swan was given. They were also told that someone is sitiing in an office there sending out the emails manually as the approved applications come back from the staff, so there is inevitably a spread in terms of notification times.

Good luck to everyone!

Hi All,

I thought I should add my two cents on this - from what I have gathered Swan is right about the Cambridge admissions procedure. I recieved an offer some days after other friends of mine who applied at roughly the same time. I also know someone who made the same enquiry of the Law Faculty and received a similar response to the one Swan was given. They were also told that someone is sitiing in an office there sending out the emails manually as the approved applications come back from the staff, so there is inevitably a spread in terms of notification times.

Good luck to everyone!

Thanks a lot for your info - it was really helpful.
Any idea when they will finish sending out the notifications?
Since April as stated on their web-site seems to be pretty far away from now, given that they have already started sending out notifications.

Thanks a lot for your info - it was really helpful.
Any idea when they will finish sending out the notifications?
Since April as stated on their web-site seems to be pretty far away from now, given that they have already started sending out notifications.

All I can say is that's what I was told last year by the faculty and I know of a person told similarly the year before. I have also heard alternative theories too though but not first hand. Its also worth noting that they have changed their date this year so probably their admissions are going to be faster. In any case however they decide best of luck to all of you who have applied.

All I can say is that's what I was told last year by the faculty and I know of a person told similarly the year before. I have also heard alternative theories too though but not first hand. Its also worth noting that they have changed their date this year so probably their admissions are going to be faster. In any case however they decide best of luck to all of you who have applied.

The method Yellow is talking about for going through applications just isn't logical. I mean, on that theory, they'd have to go through every application to work out which ones are the best. Then they'd go through that select pile thoroughly, and respond to those applicants, before considering the rest. This would take more time than going through all the applications methodically, one by one, not based on merit.
But don't worry, I don't necessarily assume the grad admissions department works on logic : )

The method Yellow is talking about for going through applications just isn't logical. I mean, on that theory, they'd have to go through every application to work out which ones are the best. Then they'd go through that select pile thoroughly, and respond to those applicants, before considering the rest. This would take more time than going through all the applications methodically, one by one, not based on merit.
But don't worry, I don't necessarily assume the grad admissions department works on logic : )

I applied to Ox, Cam, Harv & Yale...
haven't heard anything from even one of them :(

I applied to Ox, Cam, Harv & Yale...
haven't heard anything from even one of them :(

Yup not all that likely to find logic in Cambridge admissions policy. I think however that at that time their decisions were being made on the basis of country. As such they had to divide the applictions up anyway. And if a candidate is really good they should be able to tell at a glance. They should also be able to discard awful applications. Then they still have the bulk of the applications which have to be considered more carefully. I certainly know of someone last year who was told they were waiting to see the decisions of those to whom they had offered places to before they decided whether to issue any more. Also not a pleasant thought. I think that they are trying to improve the system though.

Yup not all that likely to find logic in Cambridge admissions policy. I think however that at that time their decisions were being made on the basis of country. As such they had to divide the applictions up anyway. And if a candidate is really good they should be able to tell at a glance. They should also be able to discard awful applications. Then they still have the bulk of the applications which have to be considered more carefully. I certainly know of someone last year who was told they were waiting to see the decisions of those to whom they had offered places to before they decided whether to issue any more. Also not a pleasant thought. I think that they are trying to improve the system though.

I still haven't heard anything from any school.....

I still haven't heard anything from any school.....


Just to help you calm your nerves, do not worry about Oxford, Harvard and Yale - these Univs declare their results only in March (April in oxford's case). Harvard and Yale have NOT even intimated all students that their files are complete (because of the large number of applications received).

About Cambridge, keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best! Remember until you dont receive a rejection, you still stand a chance and univs have just started notifying, its still a long (slow and painful) process that we all have to pass through.

All the best!


Just to help you calm your nerves, do not worry about Oxford, Harvard and Yale - these Univs declare their results only in March (April in oxford's case). Harvard and Yale have NOT even intimated all students that their files are complete (because of the large number of applications received).

About Cambridge, keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best! Remember until you dont receive a rejection, you still stand a chance and univs have just started notifying, its still a long (slow and painful) process that we all have to pass through.

All the best!

Thanks a lot, Nirvana.

I am really under some pressure these days. And am quite worried too...


Thanks a lot, Nirvana.

I am really under some pressure these days. And am quite worried too...


I am also worried, but what can we do - only wait... althought I really hate it:))

I am also worried, but what can we do - only wait... althought I really hate it:))

I'm also very worried. I haven't heard back from any of the universities I applied to, even UCL and LSE, where I was reasonably confident that, having won the university medal in law at a well-recognised and prestigious university, I was guaranteed a spot. Now I'm not feeling confident of anything.

I'm also very worried. I haven't heard back from any of the universities I applied to, even UCL and LSE, where I was reasonably confident that, having won the university medal in law at a well-recognised and prestigious university, I was guaranteed a spot. Now I'm not feeling confident of anything.

Nice photo, Fallacy. Here's a little song about waiting:

Waiting sucks
I am hating
Because it sucks"

Add music, have a drink, and wonder if you should have made a back-up plan...

Nice photo, Fallacy. Here's a little song about waiting:

Waiting sucks
I am hating
Because it sucks"

Add music, have a drink, and wonder if you should have made a back-up plan...

really strange that not many people have heard their acceptances from Cambridge as yet!

really strange that not many people have heard their acceptances from Cambridge as yet!

It seems so. I applied online and all the documents arrived on the 30th of November. Till now I have not heard of any news and am waiting.

Has there any other got accepted to Cambridge?

It seems so. I applied online and all the documents arrived on the 30th of November. Till now I have not heard of any news and am waiting.

Has there any other got accepted to Cambridge?

Same here - I still so not grasp their admission system - waht is the criteria to choose the first ones? (since some have been already admitted).
I also hope to hear from them in March (basing on the logic that last year they sent out offers mainly in April, whereas the application deadline was 2nd of January)

Same here - I still so not grasp their admission system - waht is the criteria to choose the first ones? (since some have been already admitted).
I also hope to hear from them in March (basing on the logic that last year they sent out offers mainly in April, whereas the application deadline was 2nd of January)

Unfortunately, the demands of my present job left me sending out applications just before deadlines to most schools, including Oxford, Cambridge, LSE. I'm overseas so the deadlines were probably a bit later than most domestics.

I must say I'm impressed with LSE's swift process. My application arrived in December and I received an unconditional offer of acceptance a week ago.

Still waiting on the others.

Unfortunately, the demands of my present job left me sending out applications just before deadlines to most schools, including Oxford, Cambridge, LSE. I'm overseas so the deadlines were probably a bit later than most domestics.

I must say I'm impressed with LSE's swift process. My application arrived in December and I received an unconditional offer of acceptance a week ago.

Still waiting on the others.

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