Cambridge Conditions Letter


It might be that they are waiting for others to meet conditions before looking at changing any, as everyone will have finished their exams now, results should start filtering through and they will probably have quite a few "I haven't met my conditions, but..." letters in the next few weeks. I would agree with jrmorton, considering the conditions they have set are achievable, you might well meet them and they may not need to alter your offer so they could just sit on it for a while.

It might be that they are waiting for others to meet conditions before looking at changing any, as everyone will have finished their exams now, results should start filtering through and they will probably have quite a few "I haven't met my conditions, but..." letters in the next few weeks. I would agree with jrmorton, considering the conditions they have set are achievable, you might well meet them and they may not need to alter your offer so they could just sit on it for a while.

Though I haven't received yet the response to the reassessment of my conditions... after more than a month... I'm finally free! I just finished my exams today and reached the average!!!!

Though I haven't received yet the response to the reassessment of my conditions... after more than a month... I'm finally free! I just finished my exams today and reached the average!!!!

Congrats! Now you get to wait to hear about a college, look for accommodation, apply for a visa, get funding, etc., etc. etc.

Congrats! Now you get to wait to hear about a college, look for accommodation, apply for a visa, get funding, etc., etc. etc.

Thanks jmorton!
I got an ofer from a college (Hughes Hall) a month and a half ago, offer which I accepted along with accomodation. I don't have to apply for a visa since I'm european so... fortunately last thing to do it's to get the diploma from my home university and send it right away to cambridge!!!

Thanks jmorton!
I got an ofer from a college (Hughes Hall) a month and a half ago, offer which I accepted along with accomodation. I don't have to apply for a visa since I'm european so... fortunately last thing to do it's to get the diploma from my home university and send it right away to cambridge!!!

Well, you're certainly ahead of where I'm at! Look forward to meeting you in the Fall...

Well, you're certainly ahead of where I'm at! Look forward to meeting you in the Fall...

hi guys!!!

i have offers from UCL and KINGS for ınternatıonal commercial law and have already deffered my offer from UCL for next year. i am not sure that i am eligable to be part of Oxbridge with 3.50 GPA out of 4. do you think whether i should apply for them or accept strictly UCL's offer for next year. i have no idea Oxbridge's criteria...

many thanks for your info

hi guys!!!

i have offers from UCL and KINGS for ınternatıonal commercial law and have already deffered my offer from UCL for next year. i am not sure that i am eligable to be part of Oxbridge with 3.50 GPA out of 4. do you think whether i should apply for them or accept strictly UCL's offer for next year. i have no idea Oxbridge's criteria...

many thanks for your info

Well, there's really only one way to find out! My guess is that it would depend on the rank of the school you went to, your class rank, and your extracurriculars. I get the feeling that Cambridge looks at a lot of factors as it seems like they like diversity in terms of countries, etc. If you go on Cambridge's LLM website it outlines what their general requirements are. I also think that if you got into UCL and Kings then you've got a good shot at getting into Cambridge as well... Good luck!

Well, there's really only one way to find out! My guess is that it would depend on the rank of the school you went to, your class rank, and your extracurriculars. I get the feeling that Cambridge looks at a lot of factors as it seems like they like diversity in terms of countries, etc. If you go on Cambridge's LLM website it outlines what their general requirements are. I also think that if you got into UCL and Kings then you've got a good shot at getting into Cambridge as well... Good luck!

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