Bad University - excellent grades - Masters?



I'm terribly sorry for the status quo, but, fear not, you have something to learn from all of this.


1. "How dare "hawkme" say the things he/she has said. As with P - I agree totally - her/his comments are ramblings from an utterly unsuccessful individual wishing to strip bear dreams that other individuals have. The comments that this individual has written should not hold any at all"

What on earth have I said so wrong? Are you blind or otherwise visually impaired? Do you have reading or comprehension issues? Maybe you have a two digit intelligence quotient? Whow knows.

Both you and P. (you, AugTue, forgot her name, but it's near the comments she placed) assume (based on pure wind direction) that I'm unsuccessful. Well, kudos, you won the lottery. Actually I went to Harvard and I can honestly say I'm very "unsucessful". Really :D

2. "Anyone who brings up the fact that they can speak French and English - within a thread of this kind - should receive a medal (not of commendation but of shear "small person of the year." Belittling others to make a point is in no way constructive. God knows this individual probably did not gain entry into any of the Uni's mentioned. His/Her attack on "P" (sorry I can't remember the rest of your name - was a total disgrace and I felt disgusted to the core by it."

# Well, AugTue, let me teach you something school won't. It's called reading people. Even though I can't be 100% sure, I say this: P.'s arguments and way of thinking are puzzled enough: she could be Belgian, Italian or American. And speak French. My guess is that she's French because only a French could be so proud of working in the UK. Only a French would assume she's better than others, whereas most people (especially British and Germans) know the reality.

In fact, I suspect you, too, have limited skills, since you used Tue in your username, and AugTue makes me think of an "Augmented Tuesday". You wouldn't happen to register on on a Tuesday, would you?

## As for your claim "this individual probably did not gain entry into any of the Uni's mentioned" you are so right. I didn't gain entry to Oxbridge. But why would I go to Oxbridge? I went to Harvard, and most people tend to think Harvard = Oxbridge, and, possibly, Harvard is even more advanced than Oxbridge. And in terms of prestige, Harvard tops the world.

3. "telling someone that you have more wisdom due to being older and better educated is beyond niave"

For you maybe. However, in the real world, most societies, corporations, banks, governments, etc, value old people. That's why you'll never see a 25 yo Merkel, nor a 28 yo Obama.

4. "Simply because you are 3-4 years older - probably have an LLM or whatever at Shingles University does not give your opinion (or - as I read it - lack of opinion any weight.) Please leave your preposterous rambling to your thesis...."

That's 10-12 years actually. As for Shingles, that's your Alma Mater. I went to Harvard. Do you notice any difference?

5. "I went to a not so great university also. Pretty much in the same boat as yourself. I gained entry to both the Oxford BCL - Cambridge LLM and the Harvard, Yale, Stanford LLM's. Trust me anything is possible." 0 and you graduated from all or none?

6. "As long as you have the will power, the drive and OF COURSE the money (apply to scholarships early) you'll succeed. " - again the same lousy argument "it worked for me, it'll work for you, too". That's exactly what Mark does NOT need. It's the worst advice possible.

7. " Disgusting drivel. " - is this the way you normally address your parents or friends? It certainly suits you! :))


I'm terribly sorry for the status quo, but, fear not, you have something to learn from all of this.


1. "How dare "hawkme" say the things he/she has said. As with P - I agree totally - her/his comments are ramblings from an utterly unsuccessful individual wishing to strip bear dreams that other individuals have. The comments that this individual has written should not hold any at all"

What on earth have I said so wrong? Are you blind or otherwise visually impaired? Do you have reading or comprehension issues? Maybe you have a two digit intelligence quotient? Whow knows.

Both you and P. (you, AugTue, forgot her name, but it's near the comments she placed) assume (based on pure wind direction) that I'm unsuccessful. Well, kudos, you won the lottery. Actually I went to Harvard and I can honestly say I'm very "unsucessful". Really :D

2. "Anyone who brings up the fact that they can speak French and English - within a thread of this kind - should receive a medal (not of commendation but of shear "small person of the year." Belittling others to make a point is in no way constructive. God knows this individual probably did not gain entry into any of the Uni's mentioned. His/Her attack on "P" (sorry I can't remember the rest of your name - was a total disgrace and I felt disgusted to the core by it."

# Well, AugTue, let me teach you something school won't. It's called reading people. Even though I can't be 100% sure, I say this: P.'s arguments and way of thinking are puzzled enough: she could be Belgian, Italian or American. And speak French. My guess is that she's French because only a French could be so proud of working in the UK. Only a French would assume she's better than others, whereas most people (especially British and Germans) know the reality.

In fact, I suspect you, too, have limited skills, since you used Tue in your username, and AugTue makes me think of an "Augmented Tuesday". You wouldn't happen to register on on a Tuesday, would you?

## As for your claim "this individual probably did not gain entry into any of the Uni's mentioned" you are so right. I didn't gain entry to Oxbridge. But why would I go to Oxbridge? I went to Harvard, and most people tend to think Harvard = Oxbridge, and, possibly, Harvard is even more advanced than Oxbridge. And in terms of prestige, Harvard tops the world.

3. "telling someone that you have more wisdom due to being older and better educated is beyond niave"

For you maybe. However, in the real world, most societies, corporations, banks, governments, etc, value old people. That's why you'll never see a 25 yo Merkel, nor a 28 yo Obama.

4. "Simply because you are 3-4 years older - probably have an LLM or whatever at Shingles University does not give your opinion (or - as I read it - lack of opinion any weight.) Please leave your preposterous rambling to your thesis...."

That's 10-12 years actually. As for Shingles, that's your Alma Mater. I went to Harvard. Do you notice any difference?

5. "I went to a not so great university also. Pretty much in the same boat as yourself. I gained entry to both the Oxford BCL - Cambridge LLM and the Harvard, Yale, Stanford LLM's. Trust me anything is possible." 0 and you graduated from all or none?

6. "As long as you have the will power, the drive and OF COURSE the money (apply to scholarships early) you'll succeed. " - again the same lousy argument "it worked for me, it'll work for you, too". That's exactly what Mark does NOT need. It's the worst advice possible.

7. " Disgusting drivel. " - is this the way you normally address your parents or friends? It certainly suits you! :))


In fact, I suspect you, too, have limited skills, since you used Tue in your username, and AugTue makes me think of an "Augmented Tuesday". You wouldn't happen to register on on a Tuesday, would you?

LOL, it seems I was right. You did register on a Tuesday (8/28). You lousy PoS :))


In fact, I suspect you, too, have limited skills, since you used Tue in your username, and AugTue makes me think of an "Augmented Tuesday". You wouldn't happen to register on on a Tuesday, would you?

LOL, it seems I was right. You did register on a Tuesday (8/28). You lousy PoS :))



I did not destroy anything. I simply stated the obvious. Despicable - is that a word you use in your family? GG

LOL: you changed the AugTue to Catglo :) - very smart. VERY! Do care to reply to me (PM) to my answers. I'm very curious to see where you got your education. (for it seems none)

I did not destroy anything. I simply stated the obvious. Despicable - is that a word you use in your family? GG

LOL: you changed the AugTue to Catglo :) - very smart. VERY! Do care to reply to me (PM) to my answers. I'm very curious to see where you got your education. (for it seems none)



Enough, boy. You're not only limited, but also ignorant. Good luck with your family's drivels

Enough, boy. You're not only limited, but also ignorant. Good luck with your family's drivels


Mark W

As one of the posters above said - "Why not apply and find out?"

Assuming that I continue to maintain around 80% module mark average there is really no point in not applying as I wouldn't consider myself an utterly hopeless candidate for the BCL / top LLMs and the application fee is only £50 or something equally meaningless.

And please stop bickering amongst yourselves, it's demeaning :)

As one of the posters above said - "Why not apply and find out?"

Assuming that I continue to maintain around 80% module mark average there is really no point in not applying as I wouldn't consider myself an utterly hopeless candidate for the BCL / top LLMs and the application fee is only £50 or something equally meaningless.

And please stop bickering amongst yourselves, it's demeaning :)

Yes, by all means, you should apply. I did a quick scan, apparently it's 50 for most top schools (Cam, Ox, LSE, etc).

I would suggest though you get top LORs from professors who actually KNOW you personally (to the largest possible extent). Most people neglect the LORs and aim for high grades, however, just as anything, the application for the LLM will need to be a good combo, not only good grades.

Yes, by all means, you should apply. I did a quick scan, apparently it's 50 for most top schools (Cam, Ox, LSE, etc).

I would suggest though you get top LORs from professors who actually KNOW you personally (to the largest possible extent). Most people neglect the LORs and aim for high grades, however, just as anything, the application for the LLM will need to be a good combo, not only good grades.

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