Admission to Oxford/Cambridge


I have a question regarding entry requirements.

I am aware that Oxford and Cambridge require a first class classification in LLB. Problem is that in my country the average grades which constitute a first class differ from that of the UK. For example, my final average in LLB was a 73%, and I obtained a second upper. Therefore, a first class here is 80% and above. Would they take the average mark into consideration (which is not written on my transcript) or the second upper classification (which is what appears on my graduation transcript)?

A second question is:
In Malta the law course is 6 years - 3 years for LLB, then 3 years for LLD. I have been told that it is only these 3 years of LLB that will be considered, despite the fact that 6th year is devoted solely to the thesis and most important subjects are done between the 4th and 6th years, such as public international law and procedure. Can anyone confirm as to whether such extra years of study (in which i have an A average) won't be taken into consideration at all?

I have a question regarding entry requirements.

I am aware that Oxford and Cambridge require a first class classification in LLB. Problem is that in my country the average grades which constitute a first class differ from that of the UK. For example, my final average in LLB was a 73%, and I obtained a second upper. Therefore, a first class here is 80% and above. Would they take the average mark into consideration (which is not written on my transcript) or the second upper classification (which is what appears on my graduation transcript)?

A second question is:
In Malta the law course is 6 years - 3 years for LLB, then 3 years for LLD. I have been told that it is only these 3 years of LLB that will be considered, despite the fact that 6th year is devoted solely to the thesis and most important subjects are done between the 4th and 6th years, such as public international law and procedure. Can anyone confirm as to whether such extra years of study (in which i have an A average) won't be taken into consideration at all?


Elle, what do you mean by taking your average mark into consideration? Your 73% will not be viewed as a First Class hons by admissions as they are fully aware that different countries grade at different standards.

If you have an LLD, admissions will certainly take that into consideration.

Elle, what do you mean by taking your average mark into consideration? Your 73% will not be viewed as a First Class hons by admissions as they are fully aware that different countries grade at different standards.

If you have an LLD, admissions will certainly take that into consideration.


I'm sorry, I might not have made myself clear.

My question was as to whether it is my final LLB classification (which is a second upper) or my overall grade (73%) which is considered for the purpose of the application. I am asking this as it is only my classification that appears on my graduation transcript.

I was told by a lecturer that since I obtained a second upper (which is given to students who obtain an overall average between the marks of 70-79) then I have absolutely no chance and shouldn't even bother applying. His exact words were that admissions look at the final classification that appears on the transcript and since it is not a first upper then this will not be considered. Obviously, I saw this as strange as as you said different countries have different systems of ranking.

Also, only a few students obtained a second upper, which puts me in the top 10% of my class. Surely this fact won't be discounted?

I'm sorry if this seems confusing. I still have 3 whole years to complete my LLD and I know that it's still early. But especially since I was told that LLD is not taken into account for the LLM, I was wondering what my prospects really were.

Your help is greatly appreciated! :)

I'm sorry, I might not have made myself clear.

My question was as to whether it is my final LLB classification (which is a second upper) or my overall grade (73%) which is considered for the purpose of the application. I am asking this as it is only my classification that appears on my graduation transcript.

I was told by a lecturer that since I obtained a second upper (which is given to students who obtain an overall average between the marks of 70-79) then I have absolutely no chance and shouldn't even bother applying. His exact words were that admissions look at the final classification that appears on the transcript and since it is not a first upper then this will not be considered. Obviously, I saw this as strange as as you said different countries have different systems of ranking.

Also, only a few students obtained a second upper, which puts me in the top 10% of my class. Surely this fact won't be discounted?

I'm sorry if this seems confusing. I still have 3 whole years to complete my LLD and I know that it's still early. But especially since I was told that LLD is not taken into account for the LLM, I was wondering what my prospects really were.

Your help is greatly appreciated! :)

Hi, all UK law school admissions will look at both your classification and your actual grades/percentage. They'll also want to see a full breakdown of your grades. But in the case of Oxbridge, your lecturer is correct - with a 2.1 classification, you are highly unlikely to be admitted. Oxbridge is so popular that they do not have to look below First Class standards (usually top 5%). Your 73% probably equates to around 63% by UK standards (eg. KCL asks for at least 70% from Maltese graduates), which isn't good enough for Oxbridge.

With respect to the LLD, it definitely won't be ignored, but you should contact admissions to get a better idea about what type of weighting they'll give to it. If you perform to First Class standards in your LLD, and get your thesis published, you shouldn't discount Oxbridge.

Hi, all UK law school admissions will look at both your classification and your actual grades/percentage. They'll also want to see a full breakdown of your grades. But in the case of Oxbridge, your lecturer is correct - with a 2.1 classification, you are highly unlikely to be admitted. Oxbridge is so popular that they do not have to look below First Class standards (usually top 5%). Your 73% probably equates to around 63% by UK standards (eg. KCL asks for at least 70% from Maltese graduates), which isn't good enough for Oxbridge.

With respect to the LLD, it definitely won't be ignored, but you should contact admissions to get a better idea about what type of weighting they'll give to it. If you perform to First Class standards in your LLD, and get your thesis published, you shouldn't discount Oxbridge.

I've certainly heard of applicant gaining admission to Oxbridge with a strong 2.1.

But I have yet to hear of a candidate getting in to either without applying!

I've certainly heard of applicant gaining admission to Oxbridge with a strong 2.1.

But I have yet to hear of a candidate getting in to either without applying!

I agree: one should definitely apply!

I don't know anyone who has secured a place on the BCL or LLM with a lower 2.1 though.

I agree: one should definitely apply!

I don't know anyone who has secured a place on the BCL or LLM with a lower 2.1 though.


I had a few queries with regard to Oxford and Cambridge Applications. It could be really helpful if someone could answer,

Can we submit more than two recommendations for Cambridge?

Are these two reccos strictly to be academic reccos, as in only professors from college should write these or can I also use a recco from a professor which I have been assisting on a research project that I am working for him?

In the A(10) section only those who have completed their first law degree and now working have to write their experiences? Or can final year law students also write their short one or two month internship experiences which they had during vacations in the middle of the undergraduate course?

It could be really helpful if someone could throw light on these issues.


I had a few queries with regard to Oxford and Cambridge Applications. It could be really helpful if someone could answer,

Can we submit more than two recommendations for Cambridge?

Are these two reccos strictly to be academic reccos, as in only professors from college should write these or can I also use a recco from a professor which I have been assisting on a research project that I am working for him?

In the A(10) section only those who have completed their first law degree and now working have to write their experiences? Or can final year law students also write their short one or two month internship experiences which they had during vacations in the middle of the undergraduate course?

It could be really helpful if someone could throw light on these issues.

Thanks for your helpful replies! Agree with your comment 100% - I'll apply in any case and see what happens.

Do you have any input on other LLM programmes? Perhaps those offered by UCL or KCL?

Thanks for your helpful replies! Agree with your comment 100% - I'll apply in any case and see what happens.

Do you have any input on other LLM programmes? Perhaps those offered by UCL or KCL?

Hello everyone,
I am trying to set up my account, in order to create my online application for Cambridge.
Even though my e-mail address is typed correctly, the system is not recognizing it as a valid one. Although I can continue with my e-mail adress unverified, I' m worried that there' s a possibility to lose important communications from them in the future. Any advice?

Hello everyone,
I am trying to set up my account, in order to create my online application for Cambridge.
Even though my e-mail address is typed correctly, the system is not recognizing it as a valid one. Although I can continue with my e-mail adress unverified, I' m worried that there' s a possibility to lose important communications from them in the future. Any advice?

I had the exact same problem on Saturday. I tried it with multiple email addresses. I just continued anyway.

I've found Cambridge's online application systemt to be very clunky.

I had the exact same problem on Saturday. I tried it with multiple email addresses. I just continued anyway.

I've found Cambridge's online application systemt to be very clunky.

Maybe it would be better if we started a just Cambridge thread. I'll go do that now. I'll call it "The Definitive 2011 Cambridge Thread."

Maybe it would be better if we started a just Cambridge thread. I'll go do that now. I'll call it "The Definitive 2011 Cambridge Thread."
Inactive User

Thanks for your helpful replies! Agree with your comment 100% - I'll apply in any case and see what happens.

Do you have any input on other LLM programmes? Perhaps those offered by UCL or KCL?

Hey Elle. Wonder if you'll see this since I'm repling a few years down the line... but had you managed to get into Cambridge? Another Malta student here considering applying to Cam later this year

<blockquote>Thanks for your helpful replies! Agree with your comment 100% - I'll apply in any case and see what happens.

Do you have any input on other LLM programmes? Perhaps those offered by UCL or KCL? </blockquote>

Hey Elle. Wonder if you'll see this since I'm repling a few years down the line... but had you managed to get into Cambridge? Another Malta student here considering applying to Cam later this year

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