

Can anybody share some experience with LLM in Oil&Gas or some other programme at Aberdeen: workload, classes, connections to employers etc.


Can anybody share some experience with LLM in Oil&Gas or some other programme at Aberdeen: workload, classes, connections to employers etc.





I'm at Aberdeen doing an LLM in international commercial law. My roommate is also in the LLM program, doing Oil and Gas. On behalf of both of us, I would say we like the program, but we think it is quite "light" in some respects. For example, you only do 4 classes and your dissertation. There is ample time to work a part-time job during the program, if you are interested. I just wish they would give us more classes and less "independant research" time. I think the program would be improved a lot more if they did that. Having said that, the independant research does let you focus on what you are interested in. I guess it just depends if you already know your interests, or if you are looking for a program that will introduce those interests to you. Do not get me wrong, I think Aberdeen's program is great--I just think it would be better with more classes. :)


I'm at Aberdeen doing an LLM in international commercial law. My roommate is also in the LLM program, doing Oil and Gas. On behalf of both of us, I would say we like the program, but we think it is quite "light" in some respects. For example, you only do 4 classes and your dissertation. There is ample time to work a part-time job during the program, if you are interested. I just wish they would give us more classes and less "independant research" time. I think the program would be improved a lot more if they did that. Having said that, the independant research does let you focus on what you are interested in. I guess it just depends if you already know your interests, or if you are looking for a program that will introduce those interests to you. Do not get me wrong, I think Aberdeen's program is great--I just think it would be better with more classes. :)

Just to follow on with zixx777 has written, I reckon most LLM programmes are similar in that aspect, regardless of where you are be it Aberdeen, UoL or Oxbridge

Just to follow on with zixx777 has written, I reckon most LLM programmes are similar in that aspect, regardless of where you are… be it Aberdeen, UoL or Oxbridge…

Generally speaking, the workload of an LLM varies depending on your choices of modules - not all involve light(er) workloads.

Some courses demand a high degree of technicality and broad knowledge of the subject - this means putting in substantial study hours every week. Profs/lecturers may also ask for additional work eg. non-assessed essays.

Other courses are relatively easy and closely follow the content of textbooks. These can be passed with some careful question spotting.

On the whole though, LLMs are not arduous (excluding the BCL) and it's quite easy to fit in some sort of other work (or partying).

But be warned - I know two people who failed modules and had to return to London to resit!

Generally speaking, the workload of an LLM varies depending on your choices of modules - not all involve light(er) workloads.

Some courses demand a high degree of technicality and broad knowledge of the subject - this means putting in substantial study hours every week. Profs/lecturers may also ask for additional work eg. non-assessed essays.

Other courses are relatively easy and closely follow the content of textbooks. These can be passed with some careful question spotting.

On the whole though, LLMs are not arduous (excluding the BCL) and it's quite easy to fit in some sort of other work (or partying).

But be warned - I know two people who failed modules and had to return to London to resit!

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