How important is my GPA?


Hello everyone,

I have few questions in my mind. I don't know if it's important to have a high GPA to get into a good Law School to do a master degree. Right now, I am a freshman and my GPA is 2 something. I know it's not good enough but I wonder if my GPA is that important for my acceptance.

I am searching for the best university for myself. It might be too early to do that but I want to prepare myself beforehand. As far as I'm concerned I find out some of the Universities are well-known and also known as 'the best law schools' like Utrecht,Leiden,Groningen,Heidelberg etc.

My question is which one of them is the cheapest one and is more advantageous ( like being able to " sell yourself " easily after graduation)

Thank you very much,

P.S: you can give me any information about the LLM it doesn't matter if it's about the European Universities or American or other.

Hello everyone,

I have few questions in my mind. I don't know if it's important to have a high GPA to get into a good Law School to do a master degree. Right now, I am a freshman and my GPA is 2 something. I know it's not good enough but I wonder if my GPA is that important for my acceptance.

I am searching for the best university for myself. It might be too early to do that but I want to prepare myself beforehand. As far as I'm concerned I find out some of the Universities are well-known and also known as 'the best law schools' like Utrecht,Leiden,Groningen,Heidelberg etc.

My question is which one of them is the cheapest one and is more advantageous ( like being able to " sell yourself " easily after graduation)

Thank you very much,

P.S: you can give me any information about the LLM it doesn't matter if it's about the European Universities or American or other.

hi betk-27. To have a good GPA(above 3) is important especially if you are appying for financial aid. However if you are going to pay your tuition and living expenses you can get admitted even if your GPA is not good. It also depends to which universities you are applying.
Good luck
Michael from Eritrea

hi betk-27. To have a good GPA(above 3) is important especially if you are appying for financial aid. However if you are going to pay your tuition and living expenses you can get admitted even if your GPA is not good. It also depends to which universities you are applying.
Good luck
Michael from Eritrea

Hi Michael,
Thank you for replying back my msg. I am a freshman(first grader) and my first semesters' GPA is 2.2. I would like to apply for financial aid tho but the thing is I have no idea which university is best for me. I want to get my master's degree in international business law or something about private law. Which school do you suggest? Thank you once again

Hi Michael,
Thank you for replying back my msg. I am a freshman(first grader) and my first semesters' GPA is 2.2. I would like to apply for financial aid tho but the thing is I have no idea which university is best for me. I want to get my master's degree in international business law or something about private law. Which school do you suggest? Thank you once again

This is another Michael, but I contend that regardless of whether you are applying for financial aid or not, you definitely need a GPA above three in fact closer to 3.3. If you really want to be involved in international business law, I would suggest in the US doing a JD/MBA programs, the best being those at UPenn, Columbia, NYU, North-Western, Michigan-Ann Arbor, UC-Berkley, USC, Stanford, Yale and Harvard. You need a higher GPA (i.e. 3.5 or higher) Several student loans will help you do this. Also make sure you select a major which gives you a very high GPA, to a certain extent (note to a certain extent your GPA is irrelivant)

This is another Michael, but I contend that regardless of whether you are applying for financial aid or not, you definitely need a GPA above three in fact closer to 3.3. If you really want to be involved in international business law, I would suggest in the US doing a JD/MBA programs, the best being those at UPenn, Columbia, NYU, North-Western, Michigan-Ann Arbor, UC-Berkley, USC, Stanford, Yale and Harvard. You need a higher GPA (i.e. 3.5 or higher) Several student loans will help you do this. Also make sure you select a major which gives you a very high GPA, to a certain extent (note to a certain extent your GPA is irrelivant)

Hi another Michael =)
so even if I will pay tuiton, my GPA must be higher than 3? (I mean for the American Universities) because as far as I'm concerned yale, harvard etc. are need blind schools? by the way could you name the other universities from europe that are good at int. business law? thank you very much
ps: also could you tell me which schools are good at world trade law (int. trade law) -I dont know the exact name- ???

Hi another Michael =)
so even if I will pay tuiton, my GPA must be higher than 3? (I mean for the American Universities) because as far as I'm concerned yale, harvard etc. are need blind schools? by the way could you name the other universities from europe that are good at int. business law? thank you very much
ps: also could you tell me which schools are good at world trade law (int. trade law) -I dont know the exact name- ???

Your GPA must be definitely higher than 3 and yes most of them are definitely need blind. I can only give you information on UK schools, I know of LSE, Edinburgh, Loughborough, Warick and the London Business school as having great business programs. Try not to focus solely on doing international business, try to get an MBA and expand international exposure, say with relation to mastery of a couple of languages, that's what appeals to employers. Also it depends on what your career goals are but you want to focus on being able to do internship with companies in the major finance centers in the wold. That's how my roomate got a job with Citi Bank.

Your GPA must be definitely higher than 3 and yes most of them are definitely need blind. I can only give you information on UK schools, I know of LSE, Edinburgh, Loughborough, Warick and the London Business school as having great business programs. Try not to focus solely on doing international business, try to get an MBA and expand international exposure, say with relation to mastery of a couple of languages, that's what appeals to employers. Also it depends on what your career goals are but you want to focus on being able to do internship with companies in the major finance centers in the wold. That's how my roomate got a job with Citi Bank.

Of course let's not forget Oxford and Cambridge.

Of course let's not forget Oxford and Cambridge.


one of the first requirements is this,,,THEN they start looking at your other merits,,so yess study a lot and try to keep a 3.3 GPA or even higher if possible


one of the first requirements is this,,,THEN they start looking at your other merits,,so yess study a lot and try to keep a 3.3 GPA or even higher if possible

oh man!
I hope I'll raise my GPA.
Thanks alot for your advises pucca =)

oh man!
I hope I'll raise my GPA.
Thanks alot for your advises pucca =)

Your welcome,,you can do it dont worry! you still have plentyy fo time! :)

Your welcome,,you can do it dont worry! you still have plentyy fo time! :)

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