Western style LLM in Russia?

I am searching a possibility to get into the LLM program in Russia. Among those Russian schools offer I didn't find any program which is being taught in English. Any suggestion will be appreciated. 

I am searching a possibility to get into the LLM program in Russia. Among those Russian schools offer I didn't find any program which is being taught in English. Any suggestion will be appreciated. 

Hi Sanjar :)

Russia isnt the best place to try to find a western style LLM ( although the russian ones do include a lot of foreign study material, and knowledge of english is welcome). However, i sugges you check this out :) -http://www.pericles.ru/able/llmbasics.htm

Hi Sanjar :)

Russia isnt the best place to try to find a western style LLM ( although the russian ones do include a lot of foreign study material, and knowledge of english is welcome). However, i sugges you check this out :) -http://www.pericles.ru/able/llmbasics.htm

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