Univ Utrecht - Int / EU Law 2008-2009


So yes I got the confirmation today.
I was accepted and I am very happy!

Who else is gonna be there next year!?

Hope to hear from you and meet you all in Utrecht next September!!! :D

So yes I got the confirmation today.
I was accepted and I am very happy!

Who else is gonna be there next year!?

Hope to hear from you and meet you all in Utrecht next September!!! :D

Hi Rachie,

I hope you enjoy a lot Utrecht University!!!

When did you apply?
I also applyed there, but they only received my documents 10 days ago. Do you know how the admisson process works? Is there a final date to receive a notification from them?

thanks in advance,


Hi Rachie,

I hope you enjoy a lot Utrecht University!!!

When did you apply?
I also applyed there, but they only received my documents 10 days ago. Do you know how the admisson process works? Is there a final date to receive a notification from them?

thanks in advance,


Well for me it took me only 2 weeks but I went to Holland in vacation in the middle of March and I delivered all my papers in hand!
I didn't receive an official letter yet but I e-mailed the course coordinator (because I also asked for an appointment with him - this was last summer by the way - to know a bit more about the programme) to ask about how long the process would take and he just told me I was admitted already but that I have to wait for the official papers from the international office now.

Anyway, it normally takes about 12 weeks.

I wish you good luck!

Keep in touch about it!

Do you know anyone else who's applying for this LLM / Univ?

I am from Portugal by the way. You? :)

(OH... Another question! Is this your first choice? Because in my case it is, 'cause I also got accepted in Tilburg and Amsterdam, but Utrecht was always my preference and main goal!) :D

Well for me it took me only 2 weeks but I went to Holland in vacation in the middle of March and I delivered all my papers in hand!
I didn't receive an official letter yet but I e-mailed the course coordinator (because I also asked for an appointment with him - this was last summer by the way - to know a bit more about the programme) to ask about how long the process would take and he just told me I was admitted already but that I have to wait for the official papers from the international office now.

Anyway, it normally takes about 12 weeks.

I wish you good luck!

Keep in touch about it!

Do you know anyone else who's applying for this LLM / Univ?

I am from Portugal by the way. You? :)

(OH... Another question! Is this your first choice? Because in my case it is, 'cause I also got accepted in Tilburg and Amsterdam, but Utrecht was always my preference and main goal!) :D

Well, I applyed in several master programmes in Europe!!
Utrecht is one of my main choices.
I heard that this is a very good programme and I hope I get addmited.
I reply to you when I receive any kind of notification, and, by the way, thanks for the tip, I will send them an e-mail asking about my admisson. Maybe they already have a position!!

You are from Portugal, that is great!!! It is a very beautiful country, with the most beautiful language!!! By the way, i am from Brazil...hehehe

And next time, we can comunicate in portuguese!!!

Again, congratulations!!!

Well, I applyed in several master programmes in Europe!!
Utrecht is one of my main choices.
I heard that this is a very good programme and I hope I get addmited.
I reply to you when I receive any kind of notification, and, by the way, thanks for the tip, I will send them an e-mail asking about my admisson. Maybe they already have a position!!

You are from Portugal, that is great!!! It is a very beautiful country, with the most beautiful language!!! By the way, i am from Brazil...hehehe

And next time, we can comunicate in portuguese!!!

Again, congratulations!!!


Well, I applyed in several master programmes in Europe!!
Utrecht is one of my main choices.
I heard that this is a very good programme and I hope I get addmited.
I reply to you when I receive any kind of notification, and, by the way, thanks for the tip, I will send them an e-mail asking about my admisson. Maybe they already have a position!!

You are from Portugal, that is great!!! It is a very beautiful country, with the most beautiful language!!! By the way, i am from Brazil...hehehe

And next time, we can comunicate in portuguese!!!

Again, congratulations!!!


Que engraçado, encontrar pessoal do Brasil aqui!
Já agora, eu tenho 21 anos e moro em Lisboa, e tu?

E outra coisa, visto que estas a tentar concorrer a diversas Universidades não tens assim uma ordem de preferências?

Ainda não encontrei quase ninguém aqui que vá para Utrecht, e pelos vistos sou mesmo a primeira a saber os resultados! Mas espero vir a conhecer alguém!

Ainda preciso acabar a minha licenciatura em Julho!
Espero não falhar nenhum exame!
Era o maior desgosto da minha vida mesmo :P!


<blockquote>Well, I applyed in several master programmes in Europe!!
Utrecht is one of my main choices.
I heard that this is a very good programme and I hope I get addmited.
I reply to you when I receive any kind of notification, and, by the way, thanks for the tip, I will send them an e-mail asking about my admisson. Maybe they already have a position!!

You are from Portugal, that is great!!! It is a very beautiful country, with the most beautiful language!!! By the way, i am from Brazil...hehehe

And next time, we can comunicate in portuguese!!!

Again, congratulations!!!



Que engraçado, encontrar pessoal do Brasil aqui!
Já agora, eu tenho 21 anos e moro em Lisboa, e tu?

E outra coisa, visto que estas a tentar concorrer a diversas Universidades não tens assim uma ordem de preferências?

Ainda não encontrei quase ninguém aqui que vá para Utrecht, e pelos vistos sou mesmo a primeira a saber os resultados! Mas espero vir a conhecer alguém!

Ainda preciso acabar a minha licenciatura em Julho!
Espero não falhar nenhum exame!
Era o maior desgosto da minha vida mesmo :P!


É verdade!! É raro encontrar alguém do Brasil neste site!!!

Nossa, você é super nova! Aqui no Brasil, o curso de direito dura 5 anos. Eu tenho 24 e me formei em dezembro do ano passado. Mas ainda estou esperando o resultado da OAB (BAR exame) para me tornar uma advogada.

Bem, na Holanda me inscrevi apenas no mestrado de Utrecht. Também me inscrevi na Suécia, mas não recebi nenhum resultado ainda, apenas de Genebra, que ,infelizmente, não fui aceita.

Mas Utrecht e Suecia sempre foram minhas prioridades!!

Ah, você sabe se com o mestrado de Utrecht estaremos habilitadas a nos inserir em um programa de doutorado?
Na Europa há alguma diferença entre o mestrado de 1 ano e o mestrado de 2 anos quanto ao título de mestre adquirido?

Pergunto isto, porque no Brasil há uma grande diferença entre estas duas pós graduações, tanto quanto na questão do título, como também para concorrer futuramente a uma vaga de doutorado.

Agradeço desde já qualquer informação que você possa me dar sobre o assunto!!!

Espero que tudo ocorra bem com os seus exames finais e que nós nos encontramos em Utrecht!!!


É verdade!! É raro encontrar alguém do Brasil neste site!!!

Nossa, você é super nova! Aqui no Brasil, o curso de direito dura 5 anos. Eu tenho 24 e me formei em dezembro do ano passado. Mas ainda estou esperando o resultado da OAB (BAR exame) para me tornar uma advogada.

Bem, na Holanda me inscrevi apenas no mestrado de Utrecht. Também me inscrevi na Suécia, mas não recebi nenhum resultado ainda, apenas de Genebra, que ,infelizmente, não fui aceita.

Mas Utrecht e Suecia sempre foram minhas prioridades!!

Ah, você sabe se com o mestrado de Utrecht estaremos habilitadas a nos inserir em um programa de doutorado?
Na Europa há alguma diferença entre o mestrado de 1 ano e o mestrado de 2 anos quanto ao título de mestre adquirido?

Pergunto isto, porque no Brasil há uma grande diferença entre estas duas pós graduações, tanto quanto na questão do título, como também para concorrer futuramente a uma vaga de doutorado.

Agradeço desde já qualquer informação que você possa me dar sobre o assunto!!!

Espero que tudo ocorra bem com os seus exames finais e que nós nos encontramos em Utrecht!!!


É verdade!! É raro encontrar alguém do Brasil neste site!!!

Nossa, você é super nova! Aqui no Brasil, o curso de direito dura 5 anos. Eu tenho 24 e me formei em dezembro do ano passado. Mas ainda estou esperando o resultado da OAB (BAR exame) para me tornar uma advogada.

Bem, na Holanda me inscrevi apenas no mestrado de Utrecht. Também me inscrevi na Suécia, mas não recebi nenhum resultado ainda, apenas de Genebra, que ,infelizmente, não fui aceita.

Mas Utrecht e Suecia sempre foram minhas prioridades!!

Ah, você sabe se com o mestrado de Utrecht estaremos habilitadas a nos inserir em um programa de doutorado?
Na Europa há alguma diferença entre o mestrado de 1 ano e o mestrado de 2 anos quanto ao título de mestre adquirido?

Pergunto isto, porque no Brasil há uma grande diferença entre estas duas pós graduações, tanto quanto na questão do título, como também para concorrer futuramente a uma vaga de doutorado.

Agradeço desde já qualquer informação que você possa me dar sobre o assunto!!!

Espero que tudo ocorra bem com os seus exames finais e que nós nos encontramos em Utrecht!!!


Aqui o curso também durava 5 anos, mas com as novas regras na União Europeia (o Processo de Bolonha que veio harmonizar os graus universitários na União Europeia) o curso passou para 4 anos, mas nao podemos fazer a admissão à Ordem dos Advogados (Bar) sem o Mestrado. Mas eu também não quero ser advogada. Estou mais interessada em ser Jurista e poder dar pareceres jurídicos, trabalhando numa empresa ou banco.
Também, se tudo correr bem e aguentar a saudade, planeio ficar na Holanda, até porque tenho vários amigos (e neste momento o meu namorado) lá!

Eu creio que com o Mestrado de Utrecht muitas portas se nos vão abrir, e creio que o Mestrado é uma delas. Sempre me disseram que Utrecht e Leiden são das melhores Universidades da Europa. Mas na dúvida envia um mail para a Universidade.
Creio também que não há muitas diferenças, pelo menos dentro da Europa porque agora os Mestrados com o Processo de Bolonha são muito fraquinhos (exemplo: antigamente para ser aceite em Mestrado tinha de se ter média final de 14/20 no mínimo, o que nem 1/5 dos alunos consegue ter aqui em Portugal, porque em Direito as notas são muito baixas).

Espero que sejamos colegas em Utrecht!
Era óptimo porque sempre podíamos matar saudades da nossa língua sempre que quisessemos!

É verdade! Envias-te mail a perguntar da candidatura? E escolheste alguma das especializações já (Internacional ou Europeu?)


<blockquote>É verdade!! É raro encontrar alguém do Brasil neste site!!!

Nossa, você é super nova! Aqui no Brasil, o curso de direito dura 5 anos. Eu tenho 24 e me formei em dezembro do ano passado. Mas ainda estou esperando o resultado da OAB (BAR exame) para me tornar uma advogada.

Bem, na Holanda me inscrevi apenas no mestrado de Utrecht. Também me inscrevi na Suécia, mas não recebi nenhum resultado ainda, apenas de Genebra, que ,infelizmente, não fui aceita.

Mas Utrecht e Suecia sempre foram minhas prioridades!!

Ah, você sabe se com o mestrado de Utrecht estaremos habilitadas a nos inserir em um programa de doutorado?
Na Europa há alguma diferença entre o mestrado de 1 ano e o mestrado de 2 anos quanto ao título de mestre adquirido?

Pergunto isto, porque no Brasil há uma grande diferença entre estas duas pós graduações, tanto quanto na questão do título, como também para concorrer futuramente a uma vaga de doutorado.

Agradeço desde já qualquer informação que você possa me dar sobre o assunto!!!

Espero que tudo ocorra bem com os seus exames finais e que nós nos encontramos em Utrecht!!!

Abraços!!! </blockquote>

Aqui o curso também durava 5 anos, mas com as novas regras na União Europeia (o Processo de Bolonha que veio harmonizar os graus universitários na União Europeia) o curso passou para 4 anos, mas nao podemos fazer a admissão à Ordem dos Advogados (Bar) sem o Mestrado. Mas eu também não quero ser advogada. Estou mais interessada em ser Jurista e poder dar pareceres jurídicos, trabalhando numa empresa ou banco.
Também, se tudo correr bem e aguentar a saudade, planeio ficar na Holanda, até porque tenho vários amigos (e neste momento o meu namorado) lá!

Eu creio que com o Mestrado de Utrecht muitas portas se nos vão abrir, e creio que o Mestrado é uma delas. Sempre me disseram que Utrecht e Leiden são das melhores Universidades da Europa. Mas na dúvida envia um mail para a Universidade.
Creio também que não há muitas diferenças, pelo menos dentro da Europa porque agora os Mestrados com o Processo de Bolonha são muito fraquinhos (exemplo: antigamente para ser aceite em Mestrado tinha de se ter média final de 14/20 no mínimo, o que nem 1/5 dos alunos consegue ter aqui em Portugal, porque em Direito as notas são muito baixas).

Espero que sejamos colegas em Utrecht!
Era óptimo porque sempre podíamos matar saudades da nossa língua sempre que quisessemos!

É verdade! Envias-te mail a perguntar da candidatura? E escolheste alguma das especializações já (Internacional ou Europeu?)


Sorry the switch to English again... I am Angela, from Colombia, and I got accepted at Utrecht for the Law & Economics Master, which was my first option.

I also got accepted at Tilburg for the International Business Law Master, and know I am not sure what should I do.
Why did you choose Utrecht? Do you know something about the L&E Master?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Sorry the switch to English again... I am Angela, from Colombia, and I got accepted at Utrecht for the Law & Economics Master, which was my first option.

I also got accepted at Tilburg for the International Business Law Master, and know I am not sure what should I do.
Why did you choose Utrecht? Do you know something about the L&E Master?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Sorry the switch to English again... I am Angela, from Colombia, and I got accepted at Utrecht for the Law & Economics Master, which was my first option.

When did you send your application? I'm still waiting for an answer, and I'm wondering how long it will take.

From what I heard, Utrecht and Tilburg are equivalent in quality. The choice is really yours, depending of the options and various courses offered.

Sorry the switch to English again... I am Angela, from Colombia, and I got accepted at Utrecht for the Law & Economics Master, which was my first option.
When did you send your application? I'm still waiting for an answer, and I'm wondering how long it will take.

From what I heard, Utrecht and Tilburg are equivalent in quality. The choice is really yours, depending of the options and various courses offered.

I've herd the same. My first option was Utrecht but I got scholarship at Tilburg, so I'm just trying to find out if there are sustantial differences between Tilburg and Utrecht that make me reject the scholarship...

Regarding the admission process, I sent the documents for the march deadline, like two months ago. The acceptence letter is dated April 8, it took quite long!!

Which master are you applying for? Did you apply to other universities?

I've herd the same. My first option was Utrecht but I got scholarship at Tilburg, so I'm just trying to find out if there are sustantial differences between Tilburg and Utrecht that make me reject the scholarship...

Regarding the admission process, I sent the documents for the march deadline, like two months ago. The acceptence letter is dated April 8, it took quite long!!

Which master are you applying for? Did you apply to other universities?

Well, I sent the documents 3 to 4 weeks ago and I didn t receive anything yet!!!!
I think Alegna is right, it take long to receive a notification!!!

Alegna, I heard good things about both universities, I think you should not reject the scholarship, it is a great opportunity!!!!

I wish you all GOOD LUCKY!!!!! :)

Well, I sent the documents 3 to 4 weeks ago and I didn t receive anything yet!!!!
I think Alegna is right, it take long to receive a notification!!!

Alegna, I heard good things about both universities, I think you should not reject the scholarship, it is a great opportunity!!!!

I wish you all GOOD LUCKY!!!!! :)

Well, I sent the documents 3 to 4 weeks ago and I didn t receive anything yet!!!!
I think Alegna is right, it take long to receive a notification!!!

Alegna, I heard good things about both universities, I think you should not reject the scholarship, it is a great opportunity!!!!

I wish you all GOOD LUCKY!!!!! :)

I delivered my documents 7 weeks ago (I delivered them personally at the international office because I was in vacation in Holland) and I still didn't receive any official letter of acceptance... I honestly think that they will consider all the applications and then send all of them at the same time. So we should consider maybe 12 weeks after the deadline (which was the 1st of April for this programme)!!

What do you guys think? That would be by the end of June, and that is kinda late... But I really don't know what to think.

Anyway, my dutch friends who are doing their bachelors there say that they aren't that organized with the paper stuff and burocracies... So we'll see... And we'll have to wait anyway... Ai ai....

<blockquote>Well, I sent the documents 3 to 4 weeks ago and I didn t receive anything yet!!!!
I think Alegna is right, it take long to receive a notification!!!

Alegna, I heard good things about both universities, I think you should not reject the scholarship, it is a great opportunity!!!!

I wish you all GOOD LUCKY!!!!! :)</blockquote>

I delivered my documents 7 weeks ago (I delivered them personally at the international office because I was in vacation in Holland) and I still didn't receive any official letter of acceptance... I honestly think that they will consider all the applications and then send all of them at the same time. So we should consider maybe 12 weeks after the deadline (which was the 1st of April for this programme)!!

What do you guys think? That would be by the end of June, and that is kinda late... But I really don't know what to think.

Anyway, my dutch friends who are doing their bachelors there say that they aren't that organized with the paper stuff and burocracies... So we'll see... And we'll have to wait anyway... Ai ai....

I delivered my documents 7 weeks ago (I delivered them personally at the international office because I was in vacation in Holland) and I still didn't receive any official letter of acceptance... I honestly think that they will consider all the applications and then send all of them at the same time. So we should consider maybe 12 weeks after the deadline (which was the 1st of April for this programme)!!

What do you guys think? That would be by the end of June, and that is kinda late... But I really don't know what to think.

I really hope not. I'm starting an internship in Amsterdam on June 2nd, and since I'd rather not move twice in three months, it would be great if they could tell me before... That way I'd go to Utrecht right away, and just take the train every day to go work in Amsterdam - it's just half an hour, very doable, much cheaper, and so much more practical!
I'll try to call them in a few days to ask them, I'll tell you all the answer!


I delivered my documents 7 weeks ago (I delivered them personally at the international office because I was in vacation in Holland) and I still didn't receive any official letter of acceptance... I honestly think that they will consider all the applications and then send all of them at the same time. So we should consider maybe 12 weeks after the deadline (which was the 1st of April for this programme)!!

What do you guys think? That would be by the end of June, and that is kinda late... But I really don't know what to think.

I really hope not. I'm starting an internship in Amsterdam on June 2nd, and since I'd rather not move twice in three months, it would be great if they could tell me before... That way I'd go to Utrecht right away, and just take the train every day to go work in Amsterdam - it's just half an hour, very doable, much cheaper, and so much more practical!
I'll try to call them in a few days to ask them, I'll tell you all the answer!

I delivered my documents 7 weeks ago (I delivered them personally at the international office because I was in vacation in Holland) and I still didn't receive any official letter of acceptance... I honestly think that they will consider all the applications and then send all of them at the same time. So we should consider maybe 12 weeks after the deadline (which was the 1st of April for this programme)!!

What do you guys think? That would be by the end of June, and that is kinda late... But I really don't know what to think.

I really hope not. I'm starting an internship in Amsterdam on June 2nd, and since I'd rather not move twice in three months, it would be great if they could tell me before... That way I'd go to Utrecht right away, and just take the train every day to go work in Amsterdam - it's just half an hour, very doable, much cheaper, and so much more practical!
I'll try to call them in a few days to ask them, I'll tell you all the answer!

Keep me updated, I'll do the same!
Good luck! :)


I delivered my documents 7 weeks ago (I delivered them personally at the international office because I was in vacation in Holland) and I still didn't receive any official letter of acceptance... I honestly think that they will consider all the applications and then send all of them at the same time. So we should consider maybe 12 weeks after the deadline (which was the 1st of April for this programme)!!

What do you guys think? That would be by the end of June, and that is kinda late... But I really don't know what to think.

I really hope not. I'm starting an internship in Amsterdam on June 2nd, and since I'd rather not move twice in three months, it would be great if they could tell me before... That way I'd go to Utrecht right away, and just take the train every day to go work in Amsterdam - it's just half an hour, very doable, much cheaper, and so much more practical!
I'll try to call them in a few days to ask them, I'll tell you all the answer!</blockquote>

Keep me updated, I'll do the same!
Good luck! :)

Hi everyone!

My name is Antonio and I was admitted at the IBL in Tilburg. I am from Peru and I had studied law in Barcelona (I live in BCN).

I hope to see you guys in August at Tilburg University.


PD: Hola Angela, creo que entre Tilburg y Utrecht no existe una difeencia cualitativa importante, ambas son muy buenas universidades. En mi opinión deberías aprovechar la beca de Tilburg (No se si en Utrecht dan becas).

Hi everyone!

My name is Antonio and I was admitted at the IBL in Tilburg. I am from Peru and I had studied law in Barcelona (I live in BCN).

I hope to see you guys in August at Tilburg University.


PD: Hola Angela, creo que entre Tilburg y Utrecht no existe una difeencia cualitativa importante, ambas son muy buenas universidades. En mi opinión deberías aprovechar la beca de Tilburg (No se si en Utrecht dan becas).

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