Northwestern - IE Executive LLM

Has anyone heard anything about this LLM in Madrid and Chicago?

Has anyone heard anything about this LLM in Madrid and Chicago?

I attended an information session 1 month ago and
I would like to inform you that there are only 7 people currently enrolled in the Executive LLM program (class 2006-2007).
I can also inform you that just 4 of them have a law degree. The other students have a background in economics or in business administration. I cannot imagine myself discusing legal issues with people with a different background.
The program is really new and I think that is just a waste of money.
Please note that this is just my personal point of view

I attended an information session 1 month ago and
I would like to inform you that there are only 7 people currently enrolled in the Executive LLM program (class 2006-2007).
I can also inform you that just 4 of them have a law degree. The other students have a background in economics or in business administration. I cannot imagine myself discusing legal issues with people with a different background.
The program is really new and I think that is just a waste of money.
Please note that this is just my personal point of view

Hi, I'm currently a NWL/IE exec. LLM student.

I'm currently attending the last semester of the program at NW Law in downtown Chicago.

RR, the info you got is simply not true. By way of this email I'm letting you know that the first edition of this joint LLM / certificate in business admin program started with a class of eleven students from all over the globe.

We have a guy from Nigeria, another from Qatar, two from brussels, two from Germany, four Spaniards (one of them being me), and one from Mexico.

(Small classes are pretty typical for first year editions of these kind of programs...)

Two of them are MBA's with no previous legal background. And that is just great. You wouldn't believe how this kind of diversity enriches discussions and further enhances the already great learning experience.

RR said: "I cannot imagine myself discusing legal issues with people with a different background."

Well, I have seven years of legal practice in my backpack and while I think this should be pretty obvious let me just say RR that 'discussing legal issues with people with different backgrounds' is just how business works. You report to CEOs, CFOs, and the like and more often than not they are not Lawyers or have no legal background at all.

If you work in a somewhat international atmosphere you'll find yourself dealing with diversity at many different levels... and that is just how the game is, and let me add it is just great.

As a final note, I'll say my goodbyes noting that I'm writing you guys from Santa Monica (L.A.) while squeezing out the last days of spring break at Northwestern Law... another positive side-effect of being here...

BTW: there seems to be a lot of people with different backgrounds at the beach here... I wonder whether I'll be talking to anyone during this trip... ;-)

All the best, TFS

Hi, I'm currently a NWL/IE exec. LLM student.

I'm currently attending the last semester of the program at NW Law in downtown Chicago.

RR, the info you got is simply not true. By way of this email I'm letting you know that the first edition of this joint LLM / certificate in business admin program started with a class of eleven students from all over the globe.

We have a guy from Nigeria, another from Qatar, two from brussels, two from Germany, four Spaniards (one of them being me), and one from Mexico.

(Small classes are pretty typical for first year editions of these kind of programs...)

Two of them are MBA's with no previous legal background. And that is just great. You wouldn't believe how this kind of diversity enriches discussions and further enhances the already great learning experience.

RR said: "I cannot imagine myself discusing legal issues with people with a different background."

Well, I have seven years of legal practice in my backpack and while I think this should be pretty obvious let me just say RR that 'discussing legal issues with people with different backgrounds' is just how business works. You report to CEOs, CFOs, and the like and more often than not they are not Lawyers or have no legal background at all.

If you work in a somewhat international atmosphere you'll find yourself dealing with diversity at many different levels... and that is just how the game is, and let me add it is just great.

As a final note, I'll say my goodbyes noting that I'm writing you guys from Santa Monica (L.A.) while squeezing out the last days of spring break at Northwestern Law... another positive side-effect of being here...

BTW: there seems to be a lot of people with different backgrounds at the beach here... I wonder whether I'll be talking to anyone during this trip... ;-)

All the best, TFS


Your response was great. I appreciate the insider point of view, and the wit. I'm a law student here in the US at a non-top-teir law school. Do I stand a chance of getting in? I speak fluent Spanish and would love to go to Spain, and I was just in Chicago a few weeks ago and Northwestern is beautiful. Anyways, how competitive is the program?


Your response was great. I appreciate the insider point of view, and the wit. I'm a law student here in the US at a non-top-teir law school. Do I stand a chance of getting in? I speak fluent Spanish and would love to go to Spain, and I was just in Chicago a few weeks ago and Northwestern is beautiful. Anyways, how competitive is the program?

Mr Serna,

I am writing to you in order to let you know that I have just read your insider point of view concerning the Executive LLM offered by Northwestern University in collaboration with Instituto de Empresa.

First of all I want to inform you that I also have practical experience as a Legal Counsel. Please note that I also have to deal with people from different divisions in order to report my activities. I also have to take business decisions with some of them (i.e Merger and Acquisitions transactions as well as in the implementation of joint ventures)

I know that discussing legal issues with people with different backgrounds' is just how business works. I am just saying that i do not imagine myself in a POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM IN LAW discussing legal issues with people with a different background. I know that in the real life is different but I believe that is much better to take an LLM with law professional that with student with other backgrounds (ITS NOT AN MBA)

Mr Serna,

I am writing to you in order to let you know that I have just read your insider point of view concerning the Executive LLM offered by Northwestern University in collaboration with Instituto de Empresa.

First of all I want to inform you that I also have practical experience as a Legal Counsel. Please note that I also have to deal with people from different divisions in order to report my activities. I also have to take business decisions with some of them (i.e Merger and Acquisitions transactions as well as in the implementation of joint ventures)

I know that discussing legal issues with people with different backgrounds' is just how business works. I am just saying that i do not imagine myself in a POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM IN LAW discussing legal issues with people with a different background. I know that in the real life is different but I believe that is much better to take an LLM with law professional that with student with other backgrounds (ITS NOT AN MBA)


jktclt28: Thanks for your response. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to get in... Give it a try. I'm assuming you have nice academic credentials and the right attitude... You know what they say: Where there is a will, there is a way...

I would suggest for you to directly contact Instituto de Empresa. (I think admissions are handled from there.)

RR: Thank you, as well, for your response.

I'm afraid you will have to take a leap of faith here, but trust me... having these MBAs here has indeed been of benefit for everyone of us.

There is one who after working for several financial institutions, heads his own investing company... and has been able to give great insights on German securities laws... just to give you a quick example.

About your last (ITS NOT AN MBA) remark: You might also want to keep in mind that this is a joint degree program... you get two degrees for the price of three... ;-)

Now seriously, my point is that in every subject, including Law related ones, but also: marketing, financial accounting, etc. these MBAs have come in pretty handy...

I figure that the admissions process has also played a role here... Not every MBA guy would be an ideal student for this program... just as not every Lawyer necessarily makes an ideal candidate for it as well.

Best, TFS

jktclt28: Thanks for your response. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to get in... Give it a try. I'm assuming you have nice academic credentials and the right attitude... You know what they say: Where there is a will, there is a way...

I would suggest for you to directly contact Instituto de Empresa. (I think admissions are handled from there.)

RR: Thank you, as well, for your response.

I'm afraid you will have to take a leap of faith here, but trust me... having these MBAs here has indeed been of benefit for everyone of us.

There is one who after working for several financial institutions, heads his own investing company... and has been able to give great insights on German securities laws... just to give you a quick example.

About your last (ITS NOT AN MBA) remark: You might also want to keep in mind that this is a joint degree program... you get two degrees for the price of three... ;-)

Now seriously, my point is that in every subject, including Law related ones, but also: marketing, financial accounting, etc. these MBAs have come in pretty handy...

I figure that the admissions process has also played a role here... Not every MBA guy would be an ideal student for this program... just as not every Lawyer necessarily makes an ideal candidate for it as well.

Best, TFS

Hi tfserna!

I have found very interesting you insights regarding the Executive LLM.

Since time has gone by I guess that you have finished already. I just wanted to ask you about the job opportunities that have arisen after having completed the program.

I may be interested in taking this program next year. What deters me is the big investment that I need to make and I do know what the real chances of working in the US are.

Your personal view could be very helpful

Have you taken any Bar Exam?

Many thanks

Best regards

Hi tfserna!

I have found very interesting you insights regarding the Executive LLM.

Since time has gone by I guess that you have finished already. I just wanted to ask you about the job opportunities that have arisen after having completed the program.

I may be interested in taking this program next year. What deters me is the big investment that I need to make and I do know what the real chances of working in the US are.

Your personal view could be very helpful

Have you taken any Bar Exam?

Many thanks

Best regards

Any feedback on how the MBA's can benefit from this program ?

Any feedback on how the MBA's can benefit from this program ?

Hi there! This was my experience. Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago and Instituto de Empresa offer a true top-quality learning experience based on three pillars of international education:
The Anglo-American model of common law
Comparative aspects fundamental to international business practice
Select subjects in business administration
The law courses are designed by top professors to meet the needs of the international business practitioner. These core courses focus primarily on the system of law - based on the English common law - which applies today in the United States. In addition, aspects of international practice are considered, for example in the areas of international taxation, arbitration and antitrust. Finally, participants complete business administration (corporate finance, business strategy, financial accounting, strategy) coursework intended to increase their effectiveness as lawyers by making them more aware of some of the fundamental business issues facing their corporate clients.

Overall just a great and remunerative experience!

Hi there! This was my experience. Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago and Instituto de Empresa offer a true top-quality learning experience based on three pillars of international education:
• The Anglo-American model of common law
• Comparative aspects fundamental to international business practice
• Select subjects in business administration
The law courses are designed by top professors to meet the needs of the international business practitioner. These core courses focus primarily on the system of law - based on the English common law - which applies today in the United States. In addition, aspects of international practice are considered, for example in the areas of international taxation, arbitration and antitrust. Finally, participants complete business administration (corporate finance, business strategy, financial accounting, strategy) coursework intended to increase their effectiveness as lawyers by making them more aware of some of the fundamental business issues facing their corporate clients.

Overall just a great and remunerative experience!

Has anyone heard recently anything about this LLM in Madrid and Chicago? I would like to understand more about this experience. Thanks a lot.

Has anyone heard recently anything about this LLM in Madrid and Chicago? I would like to understand more about this experience. Thanks a lot.

Hello, was anyone here admitted to the ELLM of Ie/Northwestern starting next week?

Hello, was anyone here admitted to the ELLM of Ie/Northwestern starting next week?

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