LL.M. in Finance - Institute For Law and Finance at Goethe University - Germany

Mr. Lawyer


You misunderstood me, or I was not clear enough.

Ranking (university), transcripts from both.



You misunderstood me, or I was not clear enough.

Ranking (university), transcripts from both.



Is there any Alumni around that could give us some advise about which subjects should we take for the first semester?

It would be really nice if we could know "inside information" before choosing subjects.

Thanks a lot,



Is there any Alumni around that could give us some advise about which subjects should we take for the first semester?

It would be really nice if we could know "inside information" before choosing subjects.

Thanks a lot,



I am doing it right now.

What exactly do you wanna know??

Isn't it a bit early for course selection?!?!?!

In any case, I may help you. And don't be that worried because you will be able to go for all classes for the 1 and 2 week. Then, you will have to decide it in reality.

The first selection is not definitive...




I am doing it right now.

What exactly do you wanna know??

Isn't it a bit early for course selection?!?!?!

In any case, I may help you. And don't be that worried because you will be able to go for all classes for the 1 and 2 week. Then, you will have to decide it in reality.

The first selection is not definitive...



Hi mates,

There banking law LLM degrees in UK and people I talk say that going to UK is a better idea if the courses will be held in English and the tuition fee is 15.000 Euros. What do you think? According to you, why is LLM Finance better than those in UK?

Thank you very much in advance...


Hi mates,

There banking law LLM degrees in UK and people I talk say that going to UK is a better idea if the courses will be held in English and the tuition fee is 15.000 Euros. What do you think? According to you, why is LLM Finance better than those in UK?

Thank you very much in advance...



I would say it is quite easy:

1) Here you can take more than 4 papers in the whole year. I had myself an experience in the UK and I can say that they have great name, good universities, but for an LL.M... They give you toooooo many brakes, tooooo much time to follow one or two papers only. I got bored... It is only one year. It must be as intense as possible.

2) Here they do speak English as well!!! Even though, it is in Germany. Professors come from UK, America, Germany, Portugal, Italy, to name few... It is really international. You have a broader view, learning how to manage not only the Company's Act 2002 and regulations from the UK (the view in the UK), but German, USA, UK, and General EU rules.

3) The chance you have to get a scholarship here is hundred times bigger than in ANY UK University. Cost of life is better and in Frankfurt you can survive without German easily.

4) The connections of the ILF with the market in Frankfurt can be equal, but not worse than ANY Law School in the whole world. In our group of 40, more than 35 got already an internship with half time gone. And you can bet: in top law firms and banks.

5) Here, there will be not only lawyers talking about Finance, but also business guys talking about law. The interactions and interdisciplinary of the course makes it worthier.

That's it!

Think about



I would say it is quite easy:

1) Here you can take more than 4 papers in the whole year. I had myself an experience in the UK and I can say that they have great name, good universities, but for an LL.M... They give you toooooo many brakes, tooooo much time to follow one or two papers only. I got bored... It is only one year. It must be as intense as possible.

2) Here they do speak English as well!!! Even though, it is in Germany. Professors come from UK, America, Germany, Portugal, Italy, to name few... It is really international. You have a broader view, learning how to manage not only the Company's Act 2002 and regulations from the UK (the view in the UK), but German, USA, UK, and General EU rules.

3) The chance you have to get a scholarship here is hundred times bigger than in ANY UK University. Cost of life is better and in Frankfurt you can survive without German easily.

4) The connections of the ILF with the market in Frankfurt can be equal, but not worse than ANY Law School in the whole world. In our group of 40, more than 35 got already an internship with half time gone. And you can bet: in top law firms and banks.

5) Here, there will be not only lawyers talking about Finance, but also business guys talking about law. The interactions and interdisciplinary of the course makes it worthier.

That's it!

Think about…



@Rafael Lima & Mr. Lawyer,

First of all, thanks for providing useful info about ILF.
I have also received offer letter from ILF with a scholarship of Euro 5000. I am also admitted to Georgetown and awaiting for Berkeley & Harvard. But I am in dilemma what to do....

I am a law graduate from India, at present working in Middle East in an Int'l IP Firm. I do not have much exp in Finance but have finance background in first degree course. I do not know German. In your opinion what will be the chances of getting job after completing LL.M. from ILF and what will be a better option between Georgetown and ILF in long term career perspective.

@Rafael Lima & Mr. Lawyer,

First of all, thanks for providing useful info about ILF.
I have also received offer letter from ILF with a scholarship of Euro 5000. I am also admitted to Georgetown and awaiting for Berkeley & Harvard. But I am in dilemma what to do....

I am a law graduate from India, at present working in Middle East in an Int'l IP Firm. I do not have much exp in Finance but have finance background in first degree course. I do not know German. In your opinion what will be the chances of getting job after completing LL.M. from ILF and what will be a better option between Georgetown and ILF in long term career perspective.
Mr. Lawyer

Hey Jaideep,

You put me in a very delicate situation now.

As a matter of advice and suggestion, you must be aware that nobody can really decide your life for you. And if advices were always good, we would not merely give them, but sell it for a reasonable price!

Unfortunately, I must admit that today a degree in Georgetown will look better in your CV than one got in the ILF. It is a fact that Georgetown is widely known not only in the US, but in India, Europe and everywhere else. The ILF for its turn, has a more strong value in the European environment.

However, It is also a fact that your CV can make it easier for you to get a first job, but it is not enough to keep you in there. You must be really good to have your space nowadays, specially in Finance!! It this sense, I can guarantee you that in the ILF you will REALLY learn finance. I dunno how things are in Georgetown, how into Finance they are, and if they really provide you a special and unique time studying.

To be honest, I am a bit skeptical with the NAMES of Universities only. Not always the quality reflects the name acquired. But it is a good indicator though... I would reaserch quality of staff and program. And than compare...

Another fact that you must keep in mind is the life in the US nowadays. For outsiders, it has become really a problem. Personally, I don't like been considered a problem that must be tolerated for a while. If i have to live in a place out of my country, I would prefer to go for one where I fell welcome, where my rights and homeland are respected. In this sense, I have nothing to say about Germany. Specially the people from Hessen, the state of Frankfurt. They are really nice with us, public authorities act with respect and you fell welcome. On the other hand, I had a "not very good" experience in the US learning english...

Also, in Germany you can attend internships and be paid for that. In the ILF you WILL realize one as a mandatory requirement. It is a great chance to make contacts and find a job after graduation. I had three offers, accepted two, and hopefully will be employed after here.

But, it is just my point of view. I had 5 offers to select before comming, all here in Europe: UCL, QMUL, Durham, ILF and Catolica. I am proud of my choice...

That's it mate.

Think, think, and when you have sure, think a bit more. It is a decision for life. Dont put money before other more important things... you have your entire life to work and make it!!


Mr. Lawyer.

Hey Jaideep,

You put me in a very delicate situation now.

As a matter of advice and suggestion, you must be aware that nobody can really decide your life for you. And if advices were always good, we would not merely give them, but sell it for a reasonable price!

Unfortunately, I must admit that today a degree in Georgetown will look better in your CV than one got in the ILF. It is a fact that Georgetown is widely known not only in the US, but in India, Europe and everywhere else. The ILF for its turn, has a more strong value in the European environment.

However, It is also a fact that your CV can make it easier for you to get a first job, but it is not enough to keep you in there. You must be really good to have your space nowadays, specially in Finance!! It this sense, I can guarantee you that in the ILF you will REALLY learn finance. I dunno how things are in Georgetown, how into Finance they are, and if they really provide you a special and unique time studying.

To be honest, I am a bit skeptical with the NAMES of Universities only. Not always the quality reflects the name acquired. But it is a good indicator though... I would reaserch quality of staff and program. And than compare...

Another fact that you must keep in mind is the life in the US nowadays. For outsiders, it has become really a problem. Personally, I don't like been considered a problem that must be tolerated for a while. If i have to live in a place out of my country, I would prefer to go for one where I fell welcome, where my rights and homeland are respected. In this sense, I have nothing to say about Germany. Specially the people from Hessen, the state of Frankfurt. They are really nice with us, public authorities act with respect and you fell welcome. On the other hand, I had a "not very good" experience in the US learning english...

Also, in Germany you can attend internships and be paid for that. In the ILF you WILL realize one as a mandatory requirement. It is a great chance to make contacts and find a job after graduation. I had three offers, accepted two, and hopefully will be employed after here.

But, it is just my point of view. I had 5 offers to select before comming, all here in Europe: UCL, QMUL, Durham, ILF and Catolica. I am proud of my choice...

That's it mate.

Think, think, and when you have sure, think a bit more. It is a decision for life. Dont put money before other more important things... you have your entire life to work and make it!!


Mr. Lawyer.


Thanx a lot.....

That,s true, it is me who is going to decide. I just asked for your advise and you advised me in a fair way.... One more thing, is there any other scholarships for ILF LL.M. students.... Still I have to pay Euro 10,000 for remaining fee...
Thanks again and Best regards

Thanx a lot.....

That,s true, it is me who is going to decide. I just asked for your advise and you advised me in a fair way.... One more thing, is there any other scholarships for ILF LL.M. students.... Still I have to pay Euro 10,000 for remaining fee...
Thanks again and Best regards
Mr. Lawyer

Hey mate,

I just said that things regarding advices and decisions coze here in this website very often we see people saying "help me to decide". And they just got the votes and go for the most selected one... it cannot be like that. But, I am sorry anyway...

Regarding your last querry, I know that they have a huge list of sponsors and a good contact with the DAAD. This is a germany public board that provides scholarships for overseas students.

Get in contact with the admission office of the ILF and ask them if you can combine scholarships (i dunno if it is possible) and, if yes, how to make contact with the DAAD.

Thats it!!

I wish u all luck in your decision and your seek for the scholarship. But 5.000 Euros is quite a lot, hein...

If you decide for the ILF, we will see each other in some of the Alumni events for sure.


Mr. L

Hey mate,

I just said that things regarding advices and decisions coze here in this website very often we see people saying "help me to decide". And they just got the votes and go for the most selected one... it cannot be like that. But, I am sorry anyway...

Regarding your last querry, I know that they have a huge list of sponsors and a good contact with the DAAD. This is a germany public board that provides scholarships for overseas students.

Get in contact with the admission office of the ILF and ask them if you can combine scholarships (i dunno if it is possible) and, if yes, how to make contact with the DAAD.

Thats it!!

I wish u all luck in your decision and your seek for the scholarship. But 5.000 Euros is quite a lot, hein...

If you decide for the ILF, we will see each other in some of the Alumni events for sure.


Mr. L

Hi all,

I wanted to ask you how much the LL.M. could be effective in terms of career enhancement/career change and in general continuous and updated learning for a 36 years old lawyer who has practised in 5 European countries up to now.

As far as you are aware, has ever anybody of my age attended the LL.M.?

Thanks for your replies.

Hi all,

I wanted to ask you how much the LL.M. could be effective in terms of career enhancement/career change and in general continuous and updated learning for a 36 years old lawyer who has practised in 5 European countries up to now.

As far as you are aware, has ever anybody of my age attended the LL.M.?

Thanks for your replies.

Dear Vale,

I think that education is never enough!!

I also think that an LL.M is much more suitable for somebody with a substancial practical experience, than for someone who just want to postpone its entrance to the wild environment of Law Firms, Banks and Audit Companies.

I can guarantee you that the likelihood to find over 40 on LL.Ms in Europe in not very high. However, it happens.

I am in contact with a former student of the ILF that have more or less your maturity and experience. Probably your age. If he agrees, I will be happy to forward his email to you.

Another important factor that you might consider is that you can share your experience. In such a program, the idea is not only gain knowledge but also share experience, approaches to different problems. I am quite sure that the whole group would gain with your presence.

Finally, some LL.Ms, as it is the case of the ILF, accept people with different backgrounds to discuss tha same topic: FINANCE.

So, you may have a great experience in the Law side, but you might have none in accounting, taxation of financial funds (looking from the business perspective), just to name few.

Thats my opinion.

I wish I had money and opportunities to recycle myself one year every 6 or 7 of work, attending a masters.


Dear Vale,

I think that education is never enough!!

I also think that an LL.M is much more suitable for somebody with a substancial practical experience, than for someone who just want to postpone its entrance to the wild environment of Law Firms, Banks and Audit Companies.

I can guarantee you that the likelihood to find over 40 on LL.Ms in Europe in not very high. However, it happens.

I am in contact with a former student of the ILF that have more or less your maturity and experience. Probably your age. If he agrees, I will be happy to forward his email to you.

Another important factor that you might consider is that you can share your experience. In such a program, the idea is not only gain knowledge but also share experience, approaches to different problems. I am quite sure that the whole group would gain with your presence.

Finally, some LL.Ms, as it is the case of the ILF, accept people with different backgrounds to discuss tha same topic: FINANCE.

So, you may have a great experience in the Law side, but you might have none in accounting, taxation of financial funds (looking from the business perspective), just to name few.

Thats my opinion.

I wish I had money and opportunities to recycle myself one year every 6 or 7 of work, attending a masters.


@Mr. Lawyer.....

Thank you very much....

Hope will join ILF and very much pleased to meet you.... but will decide next month....

If I have more queries in this regard, will bother you....


@Mr. Lawyer.....

Thank you very much....

Hope will join ILF and very much pleased to meet you.... but will decide next month....

If I have more queries in this regard, will bother you....


Dear Vale,

I think that education is never enough!!

I also think that an LL.M is much more suitable for somebody with a substancial practical experience, than for someone who just want to postpone its entrance to the wild environment of Law Firms, Banks and Audit Companies.

I can guarantee you that the likelihood to find over 40 on LL.Ms in Europe in not very high. However, it happens.

I am in contact with a former student of the ILF that have more or less your maturity and experience. Probably your age. If he agrees, I will be happy to forward his email to you.

Another important factor that you might consider is that you can share your experience. In such a program, the idea is not only gain knowledge but also share experience, approaches to different problems. I am quite sure that the whole group would gain with your presence.

Finally, some LL.Ms, as it is the case of the ILF, accept people with different backgrounds to discuss tha same topic: FINANCE.

So, you may have a great experience in the Law side, but you might have none in accounting, taxation of financial funds (looking from the business perspective), just to name few.

Thats my opinion.

I wish I had money and opportunities to recycle myself one year every 6 or 7 of work, attending a masters.



well, thanks a lot for your tips and your "moral" support and yes, please, if that former student agrees, just forward to him my message.

Thanks again.

<blockquote>Dear Vale,

I think that education is never enough!!

I also think that an LL.M is much more suitable for somebody with a substancial practical experience, than for someone who just want to postpone its entrance to the wild environment of Law Firms, Banks and Audit Companies.

I can guarantee you that the likelihood to find over 40 on LL.Ms in Europe in not very high. However, it happens.

I am in contact with a former student of the ILF that have more or less your maturity and experience. Probably your age. If he agrees, I will be happy to forward his email to you.

Another important factor that you might consider is that you can share your experience. In such a program, the idea is not only gain knowledge but also share experience, approaches to different problems. I am quite sure that the whole group would gain with your presence.

Finally, some LL.Ms, as it is the case of the ILF, accept people with different backgrounds to discuss tha same topic: FINANCE.

So, you may have a great experience in the Law side, but you might have none in accounting, taxation of financial funds (looking from the business perspective), just to name few.

Thats my opinion.

I wish I had money and opportunities to recycle myself one year every 6 or 7 of work, attending a masters.



well, thanks a lot for your tips and your "moral" support and yes, please, if that former student agrees, just forward to him my message.

Thanks again.

Hey Vale,

Are you from South America? At least we have a great "Vale" Family down there.

If you wanna more information about the program, I am a current student. Always a pleasure to talk about the ILF.

See ya!


Hey Vale,

Are you from South America? At least we have a great "Vale" Family down there.

If you wanna more information about the program, I am a current student. Always a pleasure to talk about the ILF.

See ya!



Am from the Geveva of Africa, Tanzania. I am saddened i have not been admited to ILF, i was reduced to tears. No apparent reasons were given than a "a dissapointing news e-mail". For sure, ILF has rocked my world, unfortunately, i have to accept their painful decision.

Well, i would like to ask you guys, if you happen to know the altenative to ILF (Finance, tax or corporate law) with such similar scholarship opportunities. Please let me know. LLM is my priority for now.

The Ringoboy.


Am from the Geveva of Africa, Tanzania. I am saddened i have not been admited to ILF, i was reduced to tears. No apparent reasons were given than a "a dissapointing news e-mail". For sure, ILF has rocked my world, unfortunately, i have to accept their painful decision.

Well, i would like to ask you guys, if you happen to know the altenative to ILF (Finance, tax or corporate law) with such similar scholarship opportunities. Please let me know. LLM is my priority for now.

The Ringoboy.


Sorry about the unfortunate ILF news...have you considered Bucerius/WHU in Hamburg or Erasmus in Rotterdam? The Bucerius/WHU program is structured like the ILF in that it consists of a two-month internship, like ILF, and also has a curriculum including half law and the other half consisting of business/management/economics. Check their websites or feel for free to contact me with any questions.

Best regards,


Sorry about the unfortunate ILF news...have you considered Bucerius/WHU in Hamburg or Erasmus in Rotterdam? The Bucerius/WHU program is structured like the ILF in that it consists of a two-month internship, like ILF, and also has a curriculum including half law and the other half consisting of business/management/economics. Check their websites or feel for free to contact me with any questions.

Best regards,
Mr. Lawyer

Hey Boy,

Dont be that sad!

Life is like that sometimes, we that come from 3rd world should be used to these situations. Life is better when we get things in a harder way. I learn to give the right valued to them.

As a suggestion, I would say to you apply again next year. Maybe they had already selected the 40s of the year. I dunno...

You may find other places to apply as well. Have a look in Leiden and Tilburg in Holland. They have advanced programs, more in international business than finance, but it is a good start though.



Hey Boy,

Dont be that sad!

Life is like that sometimes, we that come from 3rd world should be used to these situations. Life is better when we get things in a harder way. I learn to give the right valued to them.

As a suggestion, I would say to you apply again next year. Maybe they had already selected the 40s of the year. I dunno...

You may find other places to apply as well. Have a look in Leiden and Tilburg in Holland. They have advanced programs, more in international business than finance, but it is a good start though.





Be sure that you will have a chance. It would be much better if you had at least the first exam in Germany or other BAR Exam in a foreign country.

But, since your professors will be the partners of firms like Norton and Rose, Freshfields, Baker and Mckenzie, Linklaters, to name few... You will have a unique opportunity to show your value and run after you inscription in their BAR in future.

You will be in your country mate, come on!

I am Brazilian and am working for in Financial Services at PwC now.




Be sure that you will have a chance. It would be much better if you had at least the first exam in Germany or other BAR Exam in a foreign country.

But, since your professors will be the partners of firms like Norton and Rose, Freshfields, Baker and Mckenzie, Linklaters, to name few... You will have a unique opportunity to show your value and run after you inscription in their BAR in future.

You will be in your country mate, come on!

I am Brazilian and am working for in Financial Services at PwC now.




Hi everyone:)
I write for a first time in such a forum, so please excuse me if I make mistakes with the posts:)
I have been just accepted to the ILF program and I am very glad because of that fact but I still have some additional questions and I will highly appreciate if someone can help with his/her own experiance.
I have been granted with 5000 euro by the ILF but there still remains the question about living expences. I tried to contact with a number of german foundations that provides scholarships but the answer again and again is the same: " You don't know German language so we can't help you". So if somebody has (or had) the same case like mine and he/she can provide me contact details of any organization or at least a little bit more detailed information about the requerements for scholarship I will be very graceful !
About the ILF....as i can see here I have made a good choice applying for that program;). I hope that the real job opportunities are really as good as they are pointed out by the guys here;). It is really great to have "inside" information about the program and about the chances that it can give!
Thnx to all!

Hi everyone:)
I write for a first time in such a forum, so please excuse me if I make mistakes with the posts:)
I have been just accepted to the ILF program and I am very glad because of that fact but I still have some additional questions and I will highly appreciate if someone can help with his/her own experiance.
I have been granted with 5000 euro by the ILF but there still remains the question about living expences. I tried to contact with a number of german foundations that provides scholarships but the answer again and again is the same: " You don't know German language so we can't help you". So if somebody has (or had) the same case like mine and he/she can provide me contact details of any organization or at least a little bit more detailed information about the requerements for scholarship I will be very graceful !
About the ILF....as i can see here I have made a good choice applying for that program;). I hope that the real job opportunities are really as good as they are pointed out by the guys here;). It is really great to have "inside" information about the program and about the chances that it can give!
Thnx to all!

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