LL.M. in Finance - Institute For Law and Finance at Goethe University - Germany


Hi. I have been following this discussion board for sometime now and this program seems to be the one I have been looking for. I am hoping I could get some clarifications regarding the following:

1. Are there still slots available for 2008-2009?
2. Assuming that one gets accepted to the program for a given year, does the ILF allow deferment to the following year? If not, would one be disadvantaged if he applies anew in the following year?
3. Is the ILF particular about the TOEFL? It seems that it is not needed if one has obtained a degree from a university wherein English is used as a medium of instruction. I obtained my B.A., LLB, and MBA degrees from Asian universities which use English but for ease in the application processing, would it be better I just go through the TOEFL?

I am still in the process of completing the requirements. Hopefully, I will be able to file my application by January 2008.



Is there anybody else applying for the LLM in Finance at the ILF to 2008/2009?

Is there anybody that had attended this LL.M in the past to provide me a feedback?

I heard a lot of great things about them in special regarding a high rate of scholarships granted and a high rate of graduates getting jobs in the prestigious market of Frankfurt after the program.

Also, there are one of the few programs that accept business guys and lawyers. Thus, discussions in class must be even better and considerable abrangent.

If somebody could share experiences and wishes it would be great!!


Hi. I have been following this discussion board for sometime now and this program seems to be the one I have been looking for. I am hoping I could get some clarifications regarding the following:

1. Are there still slots available for 2008-2009?
2. Assuming that one gets accepted to the program for a given year, does the ILF allow deferment to the following year? If not, would one be disadvantaged if he applies anew in the following year?
3. Is the ILF particular about the TOEFL? It seems that it is not needed if one has obtained a degree from a university wherein English is used as a medium of instruction. I obtained my B.A., LLB, and MBA degrees from Asian universities which use English but for ease in the application processing, would it be better I just go through the TOEFL?

I am still in the process of completing the requirements. Hopefully, I will be able to file my application by January 2008.



Is there anybody else applying for the LLM in Finance at the ILF to 2008/2009?

Is there anybody that had attended this LL.M in the past to provide me a feedback?

I heard a lot of great things about them in special regarding a high rate of scholarships granted and a high rate of graduates getting jobs in the prestigious market of Frankfurt after the program.

Also, there are one of the few programs that accept business guys and lawyers. Thus, discussions in class must be even better and considerable abrangent.

If somebody could share experiences and wishes it would be great!!

Cheers... </blockquote>
Mr. Lawyer

Hi Yumi,

Well, I will try to help you, but take into consideration that I am a former student and I really dunno how things are conducted inside the ILF Admission Board:

1. Since applications are still open, you must suppose there are still available places. I think they send all confirmations, or at least keep some to be sent, in january or february 2008. That is, you may still apply and get someone's place, in case they are in doubt about him/her. (It is cruel, but is how it is...)

2. I don't think so! If you wanna 2009/2010 you will probably have to apply again. In my oppinion, it should be different. You know, cheat happens in this world!!! But I am quite sure they do not deffer any admission. In any case, you may apply again and I bet you will be accepted if your papers are good enough in comparison with the pool of aplicants of that year.
No bad fellings at all...

3. Send an e-mail to them and they will certainly inform exactly how it works. I applied using Toefl and Ielts...
3.1.Z - If you can get a good mark on TOEFL, do it!! It is easy and allow you to apply for others Universities (If it is the case) and to show english proficiency in Interviews (Mandatory to pass in the ILF). Just have in mind that Europeans Unis do prefer IELTS.



Hi Yumi,

Well, I will try to help you, but take into consideration that I am a former student and I really dunno how things are conducted inside the ILF Admission Board:

1. Since applications are still open, you must suppose there are still available places. I think they send all confirmations, or at least keep some to be sent, in january or february 2008. That is, you may still apply and get someone's place, in case they are in doubt about him/her. (It is cruel, but is how it is...)

2. I don't think so! If you wanna 2009/2010 you will probably have to apply again. In my oppinion, it should be different. You know, cheat happens in this world!!! But I am quite sure they do not deffer any admission. In any case, you may apply again and I bet you will be accepted if your papers are good enough in comparison with the pool of aplicants of that year.
No bad fellings at all...

3. Send an e-mail to them and they will certainly inform exactly how it works. I applied using Toefl and Ielts...
3.1.Z - If you can get a good mark on TOEFL, do it!! It is easy and allow you to apply for others Universities (If it is the case) and to show english proficiency in Interviews (Mandatory to pass in the ILF). Just have in mind that Europeans Unis do prefer IELTS.



Hi Everybody,

In cases like this one, I would suggest you to write an e-mail to the admission office of the ILF.

Unfortunately, I cannot help in these specific questions.



Hi Everybody,

In cases like this one, I would suggest you to write an e-mail to the admission office of the ILF.

Unfortunately, I cannot help in these specific questions.



Can anyone help me on the academic barriers for acceptance?

Some years ago I received a high 2:2 in my LLB in Australia and was ranked around the 50% mark in my class. Is there any point in me applying for this program?

Many thanks,


Can anyone help me on the academic barriers for acceptance?

Some years ago I received a high 2:2 in my LLB in Australia and was ranked around the 50% mark in my class. Is there any point in me applying for this program?

Many thanks,

Mr. Lawyer

Hey Gibbo,

I read the Admission Requirements on the ILF Web Site (www.ilf-frankfurt.de), and could not find a precise information regarding final grades. I mean, whether you got a first, upper second or lower second as far as I can understand will not be a barrier for your admission. But Ranking is important and they will certainly require it.

In any case, I would say... APPLY!!! The LL.M. is really great... Reasons for that:

1) There is no application fee;
2) Your language is English, thus no Proficiency Exam for you;
3) No cost with translation of documents (they are in english already).
4) You just need to collect everything and send a by mail.

As a suggestion, I would say to you:

1) write a nice Statement of Purpose saying that you are really interested and you will be able to gain knowledge and share experiences... you know!!
2) get 2 or 3 nice Recommendation Letters... these are the most important documents...
3) Put stress on your work experience if you have some...

Just Remember... It is better to have an application denied than not had even tried mate!!


Hey Gibbo,

I read the Admission Requirements on the ILF Web Site (www.ilf-frankfurt.de), and could not find a precise information regarding final grades. I mean, whether you got a first, upper second or lower second as far as I can understand will not be a barrier for your admission. But Ranking is important and they will certainly require it.

In any case, I would say... APPLY!!! The LL.M. is really great... Reasons for that:

1) There is no application fee;
2) Your language is English, thus no Proficiency Exam for you;
3) No cost with translation of documents (they are in english already).
4) You just need to collect everything and send a by mail.

As a suggestion, I would say to you:

1) write a nice Statement of Purpose saying that you are really interested and you will be able to gain knowledge and share experiences... you know!!
2) get 2 or 3 nice Recommendation Letters... these are the most important documents...
3) Put stress on your work experience if you have some...

Just Remember... It is better to have an application denied than not had even tried mate!!



Hi everybody,
I studied at the ILF 2006-2007 and am therefore entitled to recommend this program. Btw, I think I know Mr Lawyer (I think we've been neighbours in September 2007...) and would like to say hello to Fasil (try and guess who I am...not too difficult...).
As far as I know no statement of purpose is required (unless they changed sth): But preparing one and sending it along with the application package won't harm you.
As to ranking, I confirm it's important but not necessary to have a good ranking especially if you can demonstrate work experience in the field. For the Australian guy (sorry I can't read yr name right now): I bet the ILF would be very interested in receiving yr application. They usually are eager to differentiate (financial technique) and gain to the student body new nationalities. Thus go ahead!

Hi everybody,
I studied at the ILF 2006-2007 and am therefore entitled to recommend this program. Btw, I think I know Mr Lawyer (I think we've been neighbours in September 2007...) and would like to say hello to Fasil (try and guess who I am...not too difficult...).
As far as I know no statement of purpose is required (unless they changed sth): But preparing one and sending it along with the application package won't harm you.
As to ranking, I confirm it's important but not necessary to have a good ranking especially if you can demonstrate work experience in the field. For the Australian guy (sorry I can't read yr name right now): I bet the ILF would be very interested in receiving yr application. They usually are eager to differentiate (financial technique) and gain to the student body new nationalities. Thus go ahead!

What's Up!!!

I would like to be in contact with the prospective students of the ILF 2008/2009...

So, if you applied already or will apply, could you write your name and nacionality below?!?!

Let's make it even nicer...


My Status:

- Collecting Documents and Translating them to apply;

Nationality: Argentinian;

What's Up!!!

I would like to be in contact with the prospective students of the ILF 2008/2009...

So, if you applied already or will apply, could you write your name and nacionality below?!?!

Let's make it even nicer...


My Status:

- Collecting Documents and Translating them to apply;

Nationality: Argentinian;



I am Ashraf from Bangladesh. Application status: applied already, finger crossed.
Good luck to all.


I am Ashraf from Bangladesh. Application status: applied already, finger crossed.
Good luck to all.


ML / Rafael,
Thank you for the tips. Well, I'd better hurry completing these requirements....
Great seeing all these Q&As posted on this board; practically all of my questions now have found light ;)
Hoping I can make it in 2008-2009.

Thanks again.

ML / Rafael,
Thank you for the tips. Well, I'd better hurry completing these requirements....
Great seeing all these Q&As posted on this board; practically all of my questions now have found light ;)
Hoping I can make it in 2008-2009.

Thanks again.



Mr. Lawyer,

Thank you for the reply. Actually, you are completely right, I have nothing to lose by putting in an application.

Best of luck to those who have applied or are about to. I hope to see you there!


Mr. Lawyer,

Thank you for the reply. Actually, you are completely right, I have nothing to lose by putting in an application.

Best of luck to those who have applied or are about to. I hope to see you there!


Hey Guys,

I wish you all the best in your application!

Hope you all come and help the Institute to become more and more important and the LL.M even better.

In case you still need any help, just post here and I will be proud to help (if possible).



Hey Guys,

I wish you all the best in your application!

Hope you all come and help the Institute to become more and more important and the LL.M even better.

In case you still need any help, just post here and I will be proud to help (if possible).



Rafael and others, thanks a lot for helping, first of all. I am especially curious about job opportunities after the program without having a (first) German law degree. Even if you get an internship through the program, does that translate into a potential job offer after graduation? In other words, is the program primarily one that gives students some good experience but assumes that they will go back to their home countries after graduation, or are people actually getting jobs through this (in Frankfurt or elsewhere)?

Again, thanks a lot.

Rafael and others, thanks a lot for helping, first of all. I am especially curious about job opportunities after the program without having a (first) German law degree. Even if you get an internship through the program, does that translate into a potential job offer after graduation? In other words, is the program primarily one that gives students some good experience but assumes that they will go back to their home countries after graduation, or are people actually getting jobs through this (in Frankfurt or elsewhere)?

Again, thanks a lot.
Mr. Lawyer

Hi Everybody...

I feel so happy because people is really asking and talking about the ILF.

That's really great to see the LLM you've done one of the most popular in this world. Today the ILF is in the 13th place in the LLM Guide Ranking... IMPRESSIVE!!!

Well, I will always be here to help those really interested in the Institute to get a place in one of the most nice LL.M over this planet, for sure.

Regarding the "Jobbability" of the ILF I can say:

1) You will get an internship in Frankfurt, for sure;
2) You will work then in one of the leading banks or law firms for at least two months, enhancing your opportunities and network;
3) Provided that you work hard, speak good english and fit in their policys (imigration from auslanders, bla bla bla...), you can really get an placement in one of these places;

I know some guys from Alumni and from my own group which got proposals to stay and jobs in this city! Others preferred to go back their own countries and make thei lives there.

One thing is sure: without a german bar (first or second) and not being a solicitor in NY Bar, you will probably make less money in the very beginning, but you can after all compensate it.

Another important fact: a job you can get everywhere, the job is another thing. I fell the LLM can prepare you to face huge challenges, meet expactations, but only you can make the difference to get the best placement.

Remember that...


Hi Everybody...

I feel so happy because people is really asking and talking about the ILF.

That's really great to see the LLM you've done one of the most popular in this world. Today the ILF is in the 13th place in the LLM Guide Ranking... IMPRESSIVE!!!

Well, I will always be here to help those really interested in the Institute to get a place in one of the most nice LL.M over this planet, for sure.

Regarding the "Jobbability" of the ILF I can say:

1) You will get an internship in Frankfurt, for sure;
2) You will work then in one of the leading banks or law firms for at least two months, enhancing your opportunities and network;
3) Provided that you work hard, speak good english and fit in their policys (imigration from auslanders, bla bla bla...), you can really get an placement in one of these places;

I know some guys from Alumni and from my own group which got proposals to stay and jobs in this city! Others preferred to go back their own countries and make thei lives there.

One thing is sure: without a german bar (first or second) and not being a solicitor in NY Bar, you will probably make less money in the very beginning, but you can after all compensate it.

Another important fact: a job you can get everywhere, the job is another thing. I fell the LLM can prepare you to face huge challenges, meet expactations, but only you can make the difference to get the best placement.

Remember that...



Hi guys!

I'm filipino and I've already been accepted to the Program. Hope to see everyone this October!

Hi guys!

I'm filipino and I've already been accepted to the Program. Hope to see everyone this October!

Congrats Mate!

Anybody else??



Congrats Mate!

Anybody else??




I also want to apply LLM Finance. I have a question: They want high school transcripts. Is it mandatory? Because in my country, we have to pass an exam to go to university. The high school grades do not grant you the right to choose your school. Do I have to submit the high school transcripts in any situation?

Thank you very much...



I also want to apply LLM Finance. I have a question: They want high school transcripts. Is it mandatory? Because in my country, we have to pass an exam to go to university. The high school grades do not grant you the right to choose your school. Do I have to submit the high school transcripts in any situation?

Thank you very much...


am in your shoes, i have not been admited as of yet but i guess i may just share with you what i did.

Well to my observed opinion, i would advise you send them all necesary but, certified documents which you think may be useful or may provide them with the understanding of your accademic profile.

Other than that, i hardly have any other better advise.



am in your shoes, i have not been admited as of yet but i guess i may just share with you what i did.

Well to my observed opinion, i would advise you send them all necesary but, certified documents which you think may be useful or may provide them with the understanding of your accademic profile.

Other than that, i hardly have any other better advise.


Mr. Lawyer

Yeap Mate,

They will require that!!!

Ranking, Transcripts for both High School and University...

It is impossible to skip this requirement...


Yeap Mate,

They will require that!!!

Ranking, Transcripts for both High School and University...

It is impossible to skip this requirement...


Thanks mates for your help.

Mr Lawyer, there is nothing about ranking for the high school in the website, are you sure about it? As far as I know, they just need the ranking in the university... What do you think?

Thanks mates for your help.

Mr Lawyer, there is nothing about ranking for the high school in the website, are you sure about it? As far as I know, they just need the ranking in the university... What do you think?


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