International Environmental Law



This seems to be the only international environmental law LL.M. in Europe without high tuition fee. I would like to apply to this LL.M. program. Has anyone heard about the seriousness of the University of Iceland?



This seems to be the only international environmental law LL.M. in Europe without high tuition fee. I would like to apply to this LL.M. program. Has anyone heard about the seriousness of the University of Iceland?



I´ve applied for the program and received an approval. Have you applied too? Maybe we´ll meet next fall.


I´ve applied for the program and received an approval. Have you applied too? Maybe we´ll meet next fall.

a double LLM in Business and environmental law will open at the university of cergy-pontoise next year (september 2008) with the Unviersity of Dundee. It is a unique preparation and you will be granted 2 LLM at the end of one year. You can still apply to the LLM in french and european law taught in english at Cerg-Pontoise for the second semester of 2007-2008 and join the double LLM in fall 2008.

a double LLM in Business and environmental law will open at the university of cergy-pontoise next year (september 2008) with the Unviersity of Dundee. It is a unique preparation and you will be granted 2 LLM at the end of one year. You can still apply to the LLM in french and european law taught in english at Cerg-Pontoise for the second semester of 2007-2008 and join the double LLM in fall 2008.
Connie KG

CEPMLP (Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy) at the University of Dundee currently offers LLM Environment Law and Policy. For more information, see
A CEPMLP Environmental Law Bursary is also available to qualified candidates. See

Connie Koh-Grieve
Marketing & External Relations Officer

CEPMLP (Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy) at the University of Dundee currently offers LLM Environment Law and Policy. For more information, see
A CEPMLP Environmental Law Bursary is also available to qualified candidates. See

Connie Koh-Grieve
Marketing & External Relations Officer

The University of Oregon's LLM is directed by professors who are experts in international environmental law. Theyalso are deeply involved in international environmental law in Europe and around the world. See or

The LLM Director serves as Vice Chair of the Compliance Committee under the United Nations' Aarhus Public Participation Convention. She travels to Geneva four times per year to consider cases brought against countries for violation of the Convention.

Another professor is Founder of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (see, a network in 70 countries that includes all of the world's leading environmental lawyers. The network is actually based in an office near the University of Oregon.

Another Oregon professor is the world's foremost proponent of the "nature's trust" approach for controlling global warming.

Other professors at Oregon include the former legal counsel to TransAfrica, a professor who spent the past 10 years working in Peru, a leading theorist in geography and environmental law, an expert in environmental taxation, a young star in the field of water law, and many others.

The University of Oregon's LLM is directed by professors who are experts in international environmental law. Theyalso are deeply involved in international environmental law in Europe and around the world. See or

The LLM Director serves as Vice Chair of the Compliance Committee under the United Nations' Aarhus Public Participation Convention. She travels to Geneva four times per year to consider cases brought against countries for violation of the Convention.

Another professor is Founder of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (see, a network in 70 countries that includes all of the world's leading environmental lawyers. The network is actually based in an office near the University of Oregon.

Another Oregon professor is the world's foremost proponent of the "nature's trust" approach for controlling global warming.

Other professors at Oregon include the former legal counsel to TransAfrica, a professor who spent the past 10 years working in Peru, a leading theorist in geography and environmental law, an expert in environmental taxation, a young star in the field of water law, and many others.

Anyone going to Iceland this year?

Anyone going to Iceland this year?

I am offered a place at the llm in environmental law at dundee (not the expensive one) and I´m still not sure if I want to go there.
Could anyone please tell me what the international acceptance of this llm is and if it is worth to go over there for this programme? I only found quotes on the expensive llm of the CE... -Center..

Thanks a lot!

I am offered a place at the llm in environmental law at dundee (not the expensive one) and I´m still not sure if I want to go there.
Could anyone please tell me what the international acceptance of this llm is and if it is worth to go over there for this programme? I only found quotes on the expensive llm of the CE... -Center..

Thanks a lot!

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