College of Europe


Hi André!I don't know about the interviews in France, but maybe you could find something in the previous discussion boards about the College.
What programme did you apply for?

Hi André!I don't know about the interviews in France, but maybe you could find something in the previous discussion boards about the College.
What programme did you apply for?

i applied for the LLM program and i was told that the interviews will take place on March 29th in Paris. I thought the shortlist would only be published a couple of weeks before but the fact that you already received a confirmation email while the italian interviews are only taking place in a month is making me doubt. Oh well, thanks for your answer anyway and best of luck for your interview.

i applied for the LLM program and i was told that the interviews will take place on March 29th in Paris. I thought the shortlist would only be published a couple of weeks before but the fact that you already received a confirmation email while the italian interviews are only taking place in a month is making me doubt. Oh well, thanks for your answer anyway and best of luck for your interview.

Don't worry, I think that probably they'll send the mail in a few days, so keep your fingers crossed!
Anyway, do you know what they could ask at the interview?

Don't worry, I think that probably they'll send the mail in a few days, so keep your fingers crossed!
Anyway, do you know what they could ask at the interview?

from what i heard from people who have been through this last year they check your level of english / french by asking you questions mainly about your motivation and also about your general knowledge on european institutions / law / treaty.
then again, from reading the last year posts, i have the feeling that the interviews differ pretty much from a country to another, so i don't really know what is expected in the italian interviews.
Any way, you have a full month to prepare yourself, i'm sure it's going to be fine,
best of luck

from what i heard from people who have been through this last year they check your level of english / french by asking you questions mainly about your motivation and also about your general knowledge on european institutions / law / treaty.
then again, from reading the last year posts, i have the feeling that the interviews differ pretty much from a country to another, so i don't really know what is expected in the italian interviews.
Any way, you have a full month to prepare yourself, i'm sure it's going to be fine,
best of luck

Yes, I heard that too, anyway you're right, I have a month to prepare myself, we'll see!
Let me know if you receive a mail too!
I applied for the European Political and Administrative Studies, so if I'm selected I'll be studying in Bruges, and you?Did you apply for Bruges or Natolin?

Yes, I heard that too, anyway you're right, I have a month to prepare myself, we'll see!
Let me know if you receive a mail too!
I applied for the European Political and Administrative Studies, so if I'm selected I'll be studying in Bruges, and you?Did you apply for Bruges or Natolin?

Hello everybody!

I´m a Spanish girl and I´ve applied for the IRD.
I´m still waiting for an answer about the interview and I haven´t been able to find out the approximate date of the interviews in Spain so I guess my only option is to wait!!

Anyway, congratulations and good luck to those of you that got the mail and plenty of patience to the rest!


Hello everybody!

I´m a Spanish girl and I´ve applied for the IRD.
I´m still waiting for an answer about the interview and I haven´t been able to find out the approximate date of the interviews in Spain so I guess my only option is to wait!!

Anyway, congratulations and good luck to those of you that got the mail and plenty of patience to the rest!


Hi luxi!
Well, I think that from now on you should check your e-mail, because, as I understood, the interviews generally take place between March and April, so they will surely let you know the date in the next few days/weeks!
Good luck!:-)

Hi luxi!
Well, I think that from now on you should check your e-mail, because, as I understood, the interviews generally take place between March and April, so they will surely let you know the date in the next few days/weeks!
Good luck!:-)

the reason why i know when the interviews are planned is because i gave a call to the french selection committee. My advise to you would therefore be to contact your national selection committee and ask them about it.

the reason why i know when the interviews are planned is because i gave a call to the french selection committee. My advise to you would therefore be to contact your national selection committee and ask them about it.


Hi everybody!!

as you know, today I was interviewed by the College and now I'm going to share this experience with you.

Generally, something that andre said in a previous post reflects in my opinion regarding the nature of the interview, so I'm quoting:

"from what i heard from people who have been through this last year they check your level of english / french by asking you questions mainly about your motivation and also about your general knowledge on european institutions / law / treaty."

About my interview:

I was on speakerphone and present was a group of people, both from IRD and the Law programme (which was my second choice). The first thing they asked was about motivation: why do you want to study IRD and law in the College? Then, which aspects of the EU's external relations interest me/I would like to write my thesis on. After that, they asked what I know about the decision-making process in the EU. Then I was told that someone from the LLM was to ask me a few questions in french. The second lady asked me if the EU can be a member of international organisations. And, lastly, she asked (in french again) what I have been doing after I finished my internship last semester and up to now- but I think the reason they asked me that is because I finished my studies in September and they probably want to know what I'm doing this year.

So, this is pretty much it!! Everybody was really really nice, they made me feel comfortable despite the fact I was nervous like hell and although an interview over the phone is not the best thing... I can't say I'm 100% satisfied (then again, I never am:P) but I'm crossing my fingers and waiting for the results in April (they said). Also, they mentioned something about having 'a lot of countries' to interview.

So, good luck everybody and let's keep in touch!!

Hi everybody!!

as you know, today I was interviewed by the College and now I'm going to share this experience with you.

Generally, something that andre said in a previous post reflects in my opinion regarding the nature of the interview, so I'm quoting:

"from what i heard from people who have been through this last year they check your level of english / french by asking you questions mainly about your motivation and also about your general knowledge on european institutions / law / treaty."

About my interview:

I was on speakerphone and present was a group of people, both from IRD and the Law programme (which was my second choice). The first thing they asked was about motivation: why do you want to study IRD and law in the College? Then, which aspects of the EU's external relations interest me/I would like to write my thesis on. After that, they asked what I know about the decision-making process in the EU. Then I was told that someone from the LLM was to ask me a few questions in french. The second lady asked me if the EU can be a member of international organisations. And, lastly, she asked (in french again) what I have been doing after I finished my internship last semester and up to now- but I think the reason they asked me that is because I finished my studies in September and they probably want to know what I'm doing this year.

So, this is pretty much it!! Everybody was really really nice, they made me feel comfortable despite the fact I was nervous like hell and although an interview over the phone is not the best thing... I can't say I'm 100% satisfied (then again, I never am:P) but I'm crossing my fingers and waiting for the results in April (they said). Also, they mentioned something about having 'a lot of countries' to interview.

So, good luck everybody and let's keep in touch!!


Wow, thank you very much for sharing your experience with us!
So, basically we have to be prepared to answer to questions about our motivations and interests and maybe to have already a general idea for the topic of the final thesis...
How long was the interview?I suppose that you were quite nervous!So, I'll tell you something about my interview too, but before I've got my graduation (10 March)!
A last question, how did you prepare for the interview?
Let's keep in touch of course!

Wow, thank you very much for sharing your experience with us!
So, basically we have to be prepared to answer to questions about our motivations and interests and maybe to have already a general idea for the topic of the final thesis...
How long was the interview?I suppose that you were quite nervous!So, I'll tell you something about my interview too, but before I've got my graduation (10 March)!
A last question, how did you prepare for the interview?
Let's keep in touch of course!

Congrats on your graduation!:) yes do let me know on how it went.. you're not having a phone interview, are you? well yes i was pretty nervous and imagine having also to switch languages and not being able to see the people you are talking to...

It lasted 15 minutes and about the preparation: I was moving out and changing country yesterday, so I had like 1000000 things to do these past 10 days, tons of people to say goodbye too and spent 10 hours in airports yesterday with 3 hrs of sleep the day before.. So... uhmm .. I just read a few things online in the morning!Mainly news from EUobserver and a summary of the Lisbon treaty changes. If you follow the EU's changes and happenings/news, then you're in!Their questions pertaining to EU affairs knowledge are pretty general and basic.

Good luck with everything!!

Congrats on your graduation!:) yes do let me know on how it went.. you're not having a phone interview, are you? well yes i was pretty nervous and imagine having also to switch languages and not being able to see the people you are talking to...

It lasted 15 minutes and about the preparation: I was moving out and changing country yesterday, so I had like 1000000 things to do these past 10 days, tons of people to say goodbye too and spent 10 hours in airports yesterday with 3 hrs of sleep the day before.. So... uhmm .. I just read a few things online in the morning!Mainly news from EUobserver and a summary of the Lisbon treaty changes. If you follow the EU's changes and happenings/news, then you're in!Their questions pertaining to EU affairs knowledge are pretty general and basic.

Good luck with everything!!


Thanks for your answers! I followed André's advice and I called the selection committee in Spain. They told me that the interviews will take place around the last week of April and that the pre-selected candidates will be informed either the last week of March of the first of April.

Thank you Xelwnak for the info about your interview, it's really useful and it seems that I have plenty of time to prepare my interview in case I'm pre-selected, fingers crossed! Good luck in the selection process!

Babette, congratulations for ur graduation and good luck with ur interview!!


Thanks for your answers! I followed André's advice and I called the selection committee in Spain. They told me that the interviews will take place around the last week of April and that the pre-selected candidates will be informed either the last week of March of the first of April.

Thank you Xelwnak for the info about your interview, it's really useful and it seems that I have plenty of time to prepare my interview in case I'm pre-selected, fingers crossed! Good luck in the selection process!

Babette, congratulations for ur graduation and good luck with ur interview!!


hey guys

i had the interview last year in the UK and have to say that it is a really good experience. Although there are usually 2-3 teachers interviewing you, you should not be intimidated by that.

Of course what people said above like reading the euobserver and being aware of the TL would be good, and, i think, almost certain is that they ask you question about your written motivations. in my interview there was a question to which i did not really know the answer and i just told them in order to answer that question I really want to that course.

i know, not really brilliant but it did get me an offer. it is a shame that the UK (up-to-date) is no longer offering any funding.

Ahh yeah, for non-LLMs, by far the most popular course last year was the IR & Diplomacy, thus there the competition is a little bit harder, but this might have changed this year

hey guys

i had the interview last year in the UK and have to say that it is a really good experience. Although there are usually 2-3 teachers interviewing you, you should not be intimidated by that.

Of course what people said above like reading the euobserver and being aware of the TL would be good, and, i think, almost certain is that they ask you question about your written motivations. in my interview there was a question to which i did not really know the answer and i just told them in order to answer that question I really want to that course.

i know, not really brilliant but it did get me an offer. it is a shame that the UK (up-to-date) is no longer offering any funding.

Ahh yeah, for non-LLMs, by far the most popular course last year was the IR & Diplomacy, thus there the competition is a little bit harder, but this might have changed this year

Hi Smile!
What programme did you apply for?Were there many people selected for the interview?When will you know the final decision about your application?

Hi Smile!
What programme did you apply for?Were there many people selected for the interview?When will you know the final decision about your application?

babette, she applied last year!so she's already at the College this year- am I correct smile?

I was given the same impression, ie. that you went through interview last week or so and at the beginning I freaked out reading that you got an offer, as I thought that they sent u the offer right after the interview (which subsequently would mean there would be no offer for me as I have heard nothing by now).

I think we're just to eager to get in!:)

babette, she applied last year!so she's already at the College this year- am I correct smile?

I was given the same impression, ie. that you went through interview last week or so and at the beginning I freaked out reading that you got an offer, as I thought that they sent u the offer right after the interview (which subsequently would mean there would be no offer for me as I have heard nothing by now).

I think we're just to eager to get in!:)

Right, the interview was last year, i missed the "last year" part...what was I looking at?:-P
Anyway I'm a little bit worried, because I've got to discuss my thesis next week, so I have to prepare for that too and time is running sooo fast!
Any other news to share?

Right, the interview was last year, i missed the "last year" part...what was I looking at?:-P
Anyway I'm a little bit worried, because I've got to discuss my thesis next week, so I have to prepare for that too and time is running sooo fast!
Any other news to share?

hi to all,

does anyone has any news from french selection commission?


hi to all,

does anyone has any news from french selection commission?


Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since someone posted...So, what happened during this time? Any news to share?

Hi everyone,
It's been a long time since someone posted...So, what happened during this time? Any news to share?

Hi Alice! Well, my interview will be next monday and I'm starting to feel a little bit worried! Any news from you?Have you received the invitation to the interview too?

Hi Alice! Well, my interview will be next monday and I'm starting to feel a little bit worried! Any news from you?Have you received the invitation to the interview too?

hi guys!!

I've been checking the thread a lot but it seems that things haven't changed much so far... I'm very very nervous!I think I'm going to try to make a phone call next week about the results...

Has anybody else been pre-selected?

hi guys!!

I've been checking the thread a lot but it seems that things haven't changed much so far... I'm very very nervous!I think I'm going to try to make a phone call next week about the results...

Has anybody else been pre-selected?

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