Regarding taking CA Bar

Dear friends,

I am neither a U.S. citizen nor a lawyer but I want to take CA Bar after taking LLM program. However, the state of CA rule says I need to have a FIRST degree in Law in order to sit for the Bar. I earned my BA in Public Administation in South Korea and also did my 3 year master course (total of 108 credits) in American law studing the same subjects the U.S. law school would offer to their JD students. This also was done in South Korea. can my 3 year master course suffice enough to be viewed as the first law degree threshold?

I wonder if any of you out there could light my worries regarding my qualification of sitting for the Bar exam? Many thanks!!

Dear friends,

I am neither a U.S. citizen nor a lawyer but I want to take CA Bar after taking LLM program. However, the state of CA rule says I need to have a FIRST degree in Law in order to sit for the Bar. I earned my BA in Public Administation in South Korea and also did my 3 year master course (total of 108 credits) in American law studing the same subjects the U.S. law school would offer to their JD students. This also was done in South Korea. can my 3 year master course suffice enough to be viewed as the first law degree threshold?

I wonder if any of you out there could light my worries regarding my qualification of sitting for the Bar exam? Many thanks!!

To receive a definitive/authoritative response regarding your qualification, I suggest that you email directly the Office of Admissions of the State Bar of California (

To receive a definitive/authoritative response regarding your qualification, I suggest that you email directly the Office of Admissions of the State Bar of California (

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