Notre Dame's LL.M. in Human Rights


Was anyone here admitted to Notre Dame's LL.M. program in international human rights?
Thanks in advance for the info!!

Was anyone here admitted to Notre Dame's LL.M. program in international human rights?
Thanks in advance for the info!!

I also applied but have not heard back. I wrote to them asking about it, because I found it strange that I never received their decision. I decided a month ago that I'll be going to UofM, but I still wrote to them to find out, because I applied on early december. If they answer back I'll let you know.

I also applied but have not heard back. I wrote to them asking about it, because I found it strange that I never received their decision. I decided a month ago that I'll be going to UofM, but I still wrote to them to find out, because I applied on early december. If they answer back I'll let you know.

Thanks, Julianav! I have not heard from them either. I applied rather late (end of january).

Thanks, Julianav! I have not heard from them either. I applied rather late (end of january).

Has any of you people that applied to Notre Dame heard back from them yet? I have not heard anything and I just want to be sure that I am not the only one. Please let me know.

Has any of you people that applied to Notre Dame heard back from them yet? I have not heard anything and I just want to be sure that I am not the only one. Please let me know.

No news; I called one week ago and they said that they were still reviewing applications.

No news; I called one week ago and they said that they were still reviewing applications.

That's very interesting...Did they give an indication of when they expect to release decisions? Please keep us posted if you hear anything. Thanks.

That's very interesting...Did they give an indication of when they expect to release decisions? Please keep us posted if you hear anything. Thanks.

Any news...???

Any news...???

Nothing. I called them at the beginning of last week and I was also told that the committee was still reviewing applications and that possibly they would communicate at the end of the week, but so far nothing. I am beginning to think this is not a good sign. I don't believe decisions can still be pending this late. What do you think? Keep waiting or call them again?

Nothing. I called them at the beginning of last week and I was also told that the committee was still reviewing applications and that possibly they would communicate at the end of the week, but so far nothing. I am beginning to think this is not a good sign. I don't believe decisions can still be pending this late. What do you think? Keep waiting or call them again?

Hey Guys,
I received an answer from Sean on April 17. I'm copying it below.

"As for our admissions process, we have made our first round of offers. Just yesterday, we had our first and only rejection of an offer of full tuition and a living stipend. I am sorry to hear that you are no longer a candidate for that award, but I am sure that a person of your caliber and experience will have a successful academic experience wherever you choose to study. We were impressed with your application and I apologize that our process took so long as to force you to commit to another school before receiving our offer. "

Hope you get an answer soon.

Hey Guys,
I received an answer from Sean on April 17. I'm copying it below.

"As for our admissions process, we have made our first round of offers. Just yesterday, we had our first and only rejection of an offer of full tuition and a living stipend. I am sorry to hear that you are no longer a candidate for that award, but I am sure that a person of your caliber and experience will have a successful academic experience wherever you choose to study. We were impressed with your application and I apologize that our process took so long as to force you to commit to another school before receiving our offer. "

Hope you get an answer soon.


what made you such a great candidate??? please share it with at least me:)


what made you such a great candidate??? please share it with at least me:)

Hi Minime,

I honestly think my credentials are good but not incredibly outstanding. I think a good candidate should have a balance between their CV, the recommendation letters and the essay. I was not on the top 2% of my class but I was on the top 5%, but I'm not sure if grades have such an importance. I've know people who have been accepted into great programs and the had grades within the top 33% of their class. I have work experience working for goverment in human righ issues for a year and a half , and I did legal clinics and research in human rights during law school. I was a participant in moot court competitions and later on helped train other teams. I have been a lecturer of human rights seminars for a year, and I'm a memeber of a research group of public international law at my alma mater. When I applied I had only published a single article in a magazine.

I did work hard on my essay and on asking the right people to do my recomendations. Make sure it's people who really know you and can write an insightful letter.

Hope this is of any help.

Hi Minime,

I honestly think my credentials are good but not incredibly outstanding. I think a good candidate should have a balance between their CV, the recommendation letters and the essay. I was not on the top 2% of my class but I was on the top 5%, but I'm not sure if grades have such an importance. I've know people who have been accepted into great programs and the had grades within the top 33% of their class. I have work experience working for goverment in human righ issues for a year and a half , and I did legal clinics and research in human rights during law school. I was a participant in moot court competitions and later on helped train other teams. I have been a lecturer of human rights seminars for a year, and I'm a memeber of a research group of public international law at my alma mater. When I applied I had only published a single article in a magazine.

I did work hard on my essay and on asking the right people to do my recomendations. Make sure it's people who really know you and can write an insightful letter.

Hope this is of any help.

marry me!!!:)

thanks a lot!

marry me!!!:)

thanks a lot!

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