I was accepted to Berkeley just a few hours ago. I am in at Northwestern at this time, having sent the desposit fee already. Giving the new circunstances (accepted at Berkeley), which is a better school for a corporate oriented LL.M.??? I did not apply for the K/NU LLM, but for the general LL.M. at NU. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I was accepted to Berkeley just a few hours ago. I am in at Northwestern at this time, having sent the desposit fee already. Giving the new circunstances (accepted at Berkeley), which is a better school for a corporate oriented LL.M.??? I did not apply for the K/NU LLM, but for the general LL.M. at NU. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

In fact Northwestern is better in the area of corporate law. You could consider Berkeley though for its general better ranking and better weather circumstances and location :)

If I were to do corporate law I would probably also choose Berkeley for its location, although as I've said Northwestern is better for corporate.

In fact Northwestern is better in the area of corporate law. You could consider Berkeley though for its general better ranking and better weather circumstances and location :)

If I were to do corporate law I would probably also choose Berkeley for its location, although as I've said Northwestern is better for corporate.

Thanks Santa!!....Although, I consider weather and location to be very important factors...the academic and faculty elements are very very important and I do not know what to do, I need some more opinion folks......please help!
I know that both schools are great and I can not go wrong but I want to make a good decision and not regret it later!

Thanks Santa!!....Although, I consider weather and location to be very important factors...the academic and faculty elements are very very important and I do not know what to do, I need some more opinion folks......please help!
I know that both schools are great and I can not go wrong but I want to make a good decision and not regret it later!

alejandrovs83, i sent you a PM

If you are doing the LL.M to obtain academic and professional skills in a particular field (i.e. corporate) you should opt for the school that is better geared to offer you such opportunites, albeit the weather is great in Berkeley and the school better ranked, i doubt UCB will offer you the course selection and faculty you desire with respect to you corporate law interests.

Given the costs associated with an LL.M. program, if you are doing this to become a better corporate attorney, i would suggest NW, yes UCB is better ranked (at #6 compared to NW at #9, in US News & WR rankings: see

UCB is not known (nor does it advertise itself as) for being a corporate LL.M program, whereas NW is. So i don't think that the ranking separation is significant in your decision-making, it is more about the contents of the program, and how such (from a cost-benefits perspective) puts you professionally and skills-wise "were you want to be" as a result of attending an LL.M. That was my rationale when i applied to UCB, its program suited my interests and goals.

alejandrovs83, i sent you a PM

If you are doing the LL.M to obtain academic and professional skills in a particular field (i.e. corporate) you should opt for the school that is better geared to offer you such opportunites, albeit the weather is great in Berkeley and the school better ranked, i doubt UCB will offer you the course selection and faculty you desire with respect to you corporate law interests.

Given the costs associated with an LL.M. program, if you are doing this to become a better corporate attorney, i would suggest NW, yes UCB is better ranked (at #6 compared to NW at #9, in US News & WR rankings: see

UCB is not known (nor does it advertise itself as) for being a corporate LL.M program, whereas NW is. So i don't think that the ranking separation is significant in your decision-making, it is more about the contents of the program, and how such (from a cost-benefits perspective) puts you professionally and skills-wise "were you want to be" as a result of attending an LL.M. That was my rationale when i applied to UCB, its program suited my interests and goals.

Thanks a lot Comandante. I agree with you that NW is by far more know for its Corporate LL.M. than Berkeley is, even though Berkeley is ranked higher. I was cheking both websites and NW offers more corporate and business law courses than Berkeley does.

Any more opinions are very welcomed!

Thanks a lot Comandante. I agree with you that NW is by far more know for its Corporate LL.M. than Berkeley is, even though Berkeley is ranked higher. I was cheking both websites and NW offers more corporate and business law courses than Berkeley does.

Any more opinions are very welcomed!

you're welcome! How long before you are required to submit your decision?

you're welcome! How long before you are required to submit your decision?

I have until April 27.

I have until April 27.

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