International Law LL.M - USA or Europe

Mr. Lawyer


What would be better regarding future job perspectives in the field of Alternative Settlement for International (financial) Disputes:
(a) run an LL.M at the worldwide know Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy or (b) a Master of Advanced Studies (a LL.M for those who already hold an LL.M) at the Leiden University in the Netherlands.

For those who do not know the latter, Leiden is a 500 years university with strong connections with the Hague and probably the best place to study International Law in Europe.

Appreciate your comments,



What would be better regarding future job perspectives in the field of Alternative Settlement for International (financial) Disputes:
(a) run an LL.M at the worldwide know Fletcher School for Law and Diplomacy or (b) a Master of Advanced Studies (a LL.M for those who already hold an LL.M) at the Leiden University in the Netherlands.

For those who do not know the latter, Leiden is a 500 years university with strong connections with the Hague and probably the best place to study International Law in Europe.

Appreciate your comments,



Mr. Lawyer,
Come to Fletcher, you wont go wrong. Leiden in excellent, but largely so only in Europe. I dont think it is necessarily the best place to study International Law in Europe, there is also HEI which is equally great, if not better. Leiden has a European feel to it, Fletcher seems more diversified and truly international. Fletcher has a world wide reputation and its alumni network is phenomenal. I also consdered the best schools in Europe but eventually, there was no queston that Fletcher was 'it'. I will be in the LL.M class from August and hope you can be there too.

Mr. Lawyer,
Come to Fletcher, you wont go wrong. Leiden in excellent, but largely so only in Europe. I dont think it is necessarily the best place to study International Law in Europe, there is also HEI which is equally great, if not better. Leiden has a European feel to it, Fletcher seems more diversified and truly international. Fletcher has a world wide reputation and its alumni network is phenomenal. I also consdered the best schools in Europe but eventually, there was no queston that Fletcher was 'it'. I will be in the LL.M class from August and hope you can be there too.
Mr. Lawyer


I understand your point. To be honest, It goes towards my personal opinion as well. There are still some points that make me think about Leiden: (i) it is in Europe where I live; (ii) It has a great contact with the International Arbitration Tribunal at The Hague; (iii) It is way cheaper and my financings are not that strong; (iv) it is a different title, an advanced LL.M (MAS); (v) Leiden reputation is excelent.

Still, as you pointed: Fletchers is THE place for it! The best in everything, specially the Alumni. Hope I can solve my dilemma soon.

BTW, where are you from?




I understand your point. To be honest, It goes towards my personal opinion as well. There are still some points that make me think about Leiden: (i) it is in Europe where I live; (ii) It has a great contact with the International Arbitration Tribunal at The Hague; (iii) It is way cheaper and my financings are not that strong; (iv) it is a different title, an advanced LL.M (MAS); (v) Leiden reputation is excelent.

Still, as you pointed: Fletchers is THE place for it! The best in everything, specially the Alumni. Hope I can solve my dilemma soon.

BTW, where are you from?




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