If you are DEFINITELY going to UF for Tax


Please pm me... that is all. Thanks!

Please pm me... that is all. Thanks!


Please pm me... that is all. Thanks!

<blockquote>Please pm me... that is all. Thanks!</blockquote>

I was going to swap actual contact info with my future classmates without actually posting all of that on here, lol....

That or Im going to stalk you. Not quite sure which yet.....

I was going to swap actual contact info with my future classmates without actually posting all of that on here, lol....

That or Im going to stalk you. Not quite sure which yet.....

I am "probably" going to UF, considering the cost, its smaller size and all.
Do you think visiting the campus was helpful? I was also invited to visit the campus and meet the dean and the current students, etc.. Worth the travel expenses in this economy? (I live in the northeast. )
Stalk away!

I am "probably" going to UF, considering the cost, its smaller size and all.
Do you think visiting the campus was helpful? I was also invited to visit the campus and meet the dean and the current students, etc.. Worth the travel expenses in this economy? (I live in the northeast. )
Stalk away!

Well, having been in law school for three years, I found I was less excited about seeing another law school than I was three years ago when I was checking out JD schools. What I found immensely worthwhile was getting a feel for Gainesville, figuring out the good and bad parts of town, and checking out the scenery (read, hot girls on sportbikes). lol.

That is not to belittle the school. Dean Friel is the nicest possible guy; he personally showed me around the school. I also sat in on a Corp. Tax II class with Professor McMahon, who was teaching the same stuff that my current corp. tax professor was "teaching." Suffice it to say, I was much impressed by the quality and accessibility of the teaching at UF. There was also the option to chat with current students about the program but I'm a shy fellow so I passed on that. All in all, it was a very laid back experience with no pressure to do anything in particular.

The main thing I found helpful was the ability to check out apartments rather than just blindly going off of websites, which are obviously marketing ploys.

If you do get a chance to visit Gainesville, hit up Sonny's BBQ on Archer Road. God love it.... :)

Well, having been in law school for three years, I found I was less excited about seeing another law school than I was three years ago when I was checking out JD schools. What I found immensely worthwhile was getting a feel for Gainesville, figuring out the good and bad parts of town, and checking out the scenery (read, hot girls on sportbikes). lol.

That is not to belittle the school. Dean Friel is the nicest possible guy; he personally showed me around the school. I also sat in on a Corp. Tax II class with Professor McMahon, who was teaching the same stuff that my current corp. tax professor was "teaching." Suffice it to say, I was much impressed by the quality and accessibility of the teaching at UF. There was also the option to chat with current students about the program but I'm a shy fellow so I passed on that. All in all, it was a very laid back experience with no pressure to do anything in particular.

The main thing I found helpful was the ability to check out apartments rather than just blindly going off of websites, which are obviously marketing ploys.

If you do get a chance to visit Gainesville, hit up Sonny's BBQ on Archer Road. God love it.... :)

Have anybody PMed you yet?

Could I move around in Gainsville without a car? From the airport to a hotel and to the UF campus and downtown.

Do you think your visit to school and meeting with Dean Friel took you a few steps closer to obtaining an assistanceship?

I am "most likely" going to UF for Tax now.


Have anybody PMed you yet?

Could I move around in Gainsville without a car? From the airport to a hotel and to the UF campus and downtown.

Do you think your visit to school and meeting with Dean Friel took you a few steps closer to obtaining an assistanceship?

I am "most likely" going to UF for Tax now.


I think the bus route goes by the airport. Other than that, once you are in Gainesville, you could ride the bus just about anywhere.

My visit had nothing to do with getting an assistanceship. Not that I wouldn't have liked it to; it's just, rather than some scholarship committee meeting to pick the best candidates, UF allows each professor to hire whoever they want. I would have had to meet every tax prof and sucked up to have improved my chances (if that really would improve my chances anyways). I don't think there's any way to game the system, so to speak.

And no one has pm'ed me. I hope that means that not many people have committed to UF and not that the people that have are unfriendly, lol.

I think the bus route goes by the airport. Other than that, once you are in Gainesville, you could ride the bus just about anywhere.

My visit had nothing to do with getting an assistanceship. Not that I wouldn't have liked it to; it's just, rather than some scholarship committee meeting to pick the best candidates, UF allows each professor to hire whoever they want. I would have had to meet every tax prof and sucked up to have improved my chances (if that really would improve my chances anyways). I don't think there's any way to game the system, so to speak.

And no one has pm'ed me. I hope that means that not many people have committed to UF and not that the people that have are unfriendly, lol.

My two cents, NYU is better.

My two cents, NYU is better.

Did anyone hear from UF about paying the first deposit??

Did anyone hear from UF about paying the first deposit??

KimchiTax, there is no need for a formal deposits before classes, at least for the Int`l Tax. Actually, there is this Student Orientation Fee - $100 - that you have to pay until June. (Sdevante, please, correct me If I`m wrong)

In addition, has any Int`l student heard from UFIC about the I-20`s letters?

KimchiTax, there is no need for a formal deposits before classes, at least for the Int`l Tax. Actually, there is this Student Orientation Fee - $100 - that you have to pay until June. (Sdevante, please, correct me If I`m wrong)

In addition, has any Int`l student heard from UFIC about the I-20`s letters?

Thanks, Obina.
I submitted my financial reponsibility form a month ago and I haven't heard anything in connection with the I-20 yet. still early, I guess.
Sdevante is quiet today. :)

Thanks, Obina.
I submitted my financial reponsibility form a month ago and I haven't heard anything in connection with the I-20 yet. still early, I guess.
Sdevante is quiet today. :)


Sorry I've not been here much for a few days b/c of the administration of the board being similar to xoxohth.com in certain ways.

At any rate, though, summer time in FL is only a few weeks away! :)

Sorry I've not been here much for a few days b/c of the administration of the board being similar to xoxohth.com in certain ways.

At any rate, though, summer time in FL is only a few weeks away! :)

What about the living costs in Gainesville? How much should I expect to incur? 1k, 1,5k?


What about the living costs in Gainesville? How much should I expect to incur? 1k, 1,5k?


As a reference, my rent split with a roommate is $520/month, plus utilities, so probably about $580/month. Some of the studios (closet sized) can be had for a bit cheaper; some of the swanky places go for a lot more. I was looking at some nice apts. w.o a roommate but it was going to be about $700-800/month.

And, if I haven't yet said it in this thread.... start looking for housing ASAP. The Gainesville market starts moving in January for August move in dates... it is the craziest thing I have ever seen.

As a reference, my rent split with a roommate is $520/month, plus utilities, so probably about $580/month. Some of the studios (closet sized) can be had for a bit cheaper; some of the swanky places go for a lot more. I was looking at some nice apts. w.o a roommate but it was going to be about $700-800/month.

And, if I haven't yet said it in this thread.... start looking for housing ASAP. The Gainesville market starts moving in January for August move in dates... it is the craziest thing I have ever seen.

how much will your tuition be Sdevante if I may ask ?

how much will your tuition be Sdevante if I may ask ?

I qualified for FL resident rates due to the academic common market, so I believe it is somewhere around $12,000 total.

I qualified for FL resident rates due to the academic common market, so I believe it is somewhere around $12,000 total.

On top of that, there is a good possibility that he will get an assistanceship. In that case, he would pay nada, nil, nought, zip . . ..
Nicolas_a, did you also apply to UF?

On top of that, there is a good possibility that he will get an assistanceship. In that case, he would pay nada, nil, nought, zip . . ..
Nicolas_a, did you also apply to UF?

I didn't actually...

I was waiting for nyu and got in so in the end my application file stayed on my desk

I must admit I would have been extremely undecided between nyu & uf given the fees... (w/o even mentionning the living costs) but I didn't add to my undecision by not sending my uf application once I got in nyu !

I guess I was just running a regrets check here ;)

I didn't actually...

I was waiting for nyu and got in so in the end my application file stayed on my desk

I must admit I would have been extremely undecided between nyu & uf given the fees... (w/o even mentionning the living costs) but I didn't add to my undecision by not sending my uf application once I got in nyu !

I guess I was just running a regrets check here ;)

Hi everyone!

I have just been admitted to UF Tax LLM because of problems with my sent materials.

Currently I'm looking to contact other international students of the program (I'm Belgian from Brussels, French speaker). Indeed, since I have been only admitted at this time of the year, I'm really worry about housing and I would share information with people in the same situation.

By the way, qui, parmi mes futurs condisciples, parle la langue de Voltaire/ wie spreekt Nederlands?/ anché ho fatto un erasmus in Sicilia ma ho perso molto del mio italiano:)

Thanks by advance for any information!

Hi everyone!

I have just been admitted to UF Tax LLM because of problems with my sent materials.

Currently I'm looking to contact other international students of the program (I'm Belgian from Brussels, French speaker). Indeed, since I have been only admitted at this time of the year, I'm really worry about housing and I would share information with people in the same situation.

By the way, qui, parmi mes futurs condisciples, parle la langue de Voltaire/ wie spreekt Nederlands?/ anché ho fatto un erasmus in Sicilia ma ho perso molto del mio italiano:)

Thanks by advance for any information!


Belgian Tax, do you have a facebook page?
Join this group for 2009 UF admitted students at www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=68492614228

Belgian Tax, do you have a facebook page?
Join this group for 2009 UF admitted students at www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=68492614228

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