Difference between waitlisted and no news


I am on the wait list of Upenn and no news from other schools except for GWU.

Does no news mean that I am rejected?

I am on the wait list of Upenn and no news from other schools except for GWU.

Does no news mean that I am rejected?

That's really a good question. I have also wondered for a long time. I guess no news is neither good news nor bad news. Maybe we are not admitted in the first round, but they still want to keep it for consideration in the following rounds?

I am on the wait list of Upenn and no news from other schools except for GWU.

Does no news mean that I am rejected?

That's really a good question. I have also wondered for a long time. I guess no news is neither good news nor bad news. Maybe we are not admitted in the first round, but they still want to keep it for consideration in the following rounds? <blockquote>I am on the wait list of Upenn and no news from other schools except for GWU.

Does no news mean that I am rejected?</blockquote>


Thank you for your reply. Let's see the bright side as you said.

Thank you for your reply. Let's see the bright side as you said.

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