
Which LL.M. is better?
Case Western offers me scholarship 14000 USD, plus Cleveland is a good place, isn't it? However, the ranking is not so good.
WUSTL is ranked high,but is expensive anyway. And I doubt its job prospects. Could anyone give me some details about St Louis? Thanks a million!

Which LL.M. is better?
Case Western offers me scholarship 14000 USD, plus Cleveland is a good place, isn't it? However, the ranking is not so good.
WUSTL is ranked high,but is expensive anyway. And I doubt its job prospects. Could anyone give me some details about St Louis? Thanks a million!

Too many people are looking giving too much attention to this ranking. Unless you get admitted to the top ten, the rest does not make much of a difference in terms of job prospect, which is difficult for LLMs anyway because they have to compete with JDs. What you have to look at is the bar exam, which makes LLMs more marketable in the U.S. and elsewhere. CWRU is in Ohio, which allows LLMs to sit for the bar, so I suggest CWRU.The only other states that allow LLMs to take the bar exam is NY and CA.

Too many people are looking giving too much attention to this ranking. Unless you get admitted to the top ten, the rest does not make much of a difference in terms of job prospect, which is difficult for LLMs anyway because they have to compete with JDs. What you have to look at is the bar exam, which makes LLMs more marketable in the U.S. and elsewhere. CWRU is in Ohio, which allows LLMs to sit for the bar, so I suggest CWRU.The only other states that allow LLMs to take the bar exam is NY and CA.

WUSTL has an LLM program geared specifically for foreign lawyers. Successful completion of this program will qualify the graduate to sit for the New York Bar exam, and probably the California & Ohio bar as well. While WUSTL is more expensive than CWRU, the parent University - Washington University in St. Louis is very financially well endowed and the law school is particularly generous in awarding partial and even full scholarships.

About the rankings, I must respectfully disagree with the last poster. Where I work (international firm in Asia), brand-names & rankings still mean quite alot even if the law school you attended is not in the top ten. All other things being equal, I would try to attend the higher ranked school: WUSTL (top 20) vs. CWRU (Ranked No. 63).

WUSTL has an LLM program geared specifically for foreign lawyers. Successful completion of this program will qualify the graduate to sit for the New York Bar exam, and probably the California & Ohio bar as well. While WUSTL is more expensive than CWRU, the parent University - Washington University in St. Louis is very financially well endowed and the law school is particularly generous in awarding partial and even full scholarships.

About the rankings, I must respectfully disagree with the last poster. Where I work (international firm in Asia), brand-names & rankings still mean quite alot even if the law school you attended is not in the top ten. All other things being equal, I would try to attend the higher ranked school: WUSTL (top 20) vs. CWRU (Ranked No. 63).

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