canadian applying to LLM in the US (Columbia, NYU)


Anyone know what kind of grades you need to get into an american LLM program with a canadian LLB? I'm primarily interested in Columbia and NYU.

Anyone know what kind of grades you need to get into an american LLM program with a canadian LLB? I'm primarily interested in Columbia and NYU.

I am a Canadian who applied to NYU and Columbia this year and got into both. I cannot tell you what kind of grades you need to get in, in terms of cutoff. But if you post your stats (law school, average, ECs, ranking, field of interest), I can tell you how it stacks up against my profile.

However, as a starting point, you should know that it truly is not very hard to get into NYU. Their website I think states that they take about 425 students out of over 2,000 applications, which already, just based on that, is a 20% chance of getting in. And you have to factor that maybe 10-20% are just dead wood; dreamers trying to get a good name school on their CV. On top of that, I would guess that *at least* 100 people who get offers from other schools like Harvard, Yale and Columbia turn down NYU, and a more realistic number might be as high as 200 (this was really obvious from the acceptance letter I got from NYU, which I found really, really insecure - it kept going on and on about how they were as good as all the other big schools. really put me off). So then you're looking at like a 1/3 chance getting in, or as high as 1/2 if you're not total dead wood. Those are betting man's odds.

I am a Canadian who applied to NYU and Columbia this year and got into both. I cannot tell you what kind of grades you need to get in, in terms of cutoff. But if you post your stats (law school, average, ECs, ranking, field of interest), I can tell you how it stacks up against my profile.

However, as a starting point, you should know that it truly is not very hard to get into NYU. Their website I think states that they take about 425 students out of over 2,000 applications, which already, just based on that, is a 20% chance of getting in. And you have to factor that maybe 10-20% are just dead wood; dreamers trying to get a good name school on their CV. On top of that, I would guess that *at least* 100 people who get offers from other schools like Harvard, Yale and Columbia turn down NYU, and a more realistic number might be as high as 200 (this was really obvious from the acceptance letter I got from NYU, which I found really, really insecure - it kept going on and on about how they were as good as all the other big schools. really put me off). So then you're looking at like a 1/3 chance getting in, or as high as 1/2 if you're not total dead wood. Those are betting man's odds.

Hi amsterdammer,

Do you mind posting your stats? Also, do you plan to stay or come back to Canada after your degree?


Hi amsterdammer,

Do you mind posting your stats? Also, do you plan to stay or come back to Canada after your degree?


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