Berkeley Common rejection mail?


I got rejected 10 hours ago. and received this mail...
Can anyone comment whether this a common mail sent to all?

Dear Mr. XYZ,

After thoroughly reviewing your application for admission to the UC Berkeley School of Law LL.M. program, the Advanced Legal Studies Committee has decided not to offer you a place for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Our decision was not easy. This year, we received almost 800 applications from 71 countries for the 135 places in the academic year LL.M. program. As a result, we must exclude a great many highly-qualified applicants.

You are to be congratulated on your accomplishments, and I hope that you will be admitted at other law schools. If UC Berkeley School of Law remains your first choice you may wish to consider reapplying for the 2011-2012 academic year. Or, to increase your options for attending Berkeley Law, eligible international applicants may consider applying for the 2011-2012 Summer LL.M. program. Application forms will be available online in early May, and we will provide an early decision option to applicants who have submitted complete applications postmarked by May 15. Early decision admission notices will be sent by June 30.

I am sorry that this letter must convey disappointing news. We appreciate your interest in the LL.M. program and wish you much success in continuing your studies and your career.


Andrew Guzman
Academic Chair, Advanced Legal Studies Committee
Associate Dean for International and Executive Education

I got rejected 10 hours ago. and received this mail...
Can anyone comment whether this a common mail sent to all?

Dear Mr. XYZ,

After thoroughly reviewing your application for admission to the UC Berkeley School of Law LL.M. program, the Advanced Legal Studies Committee has decided not to offer you a place for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Our decision was not easy. This year, we received almost 800 applications from 71 countries for the 135 places in the academic year LL.M. program. As a result, we must exclude a great many highly-qualified applicants.

You are to be congratulated on your accomplishments, and I hope that you will be admitted at other law schools. If UC Berkeley School of Law remains your first choice you may wish to consider reapplying for the 2011-2012 academic year. Or, to increase your options for attending Berkeley Law, eligible international applicants may consider applying for the 2011-2012 Summer LL.M. program. Application forms will be available online in early May, and we will provide an early decision option to applicants who have submitted complete applications postmarked by May 15. Early decision admission notices will be sent by June 30.

I am sorry that this letter must convey disappointing news. We appreciate your interest in the LL.M. program and wish you much success in continuing your studies and your career.


Andrew Guzman
Academic Chair, Advanced Legal Studies Committee
Associate Dean for International and Executive Education


Ye thats the common rejection email...same one I got :(


Ye thats the common rejection email...same one I got :(

That seems to be common. I received the same one. the part "you may wish to consider reapplying" was confusing but is clear now? I am curious how they stated in the waitlist notice email.

That seems to be common. I received the same one. the part "you may wish to consider reapplying" was confusing but is clear now? I am curious how they stated in the waitlist notice email.

Dear X,

I write to inform you that after reviewing almost 800 applications from 71 countries for the 2010-2011 academic year LL.M. program, the Advanced Legal Studies Committee of the UC Berkeley School of Law has placed you on a waiting list pending the results of its initial round of admission offers.

Because of the very large number of highly-qualified applicants for the 135 places in our LL.M. program, it is not possible for us to offer admission to all those whom we would wish to have join us. In addition to the offers of admission made at this time, however, the Advanced Legal Studies Committee also designates several outstanding applicants for placement on the waiting list. Should any additional places in the program become available - and some do each year - applicants on the waiting list may then be offered admission.

Being placed on the Berkeley Law waiting list is evidence of the strong positive impression you made throughout our review process. While we are aware that you may have other admission offers from which to choose, we nevertheless hope you will remain on our list for as long as possible and that you will inform us if either your e-mail address or mailing address changes between now and August. The waiting list will be ranked by May 1st and we will provide your quartile placement on the list if you contact us after that date.

To increase your options for attending Berkeley Law, and if you have some flexibility in the timing of your LL.M. studies, we encourage eligible international applicants to consider applying for the 2011-2012 Summer LL.M. program. Application forms will be available online in early May, and we will provide an early decision option to applicants who have submitted complete applications postmarked by May 15. Early decision admission notices will be sent by June 30. As an incentive, if you choose to apply to the Summer LL.M. program, you will be eligible for a discounted application fee of $50. Please note that applying for the Summer LL.M. program will not affect your standing on the Academic Year LL.M. program waitlist.

If you wish to remain on the waiting list, please send an e-mail to indicating your continuing interest by Monday, March 31, 2009 by 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time. If you have not already done so, we ask that you provide us with an updated email address and fax number where we may reach you quickly in the event we need to do so.

We will advise you as soon as possible of the final admissions decisions. If you wish to withdraw your application from further consideration at this time, please inform us immediately.

I am sorry to have to convey such indefinite news. We were impressed with your application, however, and I hope that the state of uncertainty will not last long.


Andrew Guzman
Academic Chair, Advanced Legal Studies Committee Associate Dean for International and Executive Education

Dear X,

I write to inform you that after reviewing almost 800 applications from 71 countries for the 2010-2011 academic year LL.M. program, the Advanced Legal Studies Committee of the UC Berkeley School of Law has placed you on a waiting list pending the results of its initial round of admission offers.

Because of the very large number of highly-qualified applicants for the 135 places in our LL.M. program, it is not possible for us to offer admission to all those whom we would wish to have join us. In addition to the offers of admission made at this time, however, the Advanced Legal Studies Committee also designates several outstanding applicants for placement on the waiting list. Should any additional places in the program become available - and some do each year - applicants on the waiting list may then be offered admission.

Being placed on the Berkeley Law waiting list is evidence of the strong positive impression you made throughout our review process. While we are aware that you may have other admission offers from which to choose, we nevertheless hope you will remain on our list for as long as possible and that you will inform us if either your e-mail address or mailing address changes between now and August. The waiting list will be ranked by May 1st and we will provide your quartile placement on the list if you contact us after that date.

To increase your options for attending Berkeley Law, and if you have some flexibility in the timing of your LL.M. studies, we encourage eligible international applicants to consider applying for the 2011-2012 Summer LL.M. program. Application forms will be available online in early May, and we will provide an early decision option to applicants who have submitted complete applications postmarked by May 15. Early decision admission notices will be sent by June 30. As an incentive, if you choose to apply to the Summer LL.M. program, you will be eligible for a discounted application fee of $50. Please note that applying for the Summer LL.M. program will not affect your standing on the Academic Year LL.M. program waitlist.

If you wish to remain on the waiting list, please send an e-mail to indicating your continuing interest by Monday, March 31, 2009 by 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time. If you have not already done so, we ask that you provide us with an updated email address and fax number where we may reach you quickly in the event we need to do so.

We will advise you as soon as possible of the final admissions decisions. If you wish to withdraw your application from further consideration at this time, please inform us immediately.

I am sorry to have to convey such indefinite news. We were impressed with your application, however, and I hope that the state of uncertainty will not last long.


Andrew Guzman
Academic Chair, Advanced Legal Studies Committee Associate Dean for International and Executive Education

Mine said the same.. I think there is a common waitlisting mail too..

Mine said the same.. I think there is a common waitlisting mail too..

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