
This post is to query the community about earning admittance to a Top LLM (US) program (e.g., Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, NYU, etc.). In the alternative, any general information, insight, or advice is welcomed.

My application is likely both conventional and nonconventional. I graduated at the top of my class at a tier four law school (far away from either the east or west coast). Post-grad, I clerked on a state appellate court and then a federal appellate court. I’m currently practicing at a larger firm, and I really enjoy it. I have no plans to transition to a different market or different firm.

You may be thinking: “Why pursue an LLM if you have a job?” or “Are you interested in tax law?” Both questions are fair. But the answer to the latter is no. To keep this post short, I (may be mislead but) think an LLM would (1) broaden my horizons (i.e., real world understandings and academic reinforcement in the law); (2) provide exposure to cutting edge legal lecture and research; (3) provide unique perspective that I could bring back to my home state where perspective is needed; (4) supplement (not supplant) my resume with a tiny bit of pedigree that I missed earning a J.D. Of course there are secondary reasons but not worth mentioning.

Anyways, thank you for your time and guidance. I’m genuinely interested to hear your thoughts and testimonies. Thanks again.