Off to UCL - Sep 2010


Greetings to all. I admit it's a little early and there's quite some time before we actually get on a plane towards London, but I'd like to know other students like myself who are off to UCL for the LLM programme starting September 2010. Let's start to get to know each other a little better and maybe organise something before arriving in London. I'm 27 years old and live in Brazil. I'll be going with my fiancée who's about the same age (26).

Greetings to all. I admit it's a little early and there's quite some time before we actually get on a plane towards London, but I'd like to know other students like myself who are off to UCL for the LLM programme starting September 2010. Let's start to get to know each other a little better and maybe organise something before arriving in London. I'm 27 years old and live in Brazil. I'll be going with my fiancée who's about the same age (26).

I am favoring UCL too. I am also considering an offer from QMUL. And I haven't yet learned the outcome of my application at LSE. Even if I were accepted at LSE (which I feel is unlikely), I think I would probably choose UCL.
I am an American lawyer and 29.
Which specialisation, if any, do you intend to pursue at UCL? Probably IP for me.

I am favoring UCL too. I am also considering an offer from QMUL. And I haven't yet learned the outcome of my application at LSE. Even if I were accepted at LSE (which I feel is unlikely), I think I would probably choose UCL.
I am an American lawyer and 29.
Which specialisation, if any, do you intend to pursue at UCL? Probably IP for me.

I havent made up my mind yet, but Im leaning towards a combination of legal theory and some international law modules Im trying to stay away from commercial law and related courses. Ive been working with commercial and banking law for quite some time now and Im kindda tired hopefully the LLM will be a kick-off in my attempt to spin my life round!

I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I’m leaning towards a combination of legal theory and some international law modules… I’m trying to stay away from commercial law and related courses. I’ve been working with commercial and banking law for quite some time now and I’m kindda tired… hopefully the LLM will be a kick-off in my attempt to spin my life round!

If only I could be sure ! The point is that I'm waiting for the British Council decision regarding my application for the Chevening scholarship. If I'm lucky, I will definitely go to UCL. I am a Belarusian lawyer of 26.

If only I could be sure ! The point is that I'm waiting for the British Council decision regarding my application for the Chevening scholarship. If I'm lucky, I will definitely go to UCL. I am a Belarusian lawyer of 26.


Got an offer from UCL and KCL, still waiting for answer from LSE. I think that I will probably choose UCL..My specialisation is Corporate/Commercial Law, I'm 22 year old lawyer from Russia

Got an offer from UCL and KCL, still waiting for answer from LSE. I think that I will probably choose UCL..My specialisation is Corporate/Commercial Law, I'm 22 year old lawyer from Russia
Judy Law

I am probably going to UCL too. I got an offer from KCL and still waiting for LSE reponse but I am leaning towards UCL. I want to specialise in International Business Law. I am a 25 years old Brazilian lawyer.

Beicon, whereabouts in Brazil are you from?

I am probably going to UCL too. I got an offer from KCL and still waiting for LSE reponse but I am leaning towards UCL. I want to specialise in International Business Law. I am a 25 years old Brazilian lawyer.

Beicon, whereabouts in Brazil are you from?

Great to see people are replying. Is anybody still awaiting other universities? Or is UCL the final choice? I'm planning to arrive in London on the 21st September. What about you?

Great to see people are replying. Is anybody still awaiting other universities? Or is UCL the final choice? I'm planning to arrive in London on the 21st September. What about you?

best of luck to all of you (Judy - thanks for your kind email earlier in the process when I was down about being rejected by UCL...)

beicon - I have heard good things about Ian Fletcher, Rob Chambers and Rob Stevens - are you leaning towards international commercial law - or something more generally "international law"? I recently read Philippe Sands' book, Lawless World - it is fascinating (but frightening) reading.

best of luck to all of you (Judy - thanks for your kind email earlier in the process when I was down about being rejected by UCL...)

beicon - I have heard good things about Ian Fletcher, Rob Chambers and Rob Stevens - are you leaning towards international commercial law - or something more generally "international law"? I recently read Philippe Sands' book, Lawless World - it is fascinating (but frightening) reading.

Hi legalalien. Thanks! I didnt remember you being rejected by UCL. But youve been accepted to LSE so I guess in the end it all turned out ok, right? It's really weird how things go with applications Ive been accepted to UCL but rejected at LSE. You, on the other hand, have had the exact opposite. Go figure About the modules I plan to take up, Ill try to stay away from commercial law so I reckon Ill go for a more general international law, but Im not sure yet. I havent read Lawless World, but the names really caught my attention the title alone is very frightening!!! Best of luck at LSE.

Hi legalalien. Thanks! I didn’t remember you being rejected by UCL. But you’ve been accepted to LSE so I guess in the end it all turned out ok, right? It's really weird how things go with applications… I’ve been accepted to UCL but rejected at LSE. You, on the other hand, have had the exact opposite. Go figure… About the modules I plan to take up, I’ll try to stay away from commercial law… so I reckon I’ll go for a more general international law, but I’m not sure yet. I haven’t read Lawless World, but the name’s really caught my attention… the title alone is very frightening!!! Best of luck at LSE.

Hello all!
I'm a 26 (almost 27) years old brazilian lawyer and I have been offered a seat at UCL's LLM programme.
I am still raising funds to pay for my time in London. I might probably arrive at the UK late July, as I intend to take the 4 weeks preparatory course. I'm not sure about that. Do you guys think that it would be helpful?
beicon, I am also thinking on going for international law, with some concentration on arbitration and dispute resolution. I would like to know your thoughts on UCL's LLM programme.
Let's keep in touch u'all!

Hello all!
I'm a 26 (almost 27) years old brazilian lawyer and I have been offered a seat at UCL's LLM programme.
I am still raising funds to pay for my time in London. I might probably arrive at the UK late July, as I intend to take the 4 weeks preparatory course. I'm not sure about that. Do you guys think that it would be helpful?
beicon, I am also thinking on going for international law, with some concentration on arbitration and dispute resolution. I would like to know your thoughts on UCL's LLM programme.
Let's keep in touch u'all!

Hi Mikse. I'm not sure what 4-week preparatory course you're talking about. Is it the English course or some common law introduction course? I'll PM you in Portuguese so that we can talk specifically about Brazil.

Hi Mikse. I'm not sure what 4-week preparatory course you're talking about. Is it the English course or some common law introduction course? I'll PM you in Portuguese so that we can talk specifically about Brazil.

Aha - I have worked out the problem with my UCL application - I am not from Brazil :)

I have concluded that a lot depends on your personal statement - I was more interested in the courses at LSE and suspect that was obvious.

beicon/mikse - if you end up going the international arbitration route, let me know - I know a couple of people with a lot of experience in the London market who may be happy to give some insight.

here in the UK we are, of course, all glued to the Iraq Inquiry (aka the Chilcot Inquiry) - i.e. the investigation into the legality or otherwise of the war in Iraq. You can (and many of us are) watch it live online...

Aha - I have worked out the problem with my UCL application - I am not from Brazil :)

I have concluded that a lot depends on your personal statement - I was more interested in the courses at LSE and suspect that was obvious.

beicon/mikse - if you end up going the international arbitration route, let me know - I know a couple of people with a lot of experience in the London market who may be happy to give some insight.

here in the UK we are, of course, all glued to the Iraq Inquiry (aka the Chilcot Inquiry) - i.e. the investigation into the legality or otherwise of the war in Iraq. You can (and many of us are) watch it live online...

Totally agree with you legalalien. The problem is that you're not from Brazil... : ) Kidding. The personal statement is definitely the most important document I had written some badly-shaped personal statements for Nottingham and Edinburgh and I no wonder they kicked my arse. I then rewrote my personal statement before sending it to LSE, UCL and KCL. LSE still rejected me, but I got the offers from KCL and UCL and Im sure that if Id sent them the same personal statement Id sent to Nottingham and Edinburgh they wouldve rejected me also.

Totally agree with you legalalien. The problem is that you're not from Brazil... : ) Kidding. The personal statement is definitely the most important document… I had written some badly-shaped personal statements for Nottingham and Edinburgh and I no wonder they kicked my arse. I then rewrote my personal statement before sending it to LSE, UCL and KCL. LSE still rejected me, but I got the offers from KCL and UCL and I’m sure that if I’d sent them the same personal statement I’d sent to Nottingham and Edinburgh they would’ve rejected me also.


Anybody else off to UCL in September???

Anybody else off to UCL in September???

yes! i'm twenty two years of age, british-american, and graduated from qmul in '09. i'm hoping to specialise in corporate law!

yes! i'm twenty two years of age, british-american, and graduated from qmul in '09. i'm hoping to specialise in corporate law!

A lot of brazilians going to London in 2010!
Although I was accepted for the LSE programme, I hope to meet you all in London.

A lot of brazilians going to London in 2010!
Although I was accepted for the LSE programme, I hope to meet you all in London.

Brazilians are dominating every college in London... : )
Where exactly in Brazil are you?

Brazilians are dominating every college in London... : )
Where exactly in Brazil are you?

I am from Porto Alegre, graduated there at UFRGS, but has been living and working in Brasília for the last 6 years, and you?

I am from Porto Alegre, graduated there at UFRGS, but has been living and working in Brasília for the last 6 years, and you?

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