number of LLM students in London


How much LLM students are normally enrolled in LLM programs at London law schools like UCL, King's and LSE?
Would be interesting for an assessment in regard of the atmosphere at these law schools. I assume there are a lot of LLM students. What about the contact to UK law students then?
Thanks for any estimations and opinions!

How much LLM students are normally enrolled in LLM programs at London law schools like UCL, King's and LSE?
Would be interesting for an assessment in regard of the atmosphere at these law schools. I assume there are a lot of LLM students. What about the contact to UK law students then?
Thanks for any estimations and opinions!

You often find the information you are looking for on either a university's website or prospectus.

UCL has ~7000 postgrad students according to their website. That figure covers all qualifications. I'd suspect then that the LL.M programmes (and they offer a few) must have around 40-60 per programme, so perhaps there is around 400 to 600 LL.M students at UCL, which would make LL.M account for around 5% of all postgrads. That's just an estimate though.

You often find the information you are looking for on either a university's website or prospectus.

UCL has ~7000 postgrad students according to their website. That figure covers all qualifications. I'd suspect then that the LL.M programmes (and they offer a few) must have around 40-60 per programme, so perhaps there is around 400 to 600 LL.M students at UCL, which would make LL.M account for around 5% of all postgrads. That's just an estimate though.


There may even be more students enrolled in the University of London's intercollegiate LLM programme. I remember someone speaking of close to 900 LLM students, which seems logical to me: There are more than 150 subjects offered in the programme. Most students choose 3 subject (and an essay). Supposed that the average number of students in each class equals 20, there would be 1000 LLM students in the London LLM...

There may even be more students enrolled in the University of London's intercollegiate LLM programme. I remember someone speaking of close to 900 LLM students, which seems logical to me: There are more than 150 subjects offered in the programme. Most students choose 3 subject (and an essay). Supposed that the average number of students in each class equals 20, there would be 1000 LLM students in the London LLM...

There may even be more students enrolled in the University of London's intercollegiate LLM programme. I remember someone speaking of close to 900 LLM students, which seems logical to me: There are more than 150 subjects offered in the programme. Most students choose 3 subject (and an essay). Supposed that the average number of students in each class equals 20, there would be 1000 LLM students in the London LLM...

So what about the atmosphere then?Is it quite unpersonal? I know London LL.M. programs have a good reputation . But I'm a bit afraid that the study conditions are not the way I would appreciate. Any experiences?

Thank you for your answers!!

<blockquote>There may even be more students enrolled in the University of London's intercollegiate LLM programme. I remember someone speaking of close to 900 LLM students, which seems logical to me: There are more than 150 subjects offered in the programme. Most students choose 3 subject (and an essay). Supposed that the average number of students in each class equals 20, there would be 1000 LLM students in the London LLM...</blockquote>

So what about the atmosphere then?Is it quite unpersonal? I know London LL.M. programs have a good reputation . But I'm a bit afraid that the study conditions are not the way I would appreciate. Any experiences?

Thank you for your answers!!

I did my LLM in London in 1999. It was a great experience, and the condidtions were alright. The atmosphere was quite personal, despite the overall number of students enrolled the programme. Normally, there were about 15 to 30 students in each class. There were only few "big" classes with more than 30 students. One of them was the Competition Law class taught by Professor Whish, which was worth taking anyway.
By the way, according to the number of participants in the exams, there are "only" about 700 to 800 students enrolled in the London LLM in every year:
(I did not have the time to actually count the numbers...)

I did my LLM in London in 1999. It was a great experience, and the condidtions were alright. The atmosphere was quite personal, despite the overall number of students enrolled the programme. Normally, there were about 15 to 30 students in each class. There were only few "big" classes with more than 30 students. One of them was the Competition Law class taught by Professor Whish, which was worth taking anyway.
By the way, according to the number of participants in the exams, there are "only" about 700 to 800 students enrolled in the London LLM in every year:
(I did not have the time to actually count the numbers...)

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