LSE or UCL??? Reputation...


Hey everyone,
I am a lawyer with 2 years of experience and thinking about embarking on the challenging fields of the academia by completing an LLM.
I have already managed to secure a nice unconditional offer form UCL, but I am hesitant on taking it, as I would like to choose the best option in London from the perspective of REPUTATION. Therefore the thought came to my mind to defer and try LSE.
I would like to work in the field of arbitration and investment law.
I AM INTERESTED ABOUT anybody's views on which of the above institutions have a better reputation in Europe and the US among multinational law firms.

Hey everyone,
I am a lawyer with 2 years of experience and thinking about embarking on the challenging fields of the academia by completing an LLM.
I have already managed to secure a nice unconditional offer form UCL, but I am hesitant on taking it, as I would like to choose the best option in London from the perspective of REPUTATION. Therefore the thought came to my mind to defer and try LSE.
I would like to work in the field of arbitration and investment law.
I AM INTERESTED ABOUT anybody's views on which of the above institutions have a better reputation in Europe and the US among multinational law firms.

UCL is performing well in recent rankings, but I believe that LSE is still the bigger name. I have perceived that the LSE is very well known abroad, whereas UCL seems to be almost unheard of even among multinational law firms despite its good performance. I would also consider King's College as a third option. From my point of view, when it comes to reputation, LSE is followed by King's and UCL. However, the three universities lie in a quite small margin and all belong to the University of London.

UCL is performing well in recent rankings, but I believe that LSE is still the bigger name. I have perceived that the LSE is very well known abroad, whereas UCL seems to be almost unheard of even among multinational law firms despite its good performance. I would also consider King's College as a third option. From my point of view, when it comes to reputation, LSE is followed by King's and UCL. However, the three universities lie in a quite small margin and all belong to the University of London.

Within the UK, UCL has the best reputation out of the big London 3.

Outside of the UK it is probably LSE, especially in Asia and the States.

Whether this is deserved or not i leave to the judgement of others....

Within the UK, UCL has the best reputation out of the big London 3.

Outside of the UK it is probably LSE, especially in Asia and the States.

Whether this is deserved or not i leave to the judgement of others....

in italy, among the best international firms, both LSE and UCL have strong reputation.

in italy, among the best international firms, both LSE and UCL have strong reputation.

Ciao Marco hai deciso anche tu di provare un LLM il prossimo settembre?? Valerio

Ciao Marco hai deciso anche tu di provare un LLM il prossimo settembre?? Valerio

ciao...non ho ancora deciso! aspetto news dalle univ. (per ora mi han preso solo a manchester), aspetto da UCL. king's, queen mary e trinity......poi valuterò. il mio stage finisce a luglio, e ora sto facendo alcuni colloqui qui a milano per alcuni studi legali, per vedere se riesco a trovare un posto interessante....altrimenti, se mi prenderanno, partirò. Un mio prof, che mi ha scritto la reference letter, che lavora da Lovells mi ha fortemente motivato a partire, dicendomi che se si fa un LL.M. in una scuola prestigiosa poi le opportunità di lavoro una volta tornato in italia sarebbero tante, almeno quando sei giovane (io ho 24 anni).
e tu? hai avute notizie dalle univ? hai già deciso cosa fare? Ciao!!

ciao...non ho ancora deciso! aspetto news dalle univ. (per ora mi han preso solo a manchester), aspetto da UCL. king's, queen mary e trinity......poi valuterò. il mio stage finisce a luglio, e ora sto facendo alcuni colloqui qui a milano per alcuni studi legali, per vedere se riesco a trovare un posto interessante....altrimenti, se mi prenderanno, partirò. Un mio prof, che mi ha scritto la reference letter, che lavora da Lovells mi ha fortemente motivato a partire, dicendomi che se si fa un LL.M. in una scuola prestigiosa poi le opportunità di lavoro una volta tornato in italia sarebbero tante, almeno quando sei giovane (io ho 24 anni).
e tu? hai avute notizie dalle univ? hai già deciso cosa fare? Ciao!!

Hi Duke,
If it is the general LLM in LSE that you are interested in I think that they are no longer accepting applications. I've heard that they actually stopped taking applications in early feb. They have a much smaller intake than the other london universities, however for their part time LLM I think the closing date is not until mid summer. I am not 100% certain of any of the above though so do check it out yourself.
On the issue of who has the better reputation, there really is little difference between them. The simple truth is that the rep of the big 3 in london doesn't really compare to that of oxbridge, so it would be more beneficial to you to concentrate on your subject choice and your marks. That's what employers seem to focus on!

Hi Duke,
If it is the general LLM in LSE that you are interested in I think that they are no longer accepting applications. I've heard that they actually stopped taking applications in early feb. They have a much smaller intake than the other london universities, however for their part time LLM I think the closing date is not until mid summer. I am not 100% certain of any of the above though so do check it out yourself.
On the issue of who has the better reputation, there really is little difference between them. The simple truth is that the rep of the big 3 in london doesn't really compare to that of oxbridge, so it would be more beneficial to you to concentrate on your subject choice and your marks. That's what employers seem to focus on!

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