LL.M in UK - Is it worth it?


What are the chances of landing a great job in one of the leading international law firms in London after obtaining a LL.M from,say, LSE, Oxbridge or King's College?

Is it really mandatory for a guy who already has a 5-year law degree (University of Helsinki, equivalent to a LL.M)
Should I just aim for a LLB if I want to pursue a career in London?

I have a feeling that it's all the same in the U.S. You should really have a J.D if you're interested in top law firms. LL.M is just waste of money and everybody's time, looks good on your CV though.

Any thoughts from people who are from continental europe and are thinking about having a career in the UK? Anyone already landed a job without a LL.M degree?

What are the chances of landing a great job in one of the leading international law firms in London after obtaining a LL.M from,say, LSE, Oxbridge or King's College?

Is it really mandatory for a guy who already has a 5-year law degree (University of Helsinki, equivalent to a LL.M)
Should I just aim for a LLB if I want to pursue a career in London?

I have a feeling that it's all the same in the U.S. You should really have a J.D if you're interested in top law firms. LL.M is just waste of money and everybody's time, looks good on your CV though.

Any thoughts from people who are from continental europe and are thinking about having a career in the UK? Anyone already landed a job without a LL.M degree?

I am an indian law student. I need your help in deciding whether i should sign my training contract for two years to appear for my London Solicitor exam. I need to know as to how would this qualification help me in getting admission in a good LLM university .Further, being an Indian, how would it enhance my carreer prospects in a good nternational law firm.
Also, for securing admission for LLM in the US would this Sol. qualification help me?
Awaiting for ur reply...

I am an indian law student. I need your help in deciding whether i should sign my training contract for two years to appear for my London Solicitor exam. I need to know as to how would this qualification help me in getting admission in a good LLM university .Further, being an Indian, how would it enhance my carreer prospects in a good nternational law firm.
Also, for securing admission for LLM in the US would this Sol. qualification help me?
Awaiting for ur reply...

I think an LLM is important if your seeking academic law credentials or plan on working in a European arena such as the U.N etc. However, if your sole aim is to practice law then my suggestion would be to concentrate on the LLB as it really is the foundation to land you that job. But you're right it does look good on the CV and the more academic credentials you acquire the better your chances of landing your dream job. On the otherhand, its more time and money so you just have to evaluate whats best for you. Personally, I have a LLB and thinking of doing my LLM, but then again I dont have a 5 year law degree. Hope that helps!!!

I think an LLM is important if your seeking academic law credentials or plan on working in a European arena such as the U.N etc. However, if your sole aim is to practice law then my suggestion would be to concentrate on the LLB as it really is the foundation to land you that job. But you're right it does look good on the CV and the more academic credentials you acquire the better your chances of landing your dream job. On the otherhand, its more time and money so you just have to evaluate whats best for you. Personally, I have a LLB and thinking of doing my LLM, but then again I dont have a 5 year law degree. Hope that helps!!!

Thanks for the info.Do you think a UK sol. qualf. will take me a long way for admission to llm alnog with some kind of a scholarship?

Thanks for the info.Do you think a UK sol. qualf. will take me a long way for admission to llm alnog with some kind of a scholarship?

Yes, i feel LLM in UK is worth it because there is a need for a global approach to studing due to the benefits of the multicultural and international comnmunity. I also believe that as a result of the quality of courses that you'll undergo coupled with the encouraing teaching innovations, will expand and develop your knowledge in the field of law.
Further more, during and after the programme you'll acquire a critcal understanding of relevant legal principles through adequate expertise from lecturers and develop your ability to to analyse, interprete and apply a wide range of legal, socio-legal and contextual materials in the solution to complex legal matters.
Finally, i believe thart it is worthwhile investing your time, resources and energy in this life time opportunity.

Yes, i feel LLM in UK is worth it because there is a need for a global approach to studing due to the benefits of the multicultural and international comnmunity. I also believe that as a result of the quality of courses that you'll undergo coupled with the encouraing teaching innovations, will expand and develop your knowledge in the field of law.
Further more, during and after the programme you'll acquire a critcal understanding of relevant legal principles through adequate expertise from lecturers and develop your ability to to analyse, interprete and apply a wide range of legal, socio-legal and contextual materials in the solution to complex legal matters.
Finally, i believe thart it is worthwhile investing your time, resources and energy in this life time opportunity.

Hi everyone,

I'm an italian lawyer, and i'm going to manchester in september for my LLM in international business law. I believe for those like me who graduated in italy or have a continental background though, it's essential to get a postgraduate education in britain or usa, if you want to have a career as an international lawyer. I think it's really a valuable experience either for the skills you get and of course for the academic records you add t your cv.


Hi everyone,

I'm an italian lawyer, and i'm going to manchester in september for my LLM in international business law. I believe for those like me who graduated in italy or have a continental background though, it's essential to get a postgraduate education in britain or usa, if you want to have a career as an international lawyer. I think it's really a valuable experience either for the skills you get and of course for the academic records you add t your cv.


A point made above, but certainly worth highlighting is that the LL.M is not, in every country as far as I am aware, NOT a requirement to practice law.

If you want to practice in the states, and already have entitlement to practice in another country, then an LL.M from the US may help you when you come to apply to the US bar. A JD will be a sure-fire route, but would seem like the long way round if you have completed undergrad legal studies elsewhere.

In terms of stepping up, and landing your dream job, an LL.M will take you closer, but maybe get some years of practice behind you first before you choose your LL.M. At least then you'll have a stronger idea about what your dream job is.

A point made above, but certainly worth highlighting is that the LL.M is not, in every country as far as I am aware, NOT a requirement to practice law.

If you want to practice in the states, and already have entitlement to practice in another country, then an LL.M from the US <i>may</i> help you when you come to apply to the US bar. A JD will be a sure-fire route, but would seem like the long way round if you have completed undergrad legal studies elsewhere.

In terms of stepping up, and landing your dream job, an LL.M will take you closer, but maybe get some years of practice behind you first before you choose your LL.M. At least then you'll have a stronger idea about what your dream job is.

iti suman

i am an indian i just wanted to know that is it necessary to appear for U.K. sol.qualif for admissions for llm programmes in U.K. along with scholarships.I am really a novice so folks do help me
thanx in anticipation

i am an indian i just wanted to know that is it necessary to appear for U.K. sol.qualif for admissions for llm programmes in U.K. along with scholarships.I am really a novice so folks do help me
thanx in anticipation

I have a JD from the US and am thinking about getting an LLM in the UK. Does anyone think that this would be a worthwhile degree to pursue? I would utimately want to work in international intellectual property law and thought a degree from the UK would be helpful but would appreciate any input. thanks in advance!

I have a JD from the US and am thinking about getting an LLM in the UK. Does anyone think that this would be a worthwhile degree to pursue? I would utimately want to work in international intellectual property law and thought a degree from the UK would be helpful but would appreciate any input. thanks in advance!

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