Application Status and Offers - Oxbridge, LSE, UCL, KCL, & QMUL


Well, can we keep track here of what's the latest status of applicants in this college. I have just finished applications and though I know it will take long before I know what happens, this may be good way to keep the curiosities under check!

Well, can we keep track here of what's the latest status of applicants in this college. I have just finished applications and though I know it will take long before I know what happens, this may be good way to keep the curiosities under check!

QMUL has not yet acknowledged in any way receipt of complete online application despite 3 day gap.

KCL acknowledged receipt of application but no updates. Online portal down.

Cambridge acknowledged receipt of paper application after 3 days of receiving it. But the self service account details are awaited.

QMUL has not yet acknowledged in any way receipt of complete online application despite 3 day gap.

KCL acknowledged receipt of application but no updates. Online portal down.

Cambridge acknowledged receipt of paper application after 3 days of receiving it. But the self service account details are awaited.

Oxford - received an email saying that I should wait till March 2010 to hear anything from them.

Cambridge - papers with degree commitee.

KCL and UCL - Unconditional Offer received yesterday.

QM - Unconditional Offer received two days ago.

LSE - kicked in the ass yesterday.

Oxford - received an email saying that I should wait till March 2010 to hear anything from them.

Cambridge - papers with degree commitee.

KCL and UCL - Unconditional Offer received yesterday.

QM - Unconditional Offer received two days ago.

LSE - kicked in the ass yesterday.

Thanks for your reply. Could you also mention around what time you completed the applications for each one of these?

Thanks for your reply. Could you also mention around what time you completed the applications for each one of these?

I completed my applications during the first two weeks of October...

I completed my applications during the first two weeks of October...


My curiosity has led me to ask you a question if you don't mind. What did you get for your degree (as an equivalent to a UK LLB)? Was it equivalent to a First, 2:1, 2:2...?

The reason I ask is because I presume you achieved equivalent to a First if you're applying to Oxbridge (or at least very close to it) and if this is the case, then I'm surprised LSE rejected you. Also, I was considering an application to Oxford, but with only a 2:1, I was told I had practically no chance. So I was wondering if you had an equivalent to a First, or whether you were just having a long shot with a 2:1.


My curiosity has led me to ask you a question if you don't mind. What did you get for your degree (as an equivalent to a UK LLB)? Was it equivalent to a First, 2:1, 2:2...?

The reason I ask is because I presume you achieved equivalent to a First if you're applying to Oxbridge (or at least very close to it) and if this is the case, then I'm surprised LSE rejected you. Also, I was considering an application to Oxford, but with only a 2:1, I was told I had practically no chance. So I was wondering if you had an equivalent to a First, or whether you were just having a long shot with a 2:1.

I have received my confirmation letter from QMUL. It is unconditional. I had given it in when i met their representative in November.

I have received my confirmation letter from QMUL. It is unconditional. I had given it in when i met their representative in November.

Hi George. My grades at undergraduate level are more likely to fall into a 2.1 rather than a first class. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to apply. And I've seen people with 2.1s get into LSE. Of course they pay attention and care a great deal about your grades when you apply, but that's not everything and you've got just to make sure you write a great personal statement and have good reference up your sleeve. LSE has kicked my ass indeed, but so have Nottingham and Edinburgh... however I still managed to be accepted by UCL, KCL, QM and Aberdeen. Go figure... One would think that a bloke rejected by Nottingham and Edinburgh would also be rejected by any University of London college, right? But, in the end, I wasn't rejected at all (except for LSE). Long story short, apply to Oxbridge in spite of having a 2.1... you never know!

Hi George. My grades at undergraduate level are more likely to fall into a 2.1 rather than a first class. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to apply. And I've seen people with 2.1s get into LSE. Of course they pay attention and care a great deal about your grades when you apply, but that's not everything and you've got just to make sure you write a great personal statement and have good reference up your sleeve. LSE has kicked my ass indeed, but so have Nottingham and Edinburgh... however I still managed to be accepted by UCL, KCL, QM and Aberdeen. Go figure... One would think that a bloke rejected by Nottingham and Edinburgh would also be rejected by any University of London college, right? But, in the end, I wasn't rejected at all (except for LSE). Long story short, apply to Oxbridge in spite of having a 2.1... you never know!

And just adding a little extra comment, my fiancee has got a first class and so far she hasn't heard anything from KCL, even though we applied on the very same day and allegedly KCL offers places to those who have better applications first and then leave other applicants in a pool. So, if you follow that rationale, my application is better than my fiancee's, regardless of my 2.1 and her first class...

And just adding a little extra comment, my fiancee has got a first class and so far she hasn't heard anything from KCL, even though we applied on the very same day and allegedly KCL offers places to those who have better applications first and then leave other applicants in a pool. So, if you follow that rationale, my application is better than my fiancee's, regardless of my 2.1 and her first class...

The only further development with my applications is that last night I got that elusive 4th mail from LSE. I had submitted my online application on 27.11. They are yet to acknowledge receipt of my references and transcript which was delivered on 03.12. By their estimate of 10 days, it's not happening before 21st. I guess, I should not expect anything from LSE till end of Jan.
I am yet to receive the tracking password and username from Cambridge, for which I received complete application received acknowledgment by email on 30th Nov. Do they send this by regular mail?
I agree with beicon that one must apply as you can never be sure.
I have consistent first class in Mumbai University where first class is the highest officially declared result. No rankings are declared, or distinctions. But I have no idea how this translates to the UK grade system. I am therefore taking my chances and applying every which way.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.
And yes, congratulations verghesematthews on QMUL. Are you taking it? How much time have they given you to accept the offer?

The only further development with my applications is that last night I got that elusive 4th mail from LSE. I had submitted my online application on 27.11. They are yet to acknowledge receipt of my references and transcript which was delivered on 03.12. By their estimate of 10 days, it's not happening before 21st. I guess, I should not expect anything from LSE till end of Jan.
I am yet to receive the tracking password and username from Cambridge, for which I received complete application received acknowledgment by email on 30th Nov. Do they send this by regular mail?
I agree with beicon that one must apply as you can never be sure.
I have consistent first class in Mumbai University where first class is the highest officially declared result. No rankings are declared, or distinctions. But I have no idea how this translates to the UK grade system. I am therefore taking my chances and applying every which way.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.
And yes, congratulations verghesematthews on QMUL. Are you taking it? How much time have they given you to accept the offer?

I may take it as it has the best course running for IPR. which is the filed i am currently working in..lets c..mind is a bit divided..but may most probably take the offer.

I may take it as it has the best course running for IPR. which is the filed i am currently working in..lets c..mind is a bit divided..but may most probably take the offer.

Hi everybody,
This is my first time here and I have to admit that I've applied in the last minute to Cambridge and LSE, with no expectations at all. I studied in a very good University in Brazil and have been working in a high position at the Brazilian government in the last five years. By LSE guide, I have the equivalent of a First, but I am not sure. I got 8.6 from 10 in our grading system, but was only the 31º in 53º students (I was in a very good class).
Do you think I have a chance, considering my position in the ranking class? I am counting with my job experience in international law, but I am not sure if this really counts...

Hi everybody,
This is my first time here and I have to admit that I've applied in the last minute to Cambridge and LSE, with no expectations at all. I studied in a very good University in Brazil and have been working in a high position at the Brazilian government in the last five years. By LSE guide, I have the equivalent of a First, but I am not sure. I got 8.6 from 10 in our grading system, but was only the 31º in 53º students (I was in a very good class).
Do you think I have a chance, considering my position in the ranking class? I am counting with my job experience in international law, but I am not sure if this really counts...

Hi All

This seemed like the most appropriate thread to seek some advice. I would be very, very grateful for any educated views...

In brief, I applied for the Cambridge LLM in November. For a variety of reasons, I only applied to Cambridge (status is 'papers with degree committee').

Although I'm not entirely sure how a 'first' translates to the grades I received in my Juris Doctor degree here in Australia, I believe I am just shy of the requirements, receiving a "2A" (average 77% - an 80%+ average was required for a first at my university, which only one student achieved in my JD class of approximately 75 students).

I'm sure plenty of you will say 'no first, no cambridge', but I thought I had nothing to lose by applying. In my JD, I placed first in three subjects, made Dean's/Vice Chancellor's List, had strong extra curricular activities, etc. I have an undergraduate degree (BA), a successful 10 year career before law ( I am now 32), am currently a first year solicitor at a top tier firm, and have been offered a position as an Associate to a Supreme Court Judge in late 2011.

My issue is this. I know I'll be lucky to get Cambridge and am regretting not having a 'Plan B'. Having studied at two different universities in Australia, I really want to study my LLM in the UK. LSE, UCL and KCL seem the logical options. I've really only started trawling their websites today.

Now for the part I'm keen for advice on... I'm a litigator and my interests lie predominantly in commercial law and litigation/international arbitration. I would also be open to taking one subject in say, criminal law (i.e white collar crime/corporate governance liability type issues) to balance out my LLM. The subject options at KCL seem too narrow, academic, and very international/EU law-focussed. My gut feeling at this early stage is that UCL would be a good fit for me, but I note their applications opened in mid October 2009.

So, finally the question: does anyone know if I'm way too late to get an application in? I have everything together, so could probably belt it out in a day or two. Yes, I have emailed UCL but also wanted some thoughts from this forum.

Any thoughts, comments, etc would be gratefully appreciated.



Hi All

This seemed like the most appropriate thread to seek some advice. I would be very, very grateful for any educated views...

In brief, I applied for the Cambridge LLM in November. For a variety of reasons, I only applied to Cambridge (status is 'papers with degree committee').

Although I'm not entirely sure how a 'first' translates to the grades I received in my Juris Doctor degree here in Australia, I believe I am just shy of the requirements, receiving a "2A" (average 77% - an 80%+ average was required for a first at my university, which only one student achieved in my JD class of approximately 75 students).

I'm sure plenty of you will say 'no first, no cambridge', but I thought I had nothing to lose by applying. In my JD, I placed first in three subjects, made Dean's/Vice Chancellor's List, had strong extra curricular activities, etc. I have an undergraduate degree (BA), a successful 10 year career before law ( I am now 32), am currently a first year solicitor at a top tier firm, and have been offered a position as an Associate to a Supreme Court Judge in late 2011.

My issue is this. I know I'll be lucky to get Cambridge and am regretting not having a 'Plan B'. Having studied at two different universities in Australia, I really want to study my LLM in the UK. LSE, UCL and KCL seem the logical options. I've really only started trawling their websites today.

Now for the part I'm keen for advice on... I'm a litigator and my interests lie predominantly in commercial law and litigation/international arbitration. I would also be open to taking one subject in say, criminal law (i.e white collar crime/corporate governance liability type issues) to balance out my LLM. The subject options at KCL seem too narrow, academic, and very international/EU law-focussed. My gut feeling at this early stage is that UCL would be a good fit for me, but I note their applications opened in mid October 2009.

So, finally the question: does anyone know if I'm way too late to get an application in? I have everything together, so could probably belt it out in a day or two. Yes, I have emailed UCL but also wanted some thoughts from this forum.

Any thoughts, comments, etc would be gratefully appreciated.



Melbsolicitor, I have a very similar background to you although I am a Sydney solicitor. With respect to my applications, I also applied to Cambridge and I am still waiting on a response.

Having said that, UCL is my alternative choice because of its strong reputation, course options and the outstanding faculty (e.g. Penner in Restitution, Twining and Jowell in Public Law, Zuckerman in Procedure etc etc.)

My view was that the LSE provided insufficient options for persons who wanted to pursue a litigation career i.e. no procedure or evidence courses and no conflict of laws course. I came to the same conclusions as you with respect to KCL.

I wouldn't be too concerned regarding a late-ish application to UCL. First, your credentials seem sufficiently strong that an offer would be a very strong possibility. Second, I imagine people will reject their UCL places as Oxbridge/American universities make their offers. Third, I know from friends and associates that UCL makes offers right up until June/July.

Good luck. This waiting process is making me quite crazy.

Melbsolicitor, I have a very similar background to you although I am a Sydney solicitor. With respect to my applications, I also applied to Cambridge and I am still waiting on a response.

Having said that, UCL is my alternative choice because of its strong reputation, course options and the outstanding faculty (e.g. Penner in Restitution, Twining and Jowell in Public Law, Zuckerman in Procedure etc etc.)

My view was that the LSE provided insufficient options for persons who wanted to pursue a litigation career i.e. no procedure or evidence courses and no conflict of laws course. I came to the same conclusions as you with respect to KCL.

I wouldn't be too concerned regarding a late-ish application to UCL. First, your credentials seem sufficiently strong that an offer would be a very strong possibility. Second, I imagine people will reject their UCL places as Oxbridge/American universities make their offers. Third, I know from friends and associates that UCL makes offers right up until June/July.

Good luck. This waiting process is making me quite crazy.


Well, I think this is the reason why you must apply whether you will ultimately be interested in going or not. LSE, UCL, KCL, and QMUL are not applications which have any deadline. I would therefore suggest that without giving too much thought to whether you will want to go or not, just make an application. KCL and QMUL are full online application and if you have scan copies of your documents, you can finish them right away. UCL is online only if your recommendations are being sent by email. Otherwise its a full paper application.

Deadline for Oxford is 22nd January and if you can manage a 2000 word writing sample, go for it; again without thinking of results. If you are interested in arbitrations, apply to MIDS Geneva.

I would suggest you should make an application asap in all colleges which have not closed receiving application without thought to whether its too late or not.

Best of Luck!

Well, I think this is the reason why you must apply whether you will ultimately be interested in going or not. LSE, UCL, KCL, and QMUL are not applications which have any deadline. I would therefore suggest that without giving too much thought to whether you will want to go or not, just make an application. KCL and QMUL are full online application and if you have scan copies of your documents, you can finish them right away. UCL is online only if your recommendations are being sent by email. Otherwise its a full paper application.

Deadline for Oxford is 22nd January and if you can manage a 2000 word writing sample, go for it; again without thinking of results. If you are interested in arbitrations, apply to MIDS Geneva.

I would suggest you should make an application asap in all colleges which have not closed receiving application without thought to whether its too late or not.

Best of Luck!

No conflict of law courses? Are you joking? Open your eyes and look at International Business Transactions I & II.


No conflict of law courses? Are you joking? Open your eyes and look at International Business Transactions I & II.


You're quite right. I missed it when I reviewed last but it still lacks a few things that I want.

You're quite right. I missed it when I reviewed last but it still lacks a few things that I want.


You're right, too. The International Business Transaction courses are quite EU-law oriented, like most of the other courses offered at KCL and LSE, as you already mentioned.

You're right, too. The International Business Transaction courses are quite EU-law oriented, like most of the other courses offered at KCL and LSE, as you already mentioned.

Zej, Bookcrazy and Maguir,

Thanks so much for your replies.

I definitely think the UCL subject offerings are better for an aspiring Australian litigator. Nothing I've read anywhere about reputation, etc (usually a circular argument on this website!) would convince me there much difference in Australian perceptions of LSE, UCL, KCL and QMUL.

Re Oxford it's true, I guess if was applying to Cambridge, I could have thrown my hat in there too. However, having been there some years ago, and doing quite extensive research, I know it's just not the right fit for me.

Good to know the UCL ship probably hasn't sailed yet, so I'm going to do my application this weekend. Thankfully I'm quite well prepared after spending ages on my Cambridge application!

P.s. Zej, let me know how you get on!

Zej, Bookcrazy and Maguir,

Thanks so much for your replies.

I definitely think the UCL subject offerings are better for an aspiring Australian litigator. Nothing I've read anywhere about reputation, etc (usually a circular argument on this website!) would convince me there much difference in Australian perceptions of LSE, UCL, KCL and QMUL.

Re Oxford it's true, I guess if was applying to Cambridge, I could have thrown my hat in there too. However, having been there some years ago, and doing quite extensive research, I know it's just not the right fit for me.

Good to know the UCL ship probably hasn't sailed yet, so I'm going to do my application this weekend. Thankfully I'm quite well prepared after spending ages on my Cambridge application!

P.s. Zej, let me know how you get on!


Fyi, I just applied to UCL & Nottingham two days ago after I got that feeling that I didnt make it to cambridge.. How's your progress?

Fyi, I just applied to UCL & Nottingham two days ago after I got that feeling that I didnt make it to cambridge.. How's your progress?

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