Just accepted my offer from UCL after receiving my exam results. Happiest day of my life - have always wanted to go to UCL Laws.

Just if anybody was thinking that this whole process of applications and scholarships is impossible - its not. About six years ago I was hit by a really bad illness and feel lucky to be here really. Had to teach myself my A Levels after recovering - but I live with ME which is always going to be rough.

Anyway my academics are by no means great but this September I'm going to be doing something I've always wanted to do.

So everybody out there apply to the school you want to go to no matter what... you never know what the admissions tutor will see which he or she thinks will add something to their student body!

Remember Winston Churchill once said: "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

Good luck to you all! :-)