2015/2016 Law

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Hello, everyone. May i have some advice for my planning from lady and gentlemen.

Graduate from 2 tier university in Hong Kong with 2:1 award in property-related degree and going to study in UK next year.

Is LLM useful and helpful to secure a job in UK?

Thank you.!

Hello, everyone. May i have some advice for my planning from lady and gentlemen.

Graduate from 2 tier university in Hong Kong with 2:1 award in property-related degree and going to study in UK next year.

Is LLM useful and helpful to secure a job in UK?

Thank you.!

Hello echeung, Embarking on a legal career in the UK can be a lengthy and complicated process with an undergraduate law degree as base. Sure an LLM will add value to your curriculum but it will not necessarily be an entry ticket to land a job in the UK.
To become a solicitor, it is necessary to take the Legal Practice Course (LPC), which is a one year full-time or two years part-time course preparing students for a career in a law firm. Following the LPC, student obtain a training contract. Two years they spent in a solicitors firm. This is perhaps the largest hurdle to overcome. The application process is long and competitive. An average trainee in London is paid £25,000 per annum. Considering the changes in immigration law and student visas in the UK it may become difficult for you to stay.

Hello echeung, Embarking on a legal career in the UK can be a lengthy and complicated process with an undergraduate law degree as base. Sure an LLM will add value to your curriculum but it will not necessarily be an entry ticket to land a job in the UK.
To become a solicitor, it is necessary to take the Legal Practice Course (LPC), which is a one year full-time or two years part-time course preparing students for a career in a law firm. Following the LPC, student obtain a training contract. Two years they spent in a solicitors’ firm. This is perhaps the largest hurdle to overcome. The application process is long and competitive. An average trainee in London is paid £25,000 per annum. Considering the changes in immigration law and student visas in the UK it may become difficult for you to stay.
Inactive User

Thank you.

Any recommendation of legal programme ?

Thank you.

Any recommendation of legal programme ?

Hello acheung

Thank you. Any recommendation of legal programme ?

Here you can Find an LLM program

Hello acheung
<blockquote>Thank you. Any recommendation of legal programme ?</blockquote>

Here you can <a href=" http://www.llm-guide.com/search" target="_blank">Find an LLM program</a>

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