Dear all,

the German career network offers an online-scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for doctoral students and law trainees.

The online-scholarship
The online-scholarship offers no financial aid. Instead, scholarship holders benefit form services for their studies, careers, and network, i.e. free access to the German law databases JURIS, BECK-ONLINE, and LEGIOS, free newspapers (DIE ZEIT, Wirtschaftswoche, Handelsblatt, Junge Karriere etc.), and mentors of partner companies like Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hengeler Mueller, and Clifford Chance, 14 EUR per month support on certain internet- and mobile-packages, and much more.

The network
Currently, there are 14,000 scholarship holders in the network, 3,300 out of these have am academic background in laws. Most of them are organized in the community, the social network for e-fellows scholarship holders and alumni. You can post questions there, of which 80% are replied to in between 6 hours.

Criteria for the scholarship
You need a minimum of 9 points as average grade in your law studies or in the first state exam to have good chances to become accepted. In addition, the communication is totally in German, so you need to understand German to get through the application process and the communication after getting the scholarship.

More information is available at (English) or at (German).

Best wishes