Average Salary $$$

What is the average salary for an international student after an LLM in US and UK?

What is the average salary for an international student after an LLM in US and UK?

I think that in the US the average salary is around 11,000 US$ per month.

I think that in the US the average salary is around 11,000 US$ per month.

Ask UnderemployedLawyer (http://www.llm-guide.com/about/UnderemployedLawyer). He will give you the full picture.

Ask UnderemployedLawyer (http://www.llm-guide.com/about/UnderemployedLawyer). He will give you the full picture.

11,000 per month is the average of all law firms or top law firms?

11,000 per month is the average of all law firms or top law firms?

Yes of course. In fact, what I tell you is total average including not only monthly salaries but also annual bonus, etc.

Yes of course. In fact, what I tell you is total average including not only monthly salaries but also annual bonus, etc.

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