LLM in Chinese Law OU Hong Kong

anyone can comment the LLM in Chinese Law from the Open Univ. of Hong Kong ?

anyone can comment the LLM in Chinese Law from the Open Univ. of Hong Kong ?

I could not find the program on the OU HK website, could you provide the exact link of the LLM program?

I could not find the program on the OU HK website, could you provide the exact link of the LLM program?

The link is pretty long...

The link is pretty long...

Sorry to long.

so go here:

the main page, then Academic Info ¦ DL [ Programmes, ...

Sorry to long.

so go here:

the main page, then Academic Info ¦ DL [ Programmes, ...

I didn't find this programm too...
Juliette.. it is nice to see u are still a live.. u disapperead ehehe
Did u get any news from HKU and CHKU ??? i sent my application to these 2 universities and also to the Tsinghua University of Bejing.. i still didn't get any answer.. but i guess it is still too early..
Did u choose what to do??

I didn't find this programm too...
Juliette.. it is nice to see u are still a live.. u disapperead ehehe
Did u get any news from HKU and CHKU ??? i sent my application to these 2 universities and also to the Tsinghua University of Bejing.. i still didn't get any answer.. but i guess it is still too early..
Did u choose what to do??

Hi kikko, sorry for the long pause.. The reason was that I started to have a lo of doubts about the China issue and eventually decided that I will do a 'normal' LLM Program somewhere else. I will still go to China probably in summer to study some Chinese though, as this seems to be what people in this forum also give as an advice.

Hi kikko, sorry for the long pause.. The reason was that I started to have a lo of doubts about the China issue and eventually decided that I will do a 'normal' LLM Program somewhere else. I will still go to China probably in summer to study some Chinese though, as this seems to be what people in this forum also give as an advice.

Oh, reagrding the program: It is listed in the LLM GUIDE china section now with the correct link, but its only a Distance learning Program

Oh, reagrding the program: It is listed in the LLM GUIDE china section now with the correct link, but its only a Distance learning Program

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong (PRC) 8 Followers 4 Discussions