NY Bar Examination - July 2009

LLB graduate, passed the NY Bar - now what opportunities await him or her in NYC?

By crm042 on Jan 18, 2009

Ever noticed how difficult it is to get a paralegal job in New York? Most firms require at least 2 years or so experience. What are the realistic chances for an LLB graduate who has passed the NY Bar Examination to get a job as a paralegal, let alone a job as an Attorney?

Lets face it, the JD ought to be considered parallel with an LLB from the UK (or any other jurisdiction - not to be taken literally), but in reality is that really the case? No! Notwithstanding the differences in the legal systems, anyone who passes the NY Bar, evidently has  demonstrated an understanding of the US legal system and whilst a JD graduate, naturally, would be expected to be more orientated, he or she would have been tested by the same NY Board of Examiners as an LLB graduate from another jurisdiction.

It irritates me that an LLB graduate is seen less qualified than his JD counterpart - this may not be reflected in literature, but in the real world, many would argue that an LLB graduate is at a huge disadvantage, even in circumstances where he or she takes an LLM in American legal studies to become more familiar with the said system.

So, you have a dream of working in the Big Apple, you have no experience but you are a qualified Attorney by virtue of passing the NY Bar.... you cant get a paralegal job to ascertain the required experience because you are lacking the experience....what do you do?  Contacts are non existent.....what do you do?

I propose this idea, let all students and Attorneys on this site who are in the same predicament establish contact, form a company (easier than it seems) and show the New York firms that we are far capable....Lol

Seriously, in today's world, the issues mentioned herein are cause for concern for the aspirant and ambitious lawyer who wants to experience life in New York.

I look forward to any comments, criticism, proposals or recommendations.

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